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Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine, Wisconsin is their model for the new world order, and is one of the worst areas of human trafficking along I-94 from Chicago to Milwaukee (Racine is also tied to the Underground Railroad up to Canada). They created several fake organizations pretending to stop exploitation and trafficking. The area is known for corruption and abuse at all levels including through schools, day cares, youth detention programs, foster programs, and other community groups.

The organizations were called The Fight to End Exploitation, I-94 Project, Racine County Coalition Against Human Trafficking, and the Racine Social Justice League. They were connected to known abusers and corrupt groups in the area, with ties to Tom DeLonge, Penn State University, Caron Butler (see Young & the Guest lists), Ashton Kutcher, Kristin Bauer van Straten, Johnsons (see Curt Johnson), John McCain, Arizona State University, Racine Dominicans (see Timothy Dolan cover up), and many more.

We exposed their connections to corruption and abuse, and they have essentially folded up these groups and campaigns. There is a constant cover up and rotation of names and groups. The system of corruption and abuse remains.

The chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine).

ESOTERICshade ago

You're slowly making better posts WIC. They are more detailed and you are showing the connections better. They are less repetitive and preachy. This is a complicated matrix. Maybe if the momentum continues and some of these people involved get outed the connections will start to fall in place. Some of the characters in this list are already well known suspects such as MCcain, Ashton Kutcher, Arizona University is already on the sketch list. Amazingly enough the Johnson (johnson wax) family has been able to fly under the radar almost invisible.

think- ago

That's what I thought, too. I upvoated two of his/their comments today and yesterday (never did this before).

WIC, it was interesting to hear about the faux anti-human trafficking organizations. Can you elaborate on how you helped bringing these down? Would be interesting to hear the details.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

These fake organizations were exposed partially through their own infighting and miscommunication spurred by comments made online, in social media, and on their own local newspaper. They tried censoring and deflecting, but could not hide the Truth quickly enough.

Ashton is one of the people who really pulled the plug after his PR team got wind of some of the comments and connections being exposed. It became too hot with so many other simultaneous scandals in Racine they are trying to cover up. They just spent a record amount to get their next corrupt guy in as mayor to keep the facade and criminal cover up going, and many, many officials and community leaders are involved and should be in prison, however they are being protected by the corrupt systems in Wisconsin and at the federal level. They are hiding the Truth under the color of law.

think- ago


The_Savant ago

I think I see a pattern emerging in your posts... :thinking:

Thanks for the info, I'll probably come back to this at some point later down the line.