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Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

All of these are connected to Racine, Wisconsin. Ashton is Chris Kutcher and he backed out of events in Racine when we exposed their corrupt front organizations pretending to investigate human trafficking ran by the very people involved in elite global criminal corruption.

Racine is the bridge that connects the corrupt establishment across the aisle and across the globe. Wingspread is their clubhouse. Clintons and Bushes were instrumental in establishing Racine as a model for the new world order working for their real masters.

The chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin).

witch_doctor1 ago

Wisconsin is Corrupt is another obvious shill...he wants to send honest pizzagaters on wild goose chases regarding a town of less than 100K...he never provides advice is to downvoat into oblivion. He is not here to add anything..only to obfuscate.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That is exactly why Racine is so easily controlled as the model for the real agenda.

Look at this person's screen name, then look at their comments. Be careful of anyone telling you what not to investigate. Don't look here! Don't investigate Racine! Do you see how this works?

They are telling you to downvote us. Why? Because they are afraid of us and use worthless tactics like shill comments and votes to influence others when their year long planned attacks and death threats fail.

We are not one person and we have revealed more names and groups involved than anyone else here. We have been revealing the real agenda and the real Truth in over 1000 comments, and have endured every type of attack they can think of.

They are afraid of people finding out the Truth about Racine. It is the secret hub, model and weak link to the entire network.

You know who likes to hang out with witch doctors? The Clintons. They know all about Racine. So does John McCain, So does Chuck Schumer. So do the Podestas. So does the Vatican. So does Mitt Romney. They all know the Truth about Racine and the witch doctor is trying to scare you away from the real Truth.

The chain of command to Racine is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons. These are who the Clintons, McCain, Ryan, Podestas, Emanuels and others are working for.

Here are two names that are not a wild goose chase that lead to the bigger picture: Jeff Neubauer (with sister Kristin Bauer van Straten) and John Jeffry Louis.

The Truth is not obfuscation.

sore_ass_losers ago

Okay, I bit. I searched for "John Jeffry Louis III" (the active one by that name). Rich person, Johnson Wax heir, active in many corporations, involved in the 2008 McCain campaign.

So what? That certainly seems like a 'wild good chase' to me.

His geneology on has a lot of first names marked '<private>'.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You barely scratched the surface. He is a legacy and links directly to a wide network of global power players including British and Dutch royalty.

Have you ever heard of the Pilgrims Society?

sore_ass_losers ago

'You barely scratched the surface'. I spent half an hour and found nothing. What links was I meant to find in my web search? You wasted my time and endeavor to waste everyone's time by just throwing out a cryptic reference like this. He is a rich man with lots of corporate connections, family and friends, so what?

I've heard of the Pilgrims, most recently through you. Here's a link:

Elsewhere on voat you claim Louis is the Racine tie to the Pilgrims. I haven't found much on his connection in this regard, but I'd imagine he's just the sort of powerful person who might be in the Pilgrims. My link does state majority of members are from NYC and London, others head corporations from Boston to Philadelphia, others are DC players. So having a board member from S.C. Johnson in Racine is a bit unusual perhaps but Louis also heads the media Gannet Corporation of DC and the scholarship Fulbright Program, Johnson's a big corporation and he's not just a small town guy.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You found a few connections so far but are trying hard to dismiss the Truth of what it really leads to. Why? What would be the motive to that?

Everything we have posted is the Truth. We are not wasting anyone's time, least of all yours. That may have been the most productive half hour you have ever spent.

There is much more you still do not know. Are you trying to claim that his family is not connected to the Pilgrims Society or just that you cannot find the club photo and membership list? Or are you claiming there is no value or significance to the Pilgrims Society?

sore_ass_losers ago

"My most productive half hour". Complete B.S.! What the fuck do you know about me anyhow?

I object to your flowery language, capitalization of Truth, possible royal 'we'. Throwing out obscure references we are supposed to investigate when you could be exposing them right there instead. In general you cut and paste the same old stuff all of the time.

My interest is exposing organized pedophilia. It's a long way from showing the Pilgrims Society has anything to do with it, other than it's one of the cornerstones of a corrupt world.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Child trafficking, pizzagate and pedo crimes are only one mechanism of control and abuse that are part of a much bigger system and global agenda. That is what we are telling you about, and exposing how Racine is a main hub, model and weak link to the real agenda.

We means a group, and we risk many lives and have lost lives in this process. This is very real. We do know the Truth.

You can verify everything we have posted about with any sources you prefer. We do not have time to provide links in every comment, and we do not want the Truth that we share to be discredited because of a source we provide being discredited in any way. We do not fall for tricks and we are not playing games. We are attacked on here for sharing the Truth including death threats and we know from experience that some death threats are carried out.

We capitalize the Truth because the Truth is the what's most important and it may be the only way to save the world before it's too late.

The real agenda is eternal enslavement. As we now know about pizza, Sustainability, Community Policing, and Education Reform also have very different meanings and purposes.

The root to the real agenda is in Racine, Wisconsin. It is the Truth.

sore_ass_losers ago

It's not really the purpose of this subgroup to debate sustainability, etc. or other elite agendas. I don't really think you are going to stop child trafficking with this sort of top down approach. To be honest, I see your emphasis on Racine (I assume you are resident(s)? - if so, why not get the f. out?) as a deflection, intentional or not.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is exactly the purpose to figure out what ends child trafficking are a means to. It is all connected to the real agenda. Child trafficking and abuse is only one aspect of control. If you do not expose the root of the system, you will never stop the real agenda that trafficking plays a role in.

Racine is not a deflection. This is very real. Everything we have posted is the Truth.

We question your motive and integrity, and dismissal of the Truth without knowing anything about Racine. Your name is also suspicious and you are fishing for personal information. These are all red flags.

sore_ass_losers ago

My nomme de guerre: Sore_ass == Soros

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Then you should know that Soros is also connected to Racine, and that we exposed the Racine Social Justice League for their involvement in criminal corruption and cover ups, and their partnership with corrupt officials and law enforcement. They had to shut down the organization to hide the connections after the last corrupt mayor and others resigned. Look into Community Policing, and you will find that Racine is the primary model as it is for other programs connected to the bigger agenda.

If you are genuinely searching for the Truth you will find it in Racine Wisconsin.