crashing_this_thread ago

It's insane that all this is because of 4 super rich families corrupting society for decades.

Sackajahweeda ago

I have "pizzagate is not real" friends posting this story...WHY?! This has less evidence backing it up than PG does and people are posting it like its FACT...WTF? Not saying I dont believe it its just dumbfounding to me why folks think the MSM is some holy grail of truth.

Piscina ago

Omg, the fact that Corey referred to the encounter as 'having sex' shows how twisted and fucked up is the thinking of a child victim of rape. Poor kid. He never got to understand that none of it was his fault.

3141592653 ago

I've always thought it was Sheen. Feldman's spoken so lowly of him-- all but named him, over the years. I can't believe this is all happening. thank god light is being shone upon the evil. let it keep shining brightly

gamepwn ago

Charlie Sheen is vile shit. I will never watch any of his works the 11 year old child molestor. Needs his balls to be castrated

JimBobBean ago

Before we throw Sheen under the bus, please consider the source of this is Dominick Brascia, who was suspected himself of molesting Haim a while back. He might be deflecting attention. Just a possibility. I don't know either way.

new4now ago

Agree, and I dont exactly trust Feldman either

We know these men are part of a larger group

I say take them all down

It's not just who raped Haim, there have been many young men of "Hollywood" fame who have died of questionable Id's

Haim died of pnenomia

So did Brittany Murphy and husband

All 3 blamed on drug use

Votescam ago

True, today's Hollywood is worthless except as propaganda for violence, torture -- often against women.

And, add in the organized pornography industry making Comcast and

Don't know how many here may have seen the movie "Every Day" ... with Liev Schreiber and Helen Hunt which was delivering the message that writers were being pushed -- at threat of losing their jobs -- to write ever more cruel, grotesque and violent plots and each more vile and disgusting that the last.

This has been an on-going right wing effort since the coup on JFK ... and especially the next step in control of the nation -- the fake Drug War and its alleged violence to frighten the public.

The overall object is to keep the American public frightened out of its wits... actually, that's a worldwide truth.

That's the aim of Elites/wealthy, right wing.


And most frequently now, it's being brought to us by Trump -- from nuclear threats to North Korea to the current selling of arms to Saudi Arabia.

**Saudi Crown Prince 'Hungry for War' and Trump Seems Perfectly 'Eager to Comply'

"Saudi Arabia has Trump exactly where they want him," argued one expert**

The new US/CIA/Israel/Saudi axis in order to attack Iran.

Everything is connected is an very old saying.

Shizy ago

You have missed the mark if you think this is a "right wing" issue. Those at the top, both left AND the right are working together! Do not be deceived, they are the same team

Votescam ago

Elites are right wing -- fascists ... fascism is right wing.

I see a lot of confusion here in what people think they support and don't support.

Trump represents ELITES ... Elites control both of our political parties.

This is right wing fascism descending upon us in the corruption of our government and its agencies -- since day #1 of our Constitution where Our Founders actually created an Elite patriarchy ... endowed them with land grants, gave them immense influence over our people's government, the nation's wealth and natural resources. Etc., Etc., Etc.

Granted, sexual abuse of children is a issue for every American to be aware of.

CIA/MKULTRA is of course a right wing/fascist program.

Trafficking of children is fascism.

GeorgeT ago

I find this very, very hard to believe. Charlie was a ladies men - never had gay predilections. I need coroboration from others - ie there is normally a pattern of abuse as is the case with Spacey and Weinstein. Having said that, Charlie's wife Denise Richards divorced him after finding child porn on his laptop. Charlie types are conundrum.

sore_ass_losers ago

It's come out he had sex with transgender (M->F) sex workers (can't remember if prostitutes or porn stars).

Of course, nothing wrong with that; it would be transphobic not to! /s

3141592653 ago

She had found child porn of both girls and boys

Shizy ago

He's a sexual deviant, he doesn't matter what age or gender he screws- he's a sick freak

Bitchybadger ago

I think Sheen would mount anything. Man, woman, child and animal.

finska ago

Swings both ways Im sure or at least experimented when he was younger....this is not uncommon

Votescam ago

OK .... let's think about this for a moment ....

I'm no fan of Charlie Sheen, but I am a fan of his father -- Martin Sheen.

And I am aware that when the CIA can't bring down someone in their way they do the next best thing which is snare their children.\

And I think we have to admit that we are seeing histories of sexual behavior by quite a few males in Hollywood which would seem to be beyond reckless if they wanted to maintain careers. We might say, it made no sense.

We also have to admit that many of the men seem to have had help in keeping their activities hidden for a very long period of time during which they did harm to a substantial number of women.

Bill Cosby, Hugh Hefner, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey -- and Charlie Sheen.

As I've suggested a number of times -- AND THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR ANYONE'S BEHAVIOR -- we might have to begin to wonder if these males are "Manchurian Candidates' turned out by MKULTRA.

And that would include Hill/Bill who also have the prerequisites .... fathers who had attachments to organized crime. It seems that the CIA found a way into both the lives of Bill and Hillary and it was obvious by the time they were in college. Maybe it was a lot earlier.

AGAIN -- THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR ANYONE'S BEHAVIOR ... but in order to unravel the truth behind what we are seeing, I think it's something we have to keep our minds open to.

Also, everyone here should keep in mind that until society believes women and their testimony about sexual abuse, they will not believe the testimony of children as to their sexual abuse.

GeorgeT ago

Glad you mentioned MK Ultra. It may well be that a huge number of these stars could be Manchurian candidates MK Ultra victims - Charlie certainly exhibits all the features.

Votescam ago

Hi George -- I agree re MKULTRA -- they were using young kids, some turned over by a father sexually abusing them who was later substantially rewarded according to Cathy O'Brien and some kidnapped .. using them for homosexual sex, as drug runners, and for espionage/spying/blackmail.

Familiar with name "Britney Spears" as it's so often been "news" on Yahoo but not details -- was she the one who suddenly was speaking another language in an interview? What most people don't know is that the alternate personalities created in "disassociation" (multiple personalities) can each be programmed ... even for teaching of other languages and in creation of photographic memory. Who knows what else? The Host of course has no knowledge of what these other personalities are doing. At about age 30, they say that the brain begins to inform the Host, or unite the personalities with flashbacks. This is a time when the individual becomes dangerous to the program and is sometimes killed. Not sure that we know the whole Spacey story as yet -- the older brother suggests he was protecting Kevin from abuse ... but his description of his brother as "empty" and in behavior which suggests running away and denial points more to the father also abusing Kevin.

You've lost me temporarily at Podesta and Jacke Tapper ... will have to check and give some thought. Who abused Anderson Cooper? Bushes, I accept, totally.

Mae Brussel does a fantastic run down on the murdering of anti-VN musicians, etal. Will follow with link.

But you mention Spacey father as pushing "Nazi" ideas -- and this kind of brutality and sadism also seems to have been in background of both Stalin and Hitler. They say Elites recruited Hitler from a homosexual brothel.

As we try to unravel what is going on to its beginnings .... We have to remember that the Vatican holds secrets records from thousands of years -- UFO's/aliens -- and the knowledge they obtained in torture of nations/citizens in their "Introducing the Cross with the Sword" all over the world. From "The Inquisition" and from "Burning of Witches" ... 2000 years of persecution of Jews. They seem to have shared that occult info and other info with Hitler/Nazis and therefore with the International Elites who recruited Hitler.

Also keep in mind that it seems very clear now that Vatican also created Islam... sounds odd at first ... but then about 100% of the violence of the world was created by them.
The main purpose of organized patriarchal religion is to keep the world in fear.

Links later --

But keep in mind that "Satan" and "Devil" ... Heaven & Hell are the creations of Elites ... organized patriarchal religion underpins patriarchy. Vatican slaughtered the "true Christians" ... and their violent behavior/armies/ conquests of other nations and imposing "Christianity" on them makes clear that they followed evil -- or Satan if you wish. Meanwhile, the CIA seems clearly to have invented "Satanism" -- again to create FEAR.

John Stockwell -- a long time whistleblower -- btw, refers to the CIA as ... "Catholics In Action"

GeorgeT ago

Jesuits & Opus Dey are the actual power players behind the vatican. Speaking of which - here in Australia George Pell is about to face the court!

Votescam ago

Presume you mean Cardinal George Pell -- noticed that they don't specify the charges, only as "historical" - but believe to be sexual abuse of children.

I recall that Pope John Paul XXIII - Vatican II -- threw Opus Dei out of the church. And the CIA Pope brought them back in.

Was really pleased with his efforts to make the church a democracy -- and then a right wing coup followed.

migratorypatterns ago

Sheen was the one I speculated about. All the descriptive arrows point to him and not the two nothing burgers named by the shill Feldman.

merica_fk_yeah ago

So Feldman outs Sheen as Haims abuser, yet he never says anything about himself being abused? Now Haim is dead. I don't think Sheen is in danger of being arrested for anything since his would be victim is dead... amiright? so what is the deal now? does anything happen or is this just some sauce to placate the pizzagate investigations?

Also, Sheen, like Spacey, Weinstein, etc, are the old white men who are over paid, expendable, need to be gone molesters. need the new up and coming molesters and satanic stars to take their place.

3141592653 ago

Feldman talks a lot about the abuse he suffered

GeorgeT ago

Maybe that's why they gave Donna Brazile green light - Clinton's are old, part senile and expendible and the Deep state wants a replacement.

new4now ago

Feldman plays his abuse down compared to Haim

But yet there are those that will say both Corey's were passed around a lot

Maybe that's how he copes

There are those that know/knew and didnt say. A thing

And yet the few that did were dismissed

It's a nasty ass world we live in, and It's about time the clean up begins

Wouldn't surprise me if Trump is behind all the coming outs in Hollywood

Timing is right, and the connection is there

janet58 ago

Hopefully more victims will speak out about Sheen.

Shizy ago

And hopefully ones who were more recently victimized so that those allegations can be investigated and prosecuted

Criticalthinker615 ago

makes me wonder how many little boys he infected with hiv

new4now ago

How long has he had HIV ?

That was an expensive closet door to keep shut

Shizy ago

I read he was DX in 2011

DawnofTruth ago

This is yet another open secret! Charlie Sheen has always been a bit twisted. Have to question his family (Martin Sheen etc) because typically this is a learned behavior. This would help explain why Charlie himself is constantly needing to escape via drugs.

GeorgeT ago

Always made me wonder why so many celebrities use so much drugs. For decades we have accepted the rich & famous = decadence explanation without ever questioning the mainstream. For instance, take Trump who does not drink, does not take drugs, same with Ivanka - no tattoos no decadence no drugs. Is it about wealth & fame or are they abused victims?

new4now ago

With the drug epidemic, we are seeing more abuse toward children

Stronger the drug, the nastier the abuse gets

If we are going to clean up and protect the children, we need to address the drug problem

Shizy ago

Drugs don't make people become pedophiles, but sick people often use drugs. The drugs are a symptom of the bigger/real problem

new4now ago

I was speaking in general

Most of the stories I have seen where a child was neglected or abused and had died, there was either Meth or Heroin involved

And sometimes using alot of drugs cause mental illness

Saw it a lot...cocaine, LSD

MacPhisto ago

At this point, there is absolutely NOTHING you can say about Charlie Sheen where I would say "Nah, I don't believe that." The only thing I find hard to believe is that he is still alive after years of years of hedonistic excess at the highest level.

DeathTwoMasons ago

He is one of them. He is protected. I agree that nothing is off limits with Sheen. His brother seems to be the good one in the family. He even seems content to stay out of the limelight. The father seems to be a typical Hollywood occultist.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Martin Sheen in Steven King's 'Dead Zone' tried to start WW3

He was stopped by Christopher Walken's character. Walken was on the boat when Natalie Wood was killed.

Altmight ago

I knew it. So did many. Charlie was the "mogul" that Feldman refused to name. Corey missed his Chance. #BoycottHollywood

LightlyToasted ago

The mogul may be David Geffen.

new4now ago

Instead of just naming one abuser, we miss the fact that there is a group of them that protect each other

We need to go after all of them

jenidaninja ago

I fuckin knew it. Charlie Sheen is a degenerate mother fuck'r. RIP Corey Haim.

carmencita ago

I don't know what the real truth is about all this, but Sheen is a Scumbag of the Highest Order.

LightlyToasted ago

Don't disagree, but I like that the scum are turning on each other.

carmencita ago

Me too. They only turn each other in when they are trying to save their own necks or for a payoff. They are the scum at the bottom of the barrel.

logjam ago

I like that they are turning on one another too. In a relatively short period of time too. Fingers crossed that it gets really big. It would be great to see serious upheaval in Hollywood.

derram ago | :

Charlie Sheen sodomized Corey Haim at 13 on set of Lucas | Daily Mail Online

"Other allegations in the report emerged in the report about Sheen's behavior with other minors on the set of 'Lucas. '", "Brascia added that Haim told him he later had consensual sex with the 'Wall Street' star while in his mid-to-late 20s. 'Haim told me he had sex with Sheen again,' Brascia said, adding 'He claimed he didn't like it and was finally over Sheen.", "Additionally, a confidant close to Sheen claims that the 'Platoon' actor had said he had a liaison with Haim, but said it was consensual."

'Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him. ', "He said Charlie was a loser. 'According to the report, the Enquirer says they spoke with dozens of sources who say Haim told them about his alleged abuse at Sheen's hands before he died of pneumonia in 2010."

This has been an automated message.

LightlyToasted ago

"Former actor Dominick Brascia alleges that Haim told him about his incident with Sheen and that a 19-year-old Sheen rejected him after their encounter"

LightlyToasted ago

IIRC, Dominick Brascia, is also a suspect. Did Brascia make the allegation because Feldman talked to the police or is Sheen the proper suspect? Or did Sheen and Brascia abuse Haim?

finska ago

Probably both

new4now ago

Brascia was spotted out as Haims abuser by a good friend of Haims

So he is redirecting the claim

So many closets in Hollywood

And just as many in the music business

I getting to point where ever there is BIG money, there's a murder of crows

Ps...Sports also...Geez, just about everything


Altmight ago

Key word in all this is "mogul" a mogul who was still known and still in the business. Of all the accused only or possible suspects only 1 mogul was involved in the film Lucas. Only one futer mogul was on that set. Charlie. When Feldman first said "mogul" Charlie Sheen was the highest paid actor in the history of TV for 21/2 men. And the kid on that show came undune and dramaticly, suddenly, publically left the business, and left millions of dollars in future earnings behind in doing so. Hollywood needs to collapse the way the NFL has. Suddenly, completely. The movies are perverse shit. All of them. No film or TV show is worth the support of that indrustry. Hollywood itself is a psy-op. The whole system on the decision making level is not Art, its an agenda.