letsdothis1 ago

Millionaire antiques dealer ‘strangled daughter, 7, to death with a dressing gown cord’


TrishaUK ago

@migratorypatterns - Maybe she was in Child Protective Services and he was given custody of her, being known to the family? This is the only sort of explanation that CPS would decide. If so this fits in too with them placing children with their 'own' perverts, which has been the case on many voat posts regarding CPS etc., He paid for the house CASH £1,000,000 is this so there is no bank connections? I don't know how it works, but not many people pay cash, you generally want the guarantee of a bank transaction, with cash people can say they didn't pay or receive? This is just too sad. A DIFFERENT MURDER: but still to do with the 'PROTECTION' of children! HE KILLED GIRL TODDLER - ONLY 2 WEEKS AFTER ADOPTION! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5054267/Father-GUILTY-murdering-18-month-old-daughter.html

carmencita ago

Here is another article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/11/05/prominent-london-antiques-dealer-charged-connection-death-seven/ It seems they are trying to keep this hush hushed. There is most definitely a connection to the high and mighty I feel. They said in quite a few articles that she was first treated at the house and then taken to hospital. Must have been pretty bad, they must have bee afraid they would lose her if precautions were not immediately taken. I think they do not want to expose to much and hope the story will die down, for it could expose many and also what really went on there behind closed doors. I have a feeling it was a House of Horror and Torture for many a Child. One article said that sometimes there were other cars parked there, but his was not. Very disturbing indeed. Her name was purposely not disclosed as well.

new4now ago

Wonder who call Police and medic?

carmencita ago

I asked that as well. How very strange. Must have been a next door neighbor who heard noises or screaming or from a parent or relative of the child that new she was there and could not contact him. It said he knew the victim. Someone made that call.

cantsleepawink ago

Another one of Francine Peters friends is Tony Page- he describes himself as London's top kosher caterer http://tonypage.com/ He just was recently invited to Grosvenor Park Hotel in Mayfair for a ribbon cutting ceremony https://imgur.com/a/vkBHR

He posted this recently too : WATCH: Israel's intelligence agency is hiring. Are you up for the job? https://www.facebook.com/TheJerusalemPost/videos/10201552409709223/?hc_ref=ARRwtmJ1Td7pvRpVGY5Ht-mLVeMcawtYVWRc21sAAZVxvI8feIcgbKbnFU9rnLUEh0E&pnref=story

carmencita ago

Very odd indeed. Devil doll in window and he was known to the victim. Also who made that call. Paid cas for $1M house so that antique business was very lucrative. Were they buying art in exchange for time with a child at his home? Or to buy a child? Yes much to look into here.

cantsleepawink ago

This guy ran in very very high circles.

carmencita ago

I think there is a high possibility of there being a connection here. So much points to it. My heart goes out to the girl's parents. Unless they were involved in this horrid crime.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I'm just going through the list of Francine's friends and posting. This is a high profile case that is being kept under wraps. I'd like to know about the little girl too.

carmencita ago

Hope to jump in later. Don't like little girls or boys abused to the point of death. Or at all. Was this suppose to be a snuff? Who called the EMTS?

HennyPenny ago

This Francine Peters who may have been married to Robert Peters may also have been an ex wife: "Peters, who originally comes from West Yorkshire, is believed to have divorced his second wife about 10 years ago, before remarrying, according to the newspaper." It also reports that he lived in a detached house in Wimbledon, which was purchased in February for almost £1million in cash, with his new wife." https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4846802/robert-peters-antiques-dealer-charged-girl-seven-attempted-murder-wimbledon/

A Francine Peters in business with Robert Henri Peters resigned as secty of their joint antique business in 2010 http://www.bizstats.co.uk/ltd/robert-peters-antiques-limited-03375368/

HennyPenny ago

Wonder what the reason was that twin brother Richard Peters whose name the antique business is in at 58 Kensington Church St needed to relocate to Tel Aviv?

http://richardpetersantiques.com/ http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01589/vase_1589364c.jpg

cantsleepawink ago

And want to know something crazy about Francine Peters? IF we have identified the correct woman, on her FB page there is a picture with her mother and a comment about them being the Shiffer clan: https://imgur.com/a/8C2oL

Which would make her originally Francine Shiffer. There is an entry for a make up artist on a 1984 film called Scandalous for the actress Pamela Stephenson: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2469762/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cr18 (archive: http://archive.is/tJph4 )

Well Pamela Stephenson is married to Billy Connolly and he's just received a knighthood from the Queen in the last few days: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-5035597/Billy-Connolly-receives-knighthood-Buckingham-Palace.html

Connolly has spoken about his abuse as a child. Stephenson is now a sex therapist and a patron of College of Sexual and Realtionship Therapists. https://www.theguardian.com/profile/pamelastephensonconnolly

You just can't make this shit up.

cantsleepawink ago

If anyone could find information on that organisation that Pamela Stephenson is the patron on that might be useful. Most of the links on their site are broken: https://www.cosrt.org.uk/

cantsleepawink ago

Friend of Robert Peters tweets that he is shocked by the news reports and that he loved children: https://twitter.com/AspieandMe/status/927134060547371008

Bullied as a child, Laurence Mitchell aims to help others with Aspergers Syndrome

carmencita ago

I noticed on the Twitter that he writes children's books. Also with this connection to Asbergers he would have more connections to children and their parents. He is writing a book about it. More contact with children. He is in the antiques bus. as well. I have a feeling he is connected to this whole operation they have going. The brother in Israel could be a connection as well, as a go between from the middle east and Israel as well.

cantsleepawink ago

I'm still trying to emphasise what an interesting lead this could be if we try to follow up on a Francine Peters who is listed as a business partner. If it is the same woman who is featured in the high society London magazines who is heavily connected to the art museums of Israel, for example http://www.tatler.com/gallery/women-in-art-lunch

We have may have connections that take us back to New York and to the Clintons

Fiona Rae art https://imgur.com/a/KxX4K

Francine Peters and Fiona Rae https://imgur.com/a/Bh1KA

carmencita ago

Its all about the Pandas evidently. How dear.

cantsleepawink ago

For those who don't know..this is Tavistock stomping ground.

migratorypatterns ago


The doll in the window was undoubtedly a signal to other pervs to come over.

'His car used to disappear, others used to be there, other cars would come and go.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5051389/Millionaire-antiques-dealer-55-charged-death.html#ixzz4xerKOK92 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

There were others obviously involved yet no one is tracking these other pervs down? And what was her family doing? The girl's next of kin were notified? And why would CPS have to make the call as to whether to upgrade the charge to murder? Aren't the police qualified to make that determination?

Notice how they leave out these "serious" injuries. Oh, that poor child!!!! This is what we're fighting against, folks! This is what was "debunked". But here you have a child in the home of a perv who killed her while allegedly other pevs visited and enjoyed a thin slice of pizza.

carmencita ago

Yes we know they use symbols. Why would you put a devil doll though. That should have been a HUGE alarm to neighbors. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

migratorypatterns ago

I know. He was 55.

You know what this reminds of? Tony Pedosta's bedroom. Didn't he have child toys? It was so weird!!!! Right in the midst of all that perverse artwork featuring sexually abused minors, there in the bedroom of an old fart are child toys?!!!!

carmencita ago

So sick. Many times the home or bedroom of a pedo has not changed since childhood. Not only can they use toys to entice a child but time has stood still for them. Sad and sick.

kidavenger ago

CPS makes the determination of whether or not to upgrade to murder? WTH? If CPS had already been involved in the case, it should have never gotten that far. Does CPS get to select the jury too? This is so messed up.

migratorypatterns ago

Isn't it?

I mean, how did they garner so much power? If a child is murdered, it's the police province, not CPS!!!!

This explains why a lot of murders/sexual molestation are swept under the rug. CPS doesn't call a pizza a pizza and the case is overlooked by the police NOT DOING THEIR JOBS!!!!

DerivaUK ago

I think you may be confusing Child Protection Services CPS with that of the Crown Prosecution Service whose job it is to examine gathered evidence and the facts of any case and then direct police as to how to proceed chargewise.

pixiesbitch ago

Most Americans forget Britain exists and that PG is not solely USA-based.

DerivaUK ago

Maybe not most, but many. What bothers me is that there are some fine red-polling posts and memes but I can’t share them because they’re largely US based and will thus get completely passed over by those in the U.K. as thinking it doesn’t apply here.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/V7YtZ | :

Millionaire antiques dealer charged over death in London | Daily Mail Online

'This is the millionaire antiques dealer who has been charged over the death of a seven-year-old girl who was found dying at a £1million house. '

'He was charged with attempted murder and it will now be up to CPS whether the charge is upgraded to murder. '

'Neighbours said Peters had only moved the area recently and the property was bought in February for almost £1million. '

'It is believed Peters is a specialist in Chinese porcelain and runs a business with his twin brother Richard in Kensington Church Street, west London. ', "The girl was taken to a south-west London hospital where she died on Saturday, 4 November 4. 'Her next of kin have been informed."

This has been an automated message.

Conejo_loco ago

I read further down his twin brother is an arts dealer in Tel Aviv Israel

Conejo_loco ago

Pizzagate related as he is a millionaire arts dealer. We suspect children are trafficked through the sale of "art." Story is VERY VAGUE... how did she die, what were the extent of injuries, was she assaulted sexually? She was said to be found in a state of near death, WAS SHE TORTURED? The timing of this happening RIGHT after the Saudi Arabia Princes deaths and arrests is interesting

cantsleepawink ago

One of the address for Francine Peters is 6 Holly Mount, London, NW3 6SG. That's right in the heart of Hampstead https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/05988627/officers


The addresses for this antiques dealer point to a potentially interesting crowd.

DerivaUK ago

That’s the address pertaining to Robert Peters - hers is a NW6 address (although called West Hampstead is not nearly as elitist) but the address would fit with her common blog haunts (cobbler in Brecknock Road which is Kentish Town NW5).

cantsleepawink ago

And it's also the Finchley Road area. Do I really need to post a link about that infamous area of London? We've discussed it so many times on voat. I'm surprised you're not picking up on it : https://sites.google.com/site/profgeorgeleesrevelations/dear-taxpayer-i-want-to-tell-you-about-the-prime-minister-s-boiler-room-in-finchley-road

DerivaUK ago

I picked it up but didn’t mention it as I knew what red flags were associated and now so used to seeing the damn address, like you, didn’t think it needed flagging up.

cantsleepawink ago

Lol. I see. I flag it for those who are new to this too.

cantsleepawink ago

You need to understand London to understand that post code.

About Chabad NW6 http://www.chabadnw6.com/templates/articlecco_cdo/aid/1926887/jewish/About-Chabad-NW6.htm

cantsleepawink ago

One of the address for Francine Peters is 6 Holly Mount, London, NW3 6SG. That's right in the heart of Hampstead https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/05988627/officers

rndmvar ago

I didn't read the subverse before the article, and I felt this is PG related also. Specifically they're not saying WHAT condition the girl was found in. And the focus on the neighbors shows that no one really knew the guy. Don't get me wrong, there are people that are recluses, but this guy had regular "business" coming to his house. For his neighbors not to have met or known anyone dealing with him is extremely disturbing.

cantsleepawink ago

He had been living at that address for less than a year. I'm trying to find the article where I found a bit more information on him.

cantsleepawink ago

I've been trying to work out if Francine Peters is the same one in this article. If it is you will see how huge that connection is: https://www.thejc.com/galleries/the-guest-list/london-diners-raise-100k-for-jewish-care-1.24303

HennyPenny ago

Look at her face book page, Francine Peters shared Joey Salads's video.How abducting child in front of Dadhttps://hc_ref=ARRFeSBVgAt6iorJdbo8ZrrWCBDZSmUOj2sEdEPbrGQvFTX-Bg4a8SDoH06lgQW7A20&pnref=story

https://www.face book.com/francine.peters.581?ref=br_rs

cantsleepawink ago

That's not the same woman.

HennyPenny ago

That's Francine Peters nee Shiffer.

cantsleepawink ago

That's a transgender woman living in Mexico https://francinepeters.com/

cantsleepawink ago


DerivaUK ago

I’ve looked at the photos and despite the hair colour It would appear to be the same person. She had a blog that directs to a website. The photo in the website was the clincher that she’s the same person: http://www.theworldaccordingtofrancine.com/about-me/

She also features in photo 5 in the link of your above re the Jewish Care fundraiser. I. Trying to recall where I’ve encountered that Von Furstenberg woman in the past. Difficult to know if she’s the same Francine Peters who’s partnered business wise with our suspect. She’s certainly into fashion, art and design and this would fit well with the Kensington Church Street Set (surrounded by Holland Park - a huge elite stomping ground similar to Hampstead)

cantsleepawink ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diane_von_F%C3%BCrstenberg Diane von Furstenberg : basically hangs around with an elite pedophile ring. Holidays aplenty on yachts in the Virgin Islands- Jeffrey Epstein territory. I've written about her in the past but I'm too busy now to go find the posts.

Thanks for looking.

carmencita ago

We have also linked her to Haiti as well. Some kind of Found. or Charity Connection, can't remember.

cantsleepawink ago


See if you can find Francine.

Temple Secretaries and Finchley Road...red flags...

cantsleepawink ago

This guy has two other brothers (one lives in Tel Aviv), the other is also in the antiques business and they are VERY well connected. More to this story. Keep an eye on it.