KillJewGarbage ago

ANy reason to believe any of this "Q" shit is real?

new4now ago

Shareholder link

800 address in Norwalk CT

alphabravo ago

Thanks for this !

BloodSnail ago

Regarding Alice & Wonderland - I was watching through a video by this guy named George Webb on Youtube (who I was linked to from one of these Pizzagate threads) - and as I was reading Q anon's posts, Webb said something along the lines of "The atmosphere in the House is one of pure terror right now; before, they used to have these shit-eating grins, like the Cheshire (Cat) Grin from Alice in Wonderland, you know.."

Don't know about the "&" part being different though. Maybe it's nothing and we're hyperfocusing on it?

Gilderoy ago

I think more and more "Q" may be Sarah Huckabee Sanders, mainly because of the frequency and ease with which the author slips in and out of biblical quotes, as if a regular part of his/her conversation, plus the frequent invocations to the Lord and exhortations to prayer. Even the phrase, "Amen brother" is evocative of a devout Baptist.

Amazing, if true.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Nope! Not a woman! A teacher, notice how Q praises Anons who answer correctly. My guess is a legal/law researcher!

Gilderoy ago

Women can be teachers, too, and knowledgeable legal authorities. Just sayin'.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yes, certainly๐Ÿ˜€. I just meant that Q sounds like an old school law professor/researcher. My gut tells me male, or a group of males.

Gilderoy ago

That's a good insight. Maybe it's a combination of two people: Stephen Miller and Sarah Huckabee Sanders? Just a guess.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Or Steven Bannon, Sarah & Stephen๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

Gilderoy ago

Wow. That's even better! The Trump Administration Trifecta. Love it.

darkknight111 ago

Think I might have found something of relevance.

pbvrocks ago

TY for this..FAR easier than digging thru 4chan!

Red_Menace ago

If you deem it wise, please upvote the OP, so a lot of people could get a clear and a simple access to the intel breadcrumbs.

zeroinstinct ago

Because all high level leakers choose the place which gave us the grifter. Are you intentionally this stupid?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Fuck off, CIA disinfo shill.

Red_Menace ago

Your comment makes absolutely ZERO sense.
Are you intentionally an illiterate retard?

zeroinstinct ago

I'll type this really slowly, so you understand. Either you're a complete and utter fucking half wit that thinks 4chan is the place for truth. Or you're doing this to stir up trouble, most likely for potatoes.

Red_Menace ago

Ha ha, but I got undeniable proof that it's not a LARP.

November 5, 2017 7:59 pm. UserID: hHkrVD7x PostNo: 148155609.
May God also grant all of us the wisdom to ask what concrete steps we can take
to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst.
Note when we just sent the go orders and when this Tweet went live.

Obama tweet

Obama posted exactly what Q predicted. This is only possible, if either Q is Obama, or MI controls the Obama twitter account.

There is nothing that you can do to save your corrupt cabal. Better run and hide now before it's too late.

shwanky ago

According to your time stamp and the tweet's this was written after O's tweet.

Red_Menace ago

Question: What timezone are /pol/ posts timestamped in?

shwanky ago

I would imagine Pacific as they are based in SF

Red_Menace ago

Q anon gave code at 7:59 and Obama posted 2 minutes later at 8:01,
which is displayed to me in my own timezone at 2:51 AM.

Even if Twitter displays the time to me in my timezone, q anon still predicts the tweet by 2 minutes.

EDIT: the timestamp of obama tweet is 4:51 PM - 5 Nov 2017 by United States time.

Red_Menace ago

Twitter shows me 2:51 AM - 6 Nov 2017 for Obama tweet.

captainramius87 ago

This is completely fucking insane...So does this mean Obama really might be in custody? Also thanks for organizing the crumbs this way. Its so much easier to read.

Holy shit we are at the front lines of one of the craziest times in history.

Red_Menace ago

Just mentioning: I did not create the original website, I merely registered a free domain and forwarded it, because the host, which the site uses, is blocked by Voat.

captainramius87 ago

Thanks for posting it all the same goat.