Sees_the_day ago

I haven't posted in a long time, in fact, I just came back here a couple of weeks ago, so forgive me if I do anything incorrectly. I saw the name Lisa Kountoupes and immediately new I had seen her name mentioned on James Brower's Twitter this morning. It's implying/suggesting she may be the 2nd most powerful lobbyist in DC and could replace the Podestas as #1. []Why the fall of the Podesta's greatly effects the Lobby power of the DNC...(

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

The thing is that she may be implicated in the Uranium One dealings, so she may not be in any position except one in a jail cell. I should state that I don't know of any evidence directed against her, this is speculation based on what we've been told about the deal.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Relax guys it's just a cohencidence.

migratorypatterns ago

No doubt.

Markb63 ago

This is like an infestation.

migratorypatterns ago

That's exactly what it is.

But to get to the colony, you've got to lock up the Queen!!!!

YogSoggoth ago

Good stuff, spread it so the word is out well before the investigation. Public outrage can have an effect on outcomes in political matters.

migratorypatterns ago

Good point.

Public outrage is DEMANDED right now!!!! Not only was there a cover up, BUT the faux media colluded and helped LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!! You bet there should be public outrage!!!!

Factfinder2 ago

Excellent find.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much. Think the picture is getting clearer.

LilyP ago

I remember that Dr. Sava treated Congressman Steve Scalise at MedStar Hospital after he was shot and how surprised many people seemed to be that President Trump actually made a surprise visit to see Scalise that evening. He even brought the White House physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, with him. I believe he knew about Seth Rich and was giving a warning that he was on to Sava and he had better not even think about doing anything fishy with Scalise.

migratorypatterns ago

I believe you're absolutely right on all counts.

Absolutely, if something went wrong (which it did -- a miracle happened!), those scumbags would have a back-up plan.

Guess it got foiled. And remember, Pelosi's little speech? She rehearsed it with saying how sorry she was about Scalise's "death". How would she know to rehearse that?

Dressage2 ago

Great find!

migratorypatterns ago


migratorypatterns ago


She makes money through Clinton/Podesta lobbying ... she gives a portion of said money to the Clinton Foundation ... and so on ....

Mej777 ago

We have her locked down on Uranium One as well as the yellow cake truckers turned terrorists from Uzbek,...and The ratline managers Paddock & Marilou Danley...

Got them all....@Vindicator still has me banned wonder why? Are_we_Sure got another shot standing up for his boy Andy...guess death threats are okay but truth is not...

carmencita ago

If she did any trips regarding the Uranium 1 deal, her flight records I believe are not recorded. There was something about that on here months ago. That they are able to have them not recorded due to security I guess. So fake. Just like the Podestas. I think they have Immunity as well.

migratorypatterns ago

Awesome! Thanks so much!

sensitive2 ago

Not a big surprise, @migratorypatterns, right? BTW, to everyone here: sensitive2 is my alt of mod sensitive - I lost my pw and had to re-register. Would be awfully nice if you could help me out with some comment contribution points! I will later explain in detail and re-introduce myself in v/pizzagatemods. Thanks.

Dressage2 ago

Have an upvoat.

migratorypatterns ago

It is and isn't .... if you know what I mean.

As for your predicament, understand.

elitch2 ago

Just a cohencidence.

migratorypatterns ago

Ha! I'm sure.

Keep walking ... look the other way ... nothing to see here.

2impendingdoom ago

I bet they harvested Seth's organs, same with Monica Peterson. They don't just kill people to silence them, they profit off the corpse.

Shillaxe ago

At 500k a pop

Cheesebooger ago

Organ harvesting is a real problem. They've been caught a few times thus far:

2impendingdoom ago

Great detail in that article. To bad the NYT and the FBI are now as equally corrupt. I wonder if any of those "players" ever saw a jail cell.

Cheesebooger ago

I've wondered that also. I doubt any of the rabbi's seen the inside of a jail cell. It all lead to Israel, btw.

migratorypatterns ago

Makes sense. Why waste a body?

derram ago :

Justice Will Prevail on Twitter: "@GeorgWebb Did you know Lisa Kountoupes (Dr. Sava attending physician for #SethRich) was also a lobbyist for #UraniumOne ?"

This has been an automated message.

TrishaUK ago

Wow why are we not surprised? It's like doing a jigsaw puzzle we have, over the past year or so, put all the straight edges walled around, now all the centre pieces are fitting neatly together right into the centre piece Clinton Foundation, is my guess.

migratorypatterns ago


Pieces don't seem to fit or seem random, but then click! They fit right into place.

2impendingdoom ago

There is still the question of how he got bruises but that could just be a lie told to the parents.

ProudTruther ago

They roughed him up at the via controlled strip club wonderland, which they own a lot of them. Put him in a van, threw him out and shot him.

2impendingdoom ago

this could be true but its hard to believe that no neighbors or streetcams saw a van. And no one saw him at Wonderland. I think they followed him home from Lou's on foot. maybe they stepped on his fingers after they shot him so he couldn't use his phone.

darkknight111 ago

Post Morteum Injury. Hard to detect without training as a doctor or in forensics.

new4now ago

with his injuries, I wondered if he was pushed out of a van or something, was thinking he fell forward hard

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, there are still lots of questions. This is just a solid piece snapping into place.

Attackers have to be identified. But you can see how hard fought The Cannibal Queen's rigging the DNC was. Even if he had evidence re: that, it would be targeted. I mean, Sanders supporters would have been furious if proof came out before the election, so Killary would not want that. Lots of angles, but this one .... yeah.

darkknight111 ago

Post Morteum Injury.

Bruising can be caused by improper handeling of a cadaver.

Probably as part of a cover up. Post Morteum Bruising is difficult to detect without training as a doctor or in forensics.

migratorypatterns ago

Two problems with that. The first is that SR died in the hospital after undergoing surgery. One would think there wouldn't be improper handling by trained physicians/nursing staff.

Second is bruising was on face, hands (knuckles), and knees, so unless the staff were dragging him around by the face it's impossible for this to occur.

Mej777 ago

You are absolutely right any doctor or police officer, coronor can look at a dead body and tell you the exact position of the body when death occurred. Post Mortum bruising is not a reality. The blood flows to the lowest gravitational area....if the person died in a hospital bed they would have no way of being bruised on the face knuckles, knees, etc..

Months ago it was reported Seth's parents had a viewing of Seth in the casket where they saw the bruising..

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for backing that up. I was pretty sure, but there's nothing like medical expertise!

Mej777 ago

Not medical, investigative, more like arriving at a lot of dead body scenes...calling a coroner, watching autopsies...not the best time in life but learn a lot about death....

migratorypatterns ago

It's still medical expertise. I can imagine it trains you quite well!!!

Mej777 ago

Yes a blessing and curse shall we say....;)