ASolo ago

Hope this gains some traction, BOTH of those actors in that dive pizza shop ARE NOT WHO THEY ARE TRYING TO PORTRAY, you're looking at two hardcore predators. Alefantis ain't no simple pizza shop owner and Fieri didn't get where he's at without having to get his knees dirty.

Sackajahweeda ago

I remember a while back that someone brought up the fact that his son has been on the show many times and that he was one of the only people on food network to have his child on...And then this....

used2likepizza ago

I ate in a meatball shop he went to. They have signed photo of him on the wall and his favorite meatball is an up charge. Lol. Got to say the food is damn good. Anyway the owner was sitting at table next to us. His teen employee came over to eat on her break. He was talking to her like a boss and a mentor. She was seeking his advice. Wife comes over sits down. They talk with teen about her grades and college. Next they invite solo Lockheed engineer who is a regular to join them so he doesn't have to eat alone. Great people. Really nice to employees and customers. Nothing Pedo about this place at all. Nothing. So I gotta ask....IS THE ONLY PROOF GLUTTONOUS FAT ASS GUY FIERI IS SUSPECT PEDO BECAUSE HE WENT TO COMET PIZZA ONCE...??? Pretty thin if you ask me.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Wasn't he also the singer of that terrible band Smash Mouth ?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago Similar hair though.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Haha guess I'm not the only one ... first thing that pops up in a search

Smash Mouth Singer Loses It on Stage, Threatens Fans, Is Still Surprisingly Not Guy Fieri - Noisey.Jun 15, 2015 Smash Mouth Singer Loses It on Stage, Threatens Fans, Is Still ...

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Hey so does anyone know the best way to approach this for my cable provider to get my best "bang for my buck?

UlyssesEMcGill ago

I was accidentally hallucinating the other day, and Triple D came on and it scared the ever loving shit out of me.

Thought the universe was collapsing and Guy was a demon that I had to become, and that all the ingredients were poop and blood and jesus fucking christ it was scary.

Fuck that guy, I'm never watching his garbage again.

Vindicator ago

Holy crap. This gave me shudders. That dude is banned from our TV because every time I see him running his big mouth, horking down food and...ugh...liking his fat fingers it grosses me out so bad I lose my appetite. He is an f'g pig. Like Dante's Inferno level gluttony. I have a visceral reaction to him.

Now I know WHY

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I always was grossed out by him too. Never imagined him to be a pedo and I'll need some more proof, thanks much. But yeah. Hate watching him eat, with the grease shimmering on his lips and multiple chins. shudder Nasty.

Vindicator ago

Aw damn. I was having pie with my coffee. Gonna hurl.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Take deep breaths!

Reddit_traitor ago

I've always hated this faggot.

Stukov ago

It isn't Guy Fieri its either Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, or Shepard Smith.

BestCaseOntario ago

This is definitely good evidence you folks are providing, kek.

You know what? Fuck you retards up your anus with a hot knife. Way to slander someone with absolutely NO EVIDENCE. Personally I think he's an arrogant douche-bag and I hated his show but that doesn't make him a pedo. Neither does anything you tards provided. You pizzagatefucktards are off your meds.

Joe10jo ago

Fuck your butthole with a hot knife, ya stupid fuck! Did it ever occur to you that us Pizzagaters wouldn't even fucking exist if actual investigators did any actual investigating!? And for FUCK SAKE, most of us know that nothing is set in stone. That's why this actual fucking forum exists... so that we can toss around ideas, see what others know, and try to put a stop to all this Luciferian baby fucking bullshit! Ya got it, fucker?????

BestCaseOntario ago

Luciferian baby fucking

Nothing is set in stone except this, right? Kek.

angry_mob ago

i think he's local (sonoma county CA or napa) but i don't know anything about him other than his name and that he has some food show. i don't go out much here so i wouldn't be much help. i hope it does come out if it's him tho. i know my brother saw him driving his car around this town once. i'll ask my bro if he knows anything else about him.

Sum-of-Nun ago

He owns Tex Wasabi’s in Santa Rosa, CA.

TinFoilMadHatter ago

Never would have guessed Guy, but also not surprised (rumors about sexual harassment for years). My bet was Shep Smith. Here's an interesting reddit thread on Smith's ties to Epstein. Maybe Enty/Himmm will out him next.

Joe10jo ago

Yep, Shep Smith and Haiti, etc...

Factfinder2 ago

I wouldn't be surprised. During his Comet PP visit, Fieri watched Alefantis prepare a pork loin and commented "won't lose with that loin," then appeared to read a sexual connotation into that and grinned slyly at the camera. Juvenile creep.

used2likepizza ago

He always says shit like that. He will talk about broccoli like that too. Clearly he has a food fettish and is a big fat, gluttonous pig but I'm not seeing anything overtly Pedo about this guy.

Dildo_Face ago

One by one the dominoes will fall, collapsing the shabby huts these scum dwell in, until we find the kingpin: Papa Murphy wearing, you guessed it, a STRAW HAT!

GoatyMcGoatface ago

Straw hat was the bomb when I was little

kthanxie ago

Make sure to watch the clip of him going to Comet Ping Pong to visit the one and only James Alefantis:

Snailracer ago

Guy is notoriously straight. If anything he's mocked PG because it was explained to him by the left, and he needed cover for his past homophobic statements. This story is a red herring.

MyUSA2017 ago

Shocked face! Um... not at all. #Pedo written all over Guy's face.

Optick ago

"Hey kid, wanna go to flavortown?"-Guy Fieri probably

GoatyMcGoatface ago

I really really shouldn't be chuckling at this

Markzila ago

"Flavortown" is what he calls the buttholes of young boys... that's why he calls himself The Mayor of Flavortown...

SoldierofLight ago

When the Bryan Singer allegations first appeared in Crazy Days and Nights a few years ago, I and a few others who named him were shot down as gay bashers and almost everyone defended Singer's actions as just normal Hollywood behavior-- you have to pay to play, basically. Now you look at the comments and I don't see a single person defending him. People are waking up and that's exactly what we need.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Does anyone know if he has had any episodes featuring voodoo donuts? Red flag for sure if so. Interesting enough there's been a commercial that my girlfriends dad hates featuring the fat fuck talking about "how it all started" and this comes to light shortly after. He says it plays every other 2 commercials on food network. (((They))) are prepping for the shit storm...

tholinz ago

I just checked. No Voodoo Donuts.

Cheesebooger ago

He's a jew, isn't he?

Obeastiality ago

No, hates jews supposedly

Cheesebooger ago

I remember all of the memes but I've never heard him say anything. You have a link to anything he might've said?

Obeastiality ago

All I can find is a couple articles saying he called Jews cheap and said jew delis suck, which in the professional victims eyes means he hates jews. Going to scratch that supposedly above

Cheesebooger ago


unclassified ago

I just saw a commercial today, I think Guy has a brand new show starting soon. If I remember right he goes to failing resteraunts and helps them re organize or whatever.

dundundunnnnn ago

HE VISITED COMET PING PONG. That fucking fat motherfucker. I can't fucking wait for his judgment day.

Dressage2 ago

Well isn't that interesting. Why am I not surprised?

Dressage2 ago

No I don't, but curious if he was getting ready to spill the beans on someone.

carmencita ago

The odd thing is they said he was just in two movies and had not reason to commit suicide. Easy to push someone out the window. There were some of those Investment people that jumped out of bldgs. in NY. Sad.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Not to stereotype but he has the look of a former twink about him

carmencita ago

I am sure that is what got him where he is and I really don't know who he was, but with all this outing of abusers, I found it odd that he committed suicide with so much to look forward to. So very odd.

Joe10jo ago

Yep! Lots of them back during the real estate crash!!

carmencita ago

There was a doctor that jumped into a river or lake and they said he had a note in his pocket. I thought it odd they could read his note after being in the water. There were other things wrong as well and some thought he may have been involved in the organ surgery somehow. He had a wife that was in the news bus. field. Strange.

Rmm ago

So this explains Guy at Comet Ping Pong

rickman ago

That thought that Guy uses his car to lure victims just reminded me that he sometimes takes his son with him. No doubt the son could be used to lure kids as well.

Fiveonit ago

Looks like there are a few skeletons in flavortown.

Lafall ago

He's the fat fuck with a black goat anchor beard blonde hair who makes a show about eating all kinds of nasty shit fast food?

myvoicefromhell ago

Looks like I'm going to have to start building condos.

pipilongstockings ago

You dont get a show unless you pay the toll.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I believe the toll is... a roll.


tholinz ago

I seem to recall how he got on the air. He was on Food Network Star. It was down to him and a nice subdued gay black man. Everyone thought the black guy would win. But FN have it to this fuckhead.