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Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

@Mej777 -. We thank you for your courage. The only way to the Truth is Together.

This is all true. Jem knows the real agenda. It is a global coalition against humanity to form a one world currency, one world religion, and control the population in a system of modern slavery.

The Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney Presidential Partnership represented two major arms of the coalition with the Jesuits and Mormons. Religion is one form of control as is employment, service groups and clubs, secret societies, food, water, housing, currency, media, and pizzagate. They created the Racine Interfaith Coalition as the model for religions to unite to push their corrupt and deceitful agenda.

The Rochester and Burlington area is also linked to the beginnings of the LDS and Mormon community.

See Voree, WI -,_Wisconsin

These groups are connected such names as to Warren Jeffs (still involved in prison), Mitt Romney, Evan McMullin, Tom DeLonge, Travis Barker and Poway, California. One group went west to Utah and beyond, and the others settled in Wisconsin. Another company in the area connected with the same circles is Nestle. Elizabeth Smart just spoke in Racine -

Scientology (such as Kristin Bauer van Straten et al), OTO (Abramovic et al), and Kabbalah (Ashton Kutcher et al) are also key elements of the coalition along with all arms of the mafia (even the Dixie mafia is in Wisconsin). There are others involved such as new age Christian groups such as Living Light Community Church and Beth Israel Sinai. United Way is deeply connected through these groups along with Racine Community Foundation.

If there were one family that is the main link to the real agenda it is the Johnsons, and if there were one person that is a key bridge through the Pilgrims Society it is John Jeffry Louis. This is a main link from Racine and the Johnsons to John McCain.

This is the Truth and the "root" is Racine, Wisconsin.