Factfinder2 ago

Followup story with more information about the allegations and the others named in the suit against Rubin: https://www.thedailybeast.com/models-lured-women-to-wall-street-sex-dungeon-lawsuit

Vic_V ago

Despite their ordeal, one of the women introduced him to another of her friends, claiming she was afraid of what he may do to her if she did not appear to appease him.

Why are broads so dumb just leave, wtf

GeorgeT ago

Women are turned on by power not realizing the freaks that they encounter.

angelafogo ago

All Cabalist. He was abused to the point of severe trauma as a child. Now he is role reversing. That is how they spread like a disease

GeorgeT ago

I believe this to be true with Jimmy the psycho CPP owner. Also, I believe that the Podestas are with MK Ultra - creating zombies and furure slave media whores. Jacke Tapper's wife - her favorite dining place - CPP?!! WTF?!!! It's Eyes Wide Shut - a club!

Bluebirdsolitud2 ago

I wonder if this will be used as a catalyst to finally investigate and publicize pizza/pedogate?

One perv leads to another and to another.....

used2likepizza ago

Sick fuck. Anyone else wonder if Howie's Daddy used to beat his baby and that's why he's so fucking deranged........?????

Wrath2017 ago

"Jews" don't consider infants human so you can basically do whatever you want to them. This is what their Talmud tells them.

AgainstPedos ago

WTF? I've talked to many Jews. Hardly anyone besides the ultra-religious, who dress stranger than the Amish, even know what's in the Talmud. Also there are many, many laws in the Bible that are no longer observed. Like if a man dies, his brother must marry his widow even if he already has a wife. I don't know where you get your info but like many statements on this site, so much of it doesn't make any sense.

I'm bringing this up because your comments distract from the REAL issue. There are too many who are into extremely violent sex. Watching fake movies isn't sufficient. Don't know if they are in a drug-fueled rage, not that that is ever an excuse. Worse I fear for his 3 kids.

By the way there have long been Blinds and rumors re certain stars who have severely beaten and even killed the powerless in a sexual context.

Wrath2017 ago

Where do I get my info from? The Talmud, hello? That is what the Talmud says. It justifies the rape of children because (indirectly) they are not considered human. Similarly "Jews" can do whatever they want to non-"Jews" (which they indeed do), because they are not considered human, but lower than animals. Convenient circumvention, no? As for only "ultra-religious" "Jews" only studying the Talmud, this is simply nonsense. The Talmud is THE book all "Jews" study. They do not study the Old Testament (Torah), only the Talmud, their "Oral Torah", and this applies to "secular Jews" as well. They are taught from the Talmud since birth. Besides, the Talmud is first and foremost a secular guideline for how "Jews" ought to live. It's legalistic rather than overtly religious. Those "Jews" you've talked to are simply lying. The Talmud itself says that any "Jew" that reveals the secrets of the Talmud deserves death as punishment. Why? Because they know what happens if non-"Jews" en masse would find out what their filthy book contains.

This Howie kike apparently said he rapes his daughter. I don't doubt it for a moment. Incest is one of the many things the Talmud condones. These are all talmudic things. Most likely Howie himself was raped a child. This is how it goes, generation after another.

For the unsavory nature of the Talmud, check out the link below:


GeorgeT ago

When I was 12, assembling a warship in my room I overheard a heated conversation between my Grandma and her neighbour - it was about a wife coming home early and stumbing upon her husband giving 3 month old baby a pacifier - the OTHER kind!!! Just to let you know folks, this took place in Georgia - former Soviet Republic - Christian Orthodox nation!!!! I urge all of you to stop selective vilification. PG is one conspiracy that brings everyone together since it plagues ever Nation irrelevant of creed and colour.

MetalAegis ago

He works for George Soros, well they say you can judge a man by the company he keeps.

Lafall ago

and also Hollyweird falls

Factfinder2 ago

Howie Rubin and his wife Mary Henry had a nonprofit family foundation:


newworldahead ago

According to this picture, it appears he was also a board member of the MS (Multiple Sclerosis) hope for a cure non-profit­.

His name does no longer appear on the foundation website but an archived version still exist on the wayback machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20161016104940/http://www.mshopeforacure.org/howie-rubin

derram ago

https://archive.is/7ep8D | :

Bear Stearns trader Howie Rubin 'raped and beat women' | Daily Mail Online

'Once in the penthouse, the women say Rubin turned on them and had violent sex, often beating them so severely that they required medical treatment. '

'On other occasions the women say they met with him in Miami and had dinner with him and Wes Edens, owner of the Milwaukee Bucks. '

'The women claim Rubin and his associates lured them to New York on JetBlue flights after contacting them on Instagram. ', "Shon then allegedly told the woman her boss 'loved spending time with Playboy models'."

'Rubin allegedly paid her $2,000 for the introduction to the third woman. '

This has been an automated message.

gentlemanadventurer ago

(((Rubin))) raping woman and children? Seems they only reason jews want money is so they can hurt people without consequences. If we are to save the West, and innocent women and children in the process, we must bankrupt the jew.

Wrath2017 ago

Interesting that you are getting downvotes. This guy is undeniably a Jew (of the fake rabbinic variety, that is), Jews undeniably have a very bad track record when it comes to psychopathy, and finally, they are simply living by the guidelines laid out by their beloved Talmud. So what is the problem? Only an ignorant would be surprised by Rubin's behavior.

GeorgeT ago

In Arabic countries pedophilia is rampant! Not even a crime. Just Jews? I don't think so.

Wrath2017 ago

Did I say "just Jews"? Having said that, yes, "Jews" remain the foremost purveyors of child rape. From what I can tell, child rape is not particularly rampant in Arabic countries. Afghanistan, which is not an Arabic country, is infamous for child rape, sure. As for the Saudis, rumour has it that the royalty is actually of "Jew" origin. Some say the same about Mohammed, the founder of Islam, but this is hard to prove. Either way, whatever may be the case in the rest of the world, "Jews" are extremely infamous for their perverted tendencies. There is no need to deflect from this.

gentlemanadventurer ago

The jews don't like the truth. They don't have a use for it and can't profit from it.

Factfinder2 ago

From the article:

"They say he then tied them up, gagged them and said: 'I’m going to rape you like I rape my daughter.'

He then punched them in the backs of their heads, breasts and rib cages, calling them c**ts and becoming more violent if they screamed, they said.

Rubin then allegedly threw one woman to the ground and ordered her to call him 'daddy' while he beat her in the back of the head until she lost consciousness.

'He continued to punch her, stating that: "Howie is the daddy. The daddy has to beat his baby.' The woman says he then raped her so violently it caused 'tears to her vagina'.

Wrath2017 ago

"Things kikes like".

Bluebirdsolitud2 ago

Sounds eerily familiar to Pedosta

GeorgeT ago

In that video that creep behind the camera who is torturing a child sounds like Podesta and is heard shouting ....' Whose your daddy now..., I am your fu$&n daddy!' That daddy obsession seems so prevalent with all those sadistic freaks. Wish Freud was around to shed some light on it.

Factfinder2 ago

I was thinking the very same thing.