TrishaUK ago

WHAT IS GOING ON? Washington Post on the warpath agains Alex Jones and INFOWARS - This is the wirdest thing that Soros/Podesta/DemonRats/MSM have done yet....they know they own the airwaves so they can control the narrative! UNBELIEVABLE. We knew FAKE NEWS was coming out but to this level??? - I guess at least they have not killed him yet! Pray pray pray... Salon Catches Alex Jones In A Whopper Of A Lie @srayzie @carmentia @Darknight111 @Jem777

newworldahead ago

wtf... holy cow this is so fuc*ed up! TBTB are panicking big time I'd say.

srayzie ago

I'm listening now. I am SO SICK of this crap. It absolutely amazes me that they are clearly lying and blaming Alex Jones. You don't have to like Alex Jones to see that something is going on. What's coming November 4th is real and he's against it! There are 2 goals here.

  1. They are smearing Alex Jones' name because they are scared that alternative media is becoming so popular now and mainstream media is failing. So, they are showing desperation. To all of a sudden have nearly 20 media outlets come out saying this crap will make it hard to pinpoint any single one for spreading the lie.

  2. They are advertising and encouraging people to sign up for this "movement", but in a way that they can deny it by saying it was printed because they were just showing that Infowars was lying.

Either way, they are getting many brainwashed sheep to believe it. They got their exposure. Even bad exposure is good.

Why would they ever pay extra and take up almost a whole page on the printed versions, to show this flyer unless it was something they were clearly trying to get people to pay attention to it. They are encouraging a civil war.

If us pizzagaters did that and people got injured or murdered, they would zero in on us and shut us down. But as usual, mainstream media and the radical left don't live by the same rules as us, or any group that doesn't go along with their agenda.

TrishaUK ago

Srayzie everything you say is so true! Soros recently put $18 'billion' to fight this war! UNBELIEVABLE! Soros LOST $1 billion by betting that Trump would LOSE the election. By Lou Dobbs on Fox Business - George Soros transfers $18B to open society foundation - - These reports are so shocking! Soros needs ALL HIS ASSETS FROZEN AND SEIZED! ------ THIS IS ALL TO DESTABILISE AMERICA AND COVER FOR THE 'ELITES' (which is where the pizzagate part comes in) ----- An 2016 extra worth a watch now we know more, James O'Keefe veritasvisuals exposes Soros Open Society Foundation! Its even worse now ... sadly ... I heard that they are funding Antifa and BLM to agitate and destabilise America. Confronting Soros’s Open Society Foundation Over Lack of Transparency -

srayzie ago

YES! On the same day, the Pentagon is having a nationwide drill.

“This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

maggiethatcher ago

Died of a stroke. Unfortunately not uncommon enough to be suspicious

TrishaUK ago

They can cover up anything, or even say you have something when you don't as a cover up for something worse. When McCain had the 'brain surgery', though, and I am not usually this cynical us, but I thought oh yeah, that is so they can't accuse him of the coming exposed crimes, you know, 'he's old', 'he's had surgery' etc, it may have affected his decisions. (was it a genuine surgery? Need to check out pics of the healing and see how well it healed or inconsistencies in the aesthetics, they can do some pretty convincing stuff these days haha). Then today I listened to Ed from The Outer Light on yt and he mentioned the same lol.

maggiethatcher ago

Yeah the McCain thing is fishy, and I'm a doc. Either he had a real brain tumour which was operated on in which case he wouldn't be back to 'normal' for at least a few weeks-months. Or he had something else which didn't require major intervention other than a pretend scar.

TrishaUK ago

Yup, I feel fake because my niece is an artist and it is amazing how real the makeup these days can be, so lifelike that scar he had was for dramatic effect and sympathy of everyone. I really should try look through photos of him week by week of the 'healing'.

Markb63 ago

God bless. Revenge!

TrishaUK ago

Well the quote I would use is 'God does the revenging and God LOVES children, so I would not swap the world to be in their shoes!'

sarrah ago

totally natural. People aged 52 drop dead from strokes every minute.

YogSoggoth ago

Facebook is pretty much banned by smart people. There are other articles out there you can share.

Lafall ago

terrible news RIP

carmencita ago

When it became public that BBC News blocked her investigation from airing, she admitted on Panorama: “I was very unhappy the story didn’t run because I felt we’d spoken to people who collectively deserved to be heard. And they weren’t heard. THIS woman should be Canonized a Saint. One of the Soldiers of Pizzagate.

3141592653 ago

Yes. We should do a heroes of PG list. So that people can vote and rate, so they're in order of votes. Kinda like the opposite of when that guy did the deck of cards of PG villains, that was great....

Star_Platinum ago

She died August 18th. This is not mentioned in the aricle

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

I thought this was even older than that. I didn't realize it was so recent.

TrishaUK ago

yeah me either, thank you @MeatballPizza