GeorgeT ago

That does it! You mean to tell me that Corey has no idea what pizza means?? No way!

pby1000 ago

I was suspicious when he said he wanted to raise $10M for a documentary.

ESOTERICshade ago

I was suspicious when he said he wanted to raise $10M for a documentary.

Me too. I would say that his days as any sort of truthteller have officially ended.

pby1000 ago

And Cathy O'Brien publicly came out with it in Trance Formation of America. Letting everyone know is probaby the best way to stay safe. No money or documentry is required.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Corey's interview with Barbara was in 2013.

Here is his bday bash of 2012/August possibly.

Corey's Angels

esotericshade said...

He has been forced to make a decision between being abandoned and homeless, or continuing to eek out a living being a compromised person.

It seems as if his main goal right now is to make enough money to live,

Dunno about you but he certainly seems to be eeking out pretty darn well/almost naked ladies and sex romping at his mansion. This guy is a scam regardless of if he has been abused or not. Just bc you are abused does not absolve you from making conscious choices. Harvey was handed to the public on a silver platter by a woman who films her own home porn movies/which was conveniently leaked after she 'came out'.

Cory has been dropping hints for a few, interesting isn't it?

Something more is going on here and it's not what we are seeing~that's for sure in my book.

4_InquiringMinds ago

And how do we know for sure he was abused? There is conflicting testimony that he introduced his 'abuser' to Haim and others. While being underage sure that is abuse if it happened (if)/but was he an unwilling participant or saw a way to advance his career? And did he set up Haim out of jealousy? Just bc you are a teenager doesn't mean you can't be devious and manipulative.

And from what I gather he is very adept at being devious and manipulative...not just for the 10 mil thing...take a gander at his concert tour he wanted ppl to donate to. He's been scamming a long long time.

being abandoned and homeless

Give me a fucking break~

ESOTERICshade ago

Money goes away incredibly fast when it stops coming in. If they were to cut him off he would be a pauper in no time.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Money goes away incredibly fast when it stops coming in. If they were to cut him off he would be a pauper in no time.

That is simply not true. He has had access to more money than most of us will ever see here and if he bothered to do some kind of portfolio he would be set. Sure, maybe not living in a mcmansion, maybe not throwing big parties for himself with nearly naked ladies. Maybe not being able to take his rag tag band on tours. Maybe have to live in modest means like those of us here do. Should I feel badly for him if he could not afford an expensive wardrobe? Should I feel bad for him if he had to drive an economy car? Should I feel bad for him if he had to leave bolllywood? Should I feel bad for him if he couldn't surround himself with almost naked ladies?

If that is the case then please everyone feel sorry for me lol. I'll get a gofundme account set up asap and I don't even need 10 million to live on, hire security and make a movie. One mill would do me just fine plus I have no interest in the naked ladies part grin.

Pauper my ass. He is capitalizing on heinous crimes. He is part of the sham. He is part of the con. He is a sleaze (send me pics of you in your underwear and agree to wear lingerie all night at my party). If he were in half the danger he says he is he would be doa by now, drug overdose etc which would be totally plausible since he does like to lead with his nose.

Why do you stand up for him? What is your angle making excuses for a degenerate?

ESOTERICshade ago

Should I feel badly for him if he could not afford an expensive wardrobe? Should I feel bad for him if he had to drive an economy car? Should I feel bad for him if he had to leave bolllywood? Should I feel bad for him if he couldn't surround himself with almost naked ladies?

I don't.

That is simply not true. He has had access to more money than most of us will ever see here and if he bothered to do some kind of portfolio he would be set.

One of the most famous people in the country music industry used to be my roomate. You might be surprised how little of that money they actually skate with. I doubt a drug addled abuse victim like Feldman has much of a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. His party money is probably a combination of hush money and funded by some promoters. His "lifestyle of partying with naked chicks" was probably mostly promotional videos. I doubt he can afford to live that way without wads of cocaine to dish out to the chicks and I doubt he has the cash for it at this point.

Why do you stand up for him? What is your angle making excuses for a degenerate?

Obviously you have no idea what it is like to be in the iron grip of powerful people and being abused. I do, personally.

I'm not standing up for him, by the way. I am also not making excuses for him. But, I know for a fact your perspective of what an abuse victim's life is like, and what sort of choices they have, is at best limited, to say the kindest and least.

Mammy ago

Corey is at best an idiotic dweeb; at worst -- an opportunistic extortionist.

Are_we_sure ago

Once again folks showing they only care about pedophilia when it supports their political theories.

lazyusername ago

I think it's more he's been talking about this shit for years and never outed them. Now he's angling for another cash grab. Pity runs out when you say and do anything for cash like he is.

ESOTERICshade ago

Once again folks showing they only care about pedophilia when it supports their political theories.

Isn't it time for you to administer the daily beatings to the newer MK children? Being a full time shill and a child abuser keeps you busy doesn't it? Super shill!!!

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Mk ultra victim like O'Donnell. They are unless for wirnesses.

insecteyes ago

I was thinking for a while that maybe he had already named names in the past but was not protected and has been scared ever since. That would have helped explain this reluctance to spill specifics but apparent urgency to get the truth out. I would totally understand that.

But now he seems fuckey. Like y'all have said, the truth is free. So why not just talk? And why deny things that are so similar to what you experienced as a child?

Seems like someone might be threatening him or something. Not sure why anyone would draw attention to widespread pedophilia if they were wholly on the side of the perpetrators.

ESOTERICshade ago

He is trapped in it. He obviously meant well. He went on national television and outed the situation. He has suffered the same fate as most that try to speak. He has been forced to make a decision between being abandoned and homeless, or continuing to eek out a living being a compromised person.

He would probably be dead if he had not gone on national television with Barbara Walters. Killing him now would be pretty obvious.

He has been beaten by the game. It seems as if his main goal right now is to make enough money to live, not get killed, even though that means being compromised and doing some things he would rather not have to do.

I still don't hold it against him. He went against the Dragon and lost. He is not the first and will not be the last.

InnocentAngels ago

He can't be trusted now. He caved to the machine.

ESOTERICshade ago

He can't be trusted now. He caved to the machine.

I agree that he cannot be trusted. At the same time I am not hostile toward him for getting his ass kicked by the big machine. It eats people for a living...

GeorgeT ago

There is no way in hell he would not know what 'pizza' means in pedo circles. He is a sell out - even the abused have their price!!! Sad!

ESOTERICshade ago

There is no way in hell he would not know what 'pizza' means in pedo circles. He is a sell out - even the abused have their price!!! Sad!

Yup. Having your head shoved in a trash can full of water and being drowned, revived, drowned, and revived a few times tends to make people mind and obey.

InnocentAngels ago

Yes, both the willing and unwilling. Whoever they want at any given time.

insecteyes ago

I hope he's able to disappear and help uncover stuff from afar somehow. Or at least encourage others to watch out for pedophilia and secrecy in powerful groups. Maybe that's why he needs the extra money.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Corey Feldman is a victim but he also is no Saint or Savior. Corey runs an extortion and blackmail scheme in exchange for his silence to stay relevant and to buy his "angels".

Read our other posts about Corey Feldman. If he wants to repent and help do something that will really make a change, we challenge him to shine the light on Racine, Wisconsin and the great deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) that leads to Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast.

witch_doctor1 ago

**"Read our other posts " ** WTF does this mean? Do you have multiple personalities? Does CTR have you on shifts for the same username?

For all of the sincere folks here...the correct course of action is to ignore this faggot and vigorously downvote every time it posts. This is the last time I will reply to it. Downvotes only from here on out.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It means read our entire history of comments here on voat alone to understand the Truth.

Your ad hominem attacks are as ineffective as your strategy to deny the Truth.

You are not the only one afraid of the world finding out the Truth about Racine, Wisconsin.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are not the only one afraid of the world finding out the Truth about Racine, Wisconsin.

I decided to pull your chain and see what rolled out. It was nothing but shit. I think the @witch_doctor1 is right about you until proven otherwise. A stupid faggot.

witch_doctor1 ago

*"Corey runs an extortion and blackmail scheme in exchange for his silence to stay relevant and to buy his "angels" * Sauce? I guess this relates to the less than 100K ghost town of Racine somehow? Have you ever provided sauce for anything?

new4now ago

personally, I think CHICAGO is ROOT

Racine is a smaller Milwaukee, it's full of drug addicts and hustlers, I think Milwaukee more corrupt at higher levels then Racine

These cities are no different then thousands of cities everywhere in the US

Corruption in Politics much higher and more pertinent in other cities


Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Paul Ryan is the most powerful politician in America. Racune, Wisconsin is his district.

The global agenda based on the deception of sustainability did not begin in Milwaukee or Chicago, or DC, or Hollywood. The "root" is in Racine,

You need to learn how Racine was the original Chicago, and also look up the ancient discoveries in Wisconsin.

Racine is the hub that connects them all together from Haiti to Ghana to Belgium to Pakistan and UAE.

This is not opinion, this is the Truth.

ESOTERICshade ago

You need to learn how Racine was the original Chicago, and also look up the ancient discoveries in Wisconsin.

Nope. You need to spell it out.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Look at Rock Lake, Lake Michigan Stonehedge, Man Mound and Aztalan to start. Look up John Jeffry Louis and the Pilgrims Society.

ESOTERICshade ago

Look at Rock Lake, Lake Michigan Stonehedge, Man Mound and Aztalan to start. Look up John Jeffry Louis and the Pilgrims Society.

No, why don't you explain how it all fits in? You're the big Racine expert. Lay it on us.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have many times. You refuse to listen or learn.

Judgejewdy ago

And....source? I'm going to start saying shit without any evidence and deride people when they don't believe me. Here: Taos new mexico is the home of pg. It is a Mecca for "artists," who sell their pieces as substitutes for children. I.e. Each piece of artwork represents a child on the open market. Trust me, i know, I've been a cia insider for years but i got fired when they tried to make me scrub data from stolen hard drives. I walked away in exchange for my silence. So i can't say anything else. But trust me. Look into it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Which part do you need a source for exactly?

Do you need others to physically feed you by putting food in your mouth?

Start with the list of top Clinton Foundation donors. You will see SC Johnson and Rotary. Then look at the list of international SC Johnson locations and Rotary programs. Look at the relationships and partnerships from Cargill, DuPont, Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, Solvay, Abbott, Epic Systems, and others to Gates Foundation, John Jeffry Louis and McCain Institute to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville.

This is a lot of information to put into one liink and we don't want to have any biased sources so choose any you trust. Once you have verified all of this, try looking into the Clintons, Johnsons, and Sustainable Development.

For extra credit - Do you know where Tony Podesta got his big break in politics and art?

You have to choose to want the Truth in order to learn the Truth.

Can you handle it?

ESOTERICshade ago

This is a lot of information to put into one liink and we don't want to have any biased sources so choose any you trust.


For extra credit - Do you know where Tony Podesta got his big break in politics and art?

Nope. And whatever you do don't tell us!

Can you handle it?

Now you're just a prick.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The extra credit answer is Racine, Wisconsin.

Don't believe us? Why don't you try some due diligence?

ESOTERICshade ago

The extra credit answer is Racine, Wisconsin.

Gee willikers thanx teacher. You keep claiming to have the hot spot of all evil hot spots. I don't doubt you found a hot spot. Wouldn't surprise me. There are thousands alllll over this nation. You have utterly failed to explain why Racine is so special.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine is the model and birthplace of sustainable development which is the central theme of Agenda 2030.

Another is Community Policing. Another is global distribution channels. Another is Zika. Another is Rotary. Another is the Great Lakes. Another is Resilient Communities. Another is Foxconn. Another is the Marquette mafia. Another is Art in Embassies. Another is Aztalan. Another is Timothy Dolan. Another is Racine Dominicans. Another is Epic Systems. Another is the Knights of Pythias. Another is Pilgrims Society.

There are a few reasons.

ESOTERICshade ago

damn, maybe its not a bot. keep going....

bopper ago


witch_doctor1 ago

Hey Bopper...Bopper fam doing good?

bopper ago

Hey, yes, thanks. Still so many people hurting here. But most of us are okay, just lost my mom but wasn't unexpected. Good to hear from you.

witch_doctor1 ago

Man, sorry to hear that.

bopper ago

Yes, thank-you very much :)

ESOTERICshade ago

Wisconsin and the great deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) that leads to Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast.

I believe you that Racine probably stinks. I am also watching you slowly kill awareness of it by repeating that same message over and over. Its your message. If you want to continue to kill it, thats up to you.

If you want to repeat something over and over it should at least be normie friendly. Say the word "satan" and lose 90% of your normies instantly. This battle is won or lost with their support. You are not hitting the right notes.

witch_doctor1 ago

The problem is that he is not providing any sources. The way this place is supposed to generally work, is that v:/pizzagater comes across some knowledge, develops a theory and posts findings with that the community can either investigate or debunk...this dude throws out wild accusations with no proof and expects us to investigate those wild accusations. Think of it this way...if you were a globalist funny and huge of a win would it be if you could direct the v:/pizzagate citizen investigators to waste time on wild goose chase to investigate a sub 100K ghost town that essentially doesn't appear in Wikileaks? This faggot needs to be ignored and downvoted into oblivion. His intentions are obviously not honest.

ESOTERICshade ago

I was with him until today. Today when I saw him talking about sustainability and satan AGAIN without even explaining Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 and how Racine is the model for it, it just hit my damn irritation trigger for some reason.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The global model was based on Sustainable Racine started by Sam Johnson who was on the President's Council on Sustainable Development.

The President of the United States, as resolved by the 102nd Congress, by Executive Order formed the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) in 1993. Its job was to devise a plan to incorporate the tenets of Agenda 21 throughout our society.

As well as the President and Vice President the PCSD consisted of 25-members from industry, government, and non-governmental organizations and were as follows:

US Department of Energy, US Department of Agriculture, US Department of Commerce, US Department of the Interior, US Environmental Protection Agency, US Department of State, US Department of Education, Council on Environmental Quality, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Ciba-Geigy Corporation; Pacific Gas & Electric Company; Georgia-Pacific Corporation; Chevron Corporation; Citizens Network on Sustainable Development; General Motors Corporation; S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.; Enron Corp.; Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc., National Resources Defense Council; Sierra Club; The Nature Conservancy; AFL-CIO; National Wildlife Federation; Environmental Defense Fund; Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.

There are many more links but here are a few:

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are wrong.

Sustainability is Satan's Ability. The real agenda is Global Enslavement. The "root" and model is Racine, Wisconsin.

We know the real Truth. Open your eyes.

ESOTERICshade ago

Sustainability is Satan's Ability. The real agenda is Global Enslavement.

You and I know that is true. Normies don't know it.

Normies are what you need to have any real impact. I know you know that.

Normies will turn you off at the word "satan."

I now consider you not bright enough to convey the message.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We understand ad hominem attacks just fine.

Try removing your ego from the equation, and moving beyond semantics of good vs evil. Sustainability is a model of deception to forge control. That is what you need to know.

Racine is the Root of this system of Global Criminal Corruption stemming from the key theme of Sustainability. That has been our message since our first posts here and elsewhere. This system of corruption will lead to Global Enslavement.

The key chain of command is Rothschilds to Rockefellers to Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin).

Why don't you take it from there?

ESOTERICshade ago

The key chain of command is Rothschilds to Rockefellers to Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin).

Wow that blew me away. I get it now. I am enlightened! Sorry I am being sarcastic but you have just become irritating now.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Are you trying to argue that they are not connected or key players in the network of global criminal corruption?

ESOTERICshade ago

Are you trying to argue that they are not connected or key players in the network of global criminal corruption?

Nope. I am telling you that you have failed miserably in any attempts to detail how they are.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have repeatedly. Read our other comments. It is a global racketeering network. Clinton Foundation is one of many more involved. Racine has its own foundations. You should look into them.

Or look at the Gates Foundation and Rotary or Gates Foundation and SC Johnson.

This is a system of deception for global control over all industries and populations.

ESOTERICshade ago

Maybe its just me but I don't see anything extraordinary about it. Maybe its because I have been aware of sustainability for over 20 years and I have seen lots of these pilot sites in my life. I remember when I first found Agenda 2050, many years ago, written by The Club Of Rome, I thought I had found the motherload. I knew, as you say, I had the modern blueprint for slavery. That is what it is, the modern blueprint for slavery.

Now, many years later, probably due to the fact that I have known it for so long, it mainly gives me a big yawn.

It is very important information however. I realize that it is. If every young person in this country knew it, it would seriously hurt or delay their chances of implementing it.

I think everybody that reads this forum is aware of sustainability. But, we are used to reading stories about children getting their faces ripped off with a pair of pliers, slowly, while people laugh in the background. Sustainability is not much of a shocker.

I applaud your efforts to teach it. I think your methods need further development.

You keep mentioning risking your life to convey what you know. So far, I haven't seen anything even close to life threatening in your information.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

At least you have recognized we are posting the Truth.

Is murder life threatening enough?

ESOTERICshade ago

At least you have recognized we are posting the Truth.

I saw long ago that the Racine area has a long history. Your methods of teaching it are irritating and ineffective, in my opinion. I saw what was at the bottom of Lake Michigin, the sun dial, etc....

How many people do you imagine are capable of connecting it to a long history of ritual sacrifice, symbolic of the crucifiction of Christ, the meaning of "Y", the "combinator", the "joining" (templar thing).

I see the model that has been constructed. Its a mini slave colony.

I'm a rare case though. Only people like me and a few others could glance at it and recognize it. There are some pretty sharp people in this forum and I only know a small hand full of those that could glance at what you presented and see it.

Your approach is irritatingly repetitive, a total turn off to normies (using Satan), lacks critical information, and pretty much ineffective in my opinion. That is only one person's opinion but I believe it.

Is murder life threatening enough?

If the situation is as dangerous as you hint at, and it may well be, you still need to modify your approach somehow because your current approach is ineffective and turning people off. Just my opinion, but like I said, I believe it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We are not hinting at murder. It has already happened. We cannot divulge the details yet as that will put more lives in direct harm, but we would not be posting about it if it were not the Truth. This is not a joke or a game, nor have we ever claimed to have all of the answers. We do know that traditional justice is not possible with absolute certainty, and the Truth is the only way to Save the world before it is too late.

We are also working on many other developments simultaneously. Posting here is one of many arms at work. We cannot do this alone.

We are repetitive here by design, and of course its effectiveness can be argued either way (US Senate Anon was well aware of Racine for example), however instead of arguing about whether our strategies are most effective, we would encourage you to employ any strategy you believe will be more effective.

What we can guarantee is that we know the Truth, and that it is too complicated and compartmentalized for most to understand. Focusing on one group or another is divisive, whereas exposing the "root" of the network is unifying and something that can unravel the system using their own model against them.

How many of your group has been murdered in this process, what is your strategy, and how is it working better? Please help or enlighten us.

ESOTERICshade ago

Try removing your ego from the equation, and moving beyond semantics of good vs evil. Sustainability is a model of deception to forge control. That is what you need to know.

P.S. That is rather humorous coming from the person that can't stop adding the word "satan" to their robot dialogue. If you are serious do some detailed write ups on Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 and tie it to Racine's operations. Otherwise you are simply pissing in the wind. I could freehand it right now and write a few paragraphs on Agenda 21 and easily demonstrate how they plan to use it to enslave humanity. I'm beginning to think you don't understand it well enough to teach anybody anything about it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Do you refuse to admit the clear similarity between Sustainability and Satan's Ability?

Do you refuse to admit that the model for Sustainability was created in Racine, Wisconsin?

If you don't know about Racine, Wisconsin you surely cannot freehand anything accurate about Agenda 2030.

You are getting desperate, but there is still time for you to repent and accept the Truth.

ESOTERICshade ago

Do you refuse to admit the clear similarity between Sustainability and Satan's Ability?

Now i'm tempted to tell you to fuck off.

Do you refuse to admit that the model for Sustainability was created in Racine, Wisconsin?

How the fuck would we know? You can't explain it yourself.

If you don't know about Racine, Wisconsin you surely cannot freehand anything accurate about Agenda 2030.

And you goddamned sure couldn't teach it even if you did know it.

You are getting desperate, but there is still time for you to repent and accept the Truth.

That did it. Fuck off asswipe.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Your blind ignorance is showing through your emotional responses.

Even wikipedia can answer most of these for you.

Instead of spending 2 minutes to look.up the Truth, you prefer posting profane slurs because you are mad about being wrong.

You are failing the Litmus Test.

ESOTERICshade ago

Even wikipedia can answer most of these for you.

You're just full of shit.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have looked at Racine. I can see all the immigrants they shipped in from the very beginning. They set up their own little slave labor operation after pretending to be the anti-slavery heroes.

I can see all the Churches that moved in from different countries in its initial beginnings. I see the Catholics have their grubby paws in it too.

I can see the shit ton industries and I realize there are some very rich, powerful, and dirty people involved.

I realize that one of the architects of the modern lingo for slavery "sustainability" is Mr. Johnson Wax himself. Sustainability is an ancient concept that has gone under many names, even before this country was founded.

I can see they have a port. That is always good for shady business too.

I see the setup. Now tell us the real dirt.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We are glad to see you admit we are telling the Truth.

Racine is controlled by global elites involved in evil rituals and practices, brazen corruption, and systems of extreme abuse, trafficking, racketeering, blackmail, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, fraud, rigged development deals, murder, and other crimes. They control the international airport and harbor with the help of corrupt and complicit law enforcement. The mafia and gangs do the dirty work.

One key step is first proving to the world that the U.S. justice system is absolutely corrupt beyond repair, and that Trump.will not investigate or drain the swamp in Paul Ryan's district. This can be proven through several cases including a RICO case obstructed by Jim Comey, Loretta Lynch, Paul Ryan and others.

The next step is getting the world to understand the Truth and the real agenda for global enslavement. As a model Sanctuary City Racine has a steady supply of undocumented children, along with an opioid epidemic, unusual day care laws, and privately controlled public education.

As a model for community policing, Racine and southeast Wisconsin have the highest incarceration rates for young black men.

Racine is also a model for Reailient Communities, prison labor, and global education reform. Sustainability is the underlying theme to force consensus for every program that is part to a greater whole.

They are also moving quickly to take control over the new gold and oil combined through the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative.

There is more. This goes very deep.

We may not agree on everything but if you are really interested in the Truth, we are asking for your help.

We cannot do this by ourselves.

ESOTERICshade ago

Try removing your ego from the equation, and moving beyond semantics of good vs evil. Sustainability is a model of deception to forge control. That is what you need to know.

You don't say?

Why don't you take it from there?

You haven't taught me anything I didn't already know. I'm beginning to think I understand this better than you quite frankly. You're a broken record. You're a parrot. You are teaching nothing.

If you want to teach people how sustainability is the systematic plan for global enslavement, and I do understand that it is, then teach it instead of being irritating and repeating the same sentence over and over and over and over and over and over and over.......

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Please go ahead and Save the world for us.

It sounds like you already have the answers and knew about Racine all along.

There is nothing you can teach to someone who believes they know everything already.

ESOTERICshade ago

There is nothing you can teach to someone who believes they know everything already.

I was willing to participate with you in a dig. You didn't show up. I'm no longer interested.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Then you cannot be Saved.

Judgejewdy ago

You're starting to sound like Corey Feldman, too - i.e. have a bunch of supposed info but won't name names (or in your case lay out the evidence). What exactly are you waiting for? This breadcrumb bs is getting old.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You should read all of our comments. We have named more names than anyone else here.

Here is a name of someone involved for you - John Jeffry Louis

Here is another name involved - Kristin Bauer van Straten and her brother Jeff

Here is another - Caron Butler

Have you read our other comments?

lexlex ago

I would up vote you a million times if I could for that!!!

GHDW ago


$100k donated to a worthless lucifarian jew

MyUSA2017 ago

Not one cent from me and I am very giving to worthy causes....

GHDW ago

Thank God, and bless you

carmencita ago

Your Arse Is Grass Corey. We are over you.

witch_doctor1 ago

Pretty much...and wasn't he like 16 or something when he was "molested"? At 16 I was driving, lifting weights and playing football, and having sex with low-hanging fruit type chicks. That's a far cry from what we have been told is on the Weiner hard drive. Kinda reminds me of the Joe Rogan time machine bit in reverse... ..maybe he wants to go back and not blow anybody and live a normal life.

carmencita ago

Maybe but when you play you have to pay too. I know it is not his fault what others are doing, but if you have evidence, you have to disclose. It's not like he would be guessing, he knows. Or he has been playing everybody along. When you get into that kind of seedy life this is what happens. It's like being in the mob.

witch_doctor1 ago

True...all I get from the Pedowood scandal is that decent America needs to burn it with fire and vote with our more cable, no more movies at the theater. That being said, what I did not see coming is how the Weinstein scandal very directly harms the Clinton cabal.

carmencita ago

The Clintons get a lot of money from the Stars. The Agents push and push and demand and some just give on their own. Ari Emanuel (Rahm's brother) brought in a bundle for Obama and for Hillary.

witch_doctor1 ago

Yes..totally agree. It is pretty much an extension of Operation Mockingbird.

carmencita ago


SecondAmendment ago

Yup. He's a piece of shit.

migratorypatterns ago

Yup! I was wrong!!! He's a fucking honeypot just like that poster said!!!!

Never saw that tweet, or the series of tweets he made sticking up for the pedophiles, apparently!!!! Just a POS!!!! No wonder Corey Haim hated him so much! Was probably his handler and when Haim got to be a liability, the star whackers took over.

Feldman, you're a POS!

sukitfeminists ago

When I saw he wouldn't come out about it way back, I wrote him off. Then there was a video of him parading around with some whores dressed up as angels, that was off-putting. All I can say now is it's do or die time, if he doesn't make something of this, then his already shitty career will be completely destroyed.

derram ago | :

Corey Feldman Denied PIZZAGATE 2 Months Ago! #PIZZAGATE #PEDOGATE - YouTube

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