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cantsleepawink ago

Just thought I'd throw this in for those who read estoteric symbology in media..

Avalon by Roxy Music


is a legendary island featured in the Arthurian legend.

Order of the Falcon

Avalon and associations with pedophilia:

“Marion Zimmer Bradley was a noted science fiction and fantasy author, with best-sellers to her credit and a large number of adoring fans. But MZB, as she was often called, had far less savory aspects to her as well. Most notably, she actively aided and abetted her husband, Walter Breen, in the sexual abuse and molestation of children.

cantsleepawink ago

BRIAN ENO was a member of Roxy Music

He was hired by politician Nick Clegg as a youth advisor Clegg hires Brian Eno as youth adviser

Nick clegg runs when confronted about peadophile ring

Nick Clegg attempted to coverup Cyril Smith paedophilia

From Brian Eno's show 77 Million Paintings :

Look closely at the swirls

and the children

cantsleepawink ago

"This is Not America" from The Falcon and the Snowman soundtrack:

cantsleepawink ago

History of the Order of the Falcon

The original award was designed by Hans Christian Tegner, a professor at the Copenhagen Academy of Art, in collaboration with the royal secretary Jón Hjaltalín Sveinbjörnsson and Poul Bredo Grandjean, an heraldic expert. Their original designs are in the possession of the Office of the President.

Hans Christian Harald Tegner, known as Hans Tegner was a Danish artist and illustrator, chiefly known for his illustrations of literaty works by Hans Christian Andersen and Ludvig Holberg.

Hans Christian Andersen Was A Bit Of A Pervert

During his stay with Charles Dickens in 1857, he requested to be shaved by one of Dickens’ young sons every morning, a request the British author grumpily turned down. It’s said he spent his life filled with “tortuous unrequited sexual yearnings” for young men, yearnings he possibly had to alleviate with a pornography addiction.

carmencita ago

I had a feeling this was going to lead to Hans Christian Andersen. Why must so many of our children's authors and fairy tales be dragged through the mud? Because they were written by perverts. So very sad. Let's hope the CP was enough to calm Hans although that is a crime as well. God. Do I have to throw out all my childhood books now? Frustrating.

gaystapo ago

Yeah, your childhood books are tainted. Hollywood and mainstream is tainted.

carmencita ago

I will have to decide what to do with them.

cantsleepawink ago

I had the original HCA stories as a child. They were definitely sanitized for the masses. His stories were originally very dark. I'm afraid that looking for truth sometimes means shedding light on our more cherished memories and seeing that there was another story behind our learned beliefs.

carmencita ago

I am thinking I will not get rid of them for I did not collect them for nefarious purposes. I cannot help that he had perverse thoughts. We are letting these people run our lives. Pizza, hearts, swirls, books, movies, music certain stars, I am sick of it all. I will not buy or give wealth to any one of today, but this is getting ridiculous. I just love Film Noir Movies, and I have to know some of them were pedos too, Is there nothing left? Sigh.