AmyJames ago

@Vindicator interesting that my computer is being screwed with as I try to respond to you.

Vindicator ago

Amy are you saying you feel the email was a threat based on your investigation of Toy Freaks?

If so, I suggest we spread this news far and wide. When Alefantis was trying to silence @IsThisGameofThrones, it was his going public with the threats that forced him to back off. Unfortunately, the posts you've made on this are not really shareable outside of Voat -- way to many bits and pieces that haven't been clearly presented in a straightforward thesis, with supporting evidence. If you make such a post, please ping me and I will flair it.

It should succinctly summarize the Toy Freaks research, with link to other previous posts on the subject, as well.

Jem777 ago

@Vindicator just wondering why when I was threatened with death less than a week ago by showing me pictures of Scalia murder location then followed up with a headless Dahmer victim indicating this would be my fate you said nothing. In fact the poster has been identified as an agent so the threat to my life is real. As well a the fact I was followed then jumped at my home by four men who beat the living hell out of telling me I better keep my fucking mouth shut about all of this. Yes all four beat me, getting into gated community,,lying in wait beat me once, then when I made it to my feet beat me again. Yes helicopters, police, etc had to come because it was so severe.

Then I get death threats on the public forum and no mod responded. I had to go to a whaitehat inside Voat for protection.

I contacted you and MF and the only response I got was well you have to link it to a post, which I had done with no response. Thank God there are whitehats in here who saved and archived the threats before they could be deleted. I am a witness to so much of this evil and I get deletions from MF, disinfo tags from you. And I am a live witness risking my like.

Vindicator ago

Jem, you never responded to any of my requests for linked evidence or screenshots with anything. Please show me where you did, because I take this stuff seriously and will push it up the chain to Putt without delay if it's happening on Voat. Every time I asked, you said you didn't want to reveal anything publicly, even redacted.

I'm glad you found a whitehat who could help. It's one of the things I would suggest to anyone.

Jem777 ago

I stopped linking you guys cause nothing gets done. By the time any of you respond the poster deletes.

Ask @darkknight111 about the death threat to "Scalia me"with a picture of Marfa, Tx ranch then to make a victim of me by showing me Dahmer's headless victim.

This was not a troll either. I have identified him as an agent he abuses and threatens anyone who gets near the truth. Several great researchers have quit because of fear from him.

I had to use my own skills and someone else in this forum to save his threats to a safe location because you guys never respond.

And Vindicator you seemed to care in the beginning about abortionburger getting threatened. I got death threats with visuals from an insider who knows about Salia Ranch murder but had to go to other sources for protection since you joined MF in the deleting important info game. I sent a response to MF inbox and you replied indicating you are the same person or you pass around messages we send to particular Mods. I have told you guys on countless occasions I M in danger. My life has been threatened even at my own home which could have only happened from doxing on here or someone higher up having access to all of our messages and IP addresses.

Crensch ago

Here's the deal, faggot:

@Vindicator is correct with everything he wrote above/below this reply.

I've yet to spend any time on this, and you ought to count your fucking blessings I've not done so, because if Vindicator has issues with how incomplete and shady your shit is, he's doing you a FAVOR. Vindicator is your best friend here, and you don't even know it.

If I were you, I'd play nice and work with him on your issue - bringing me in hasn't worked out for any PG so far, because they didn't have their shit together and I don't fuck around.

Vindicator ago

@AmyJames -- Crensch is replying to Jem, not you.

Crensch ago

Got me confused now. Who is amyjames, and why would he/she/it think I was replying to them?

Vindicator ago

Author of the Original Post Jem was commenting on when you replied to his comment. She's pretty freaked due to being doxxed and threatened because of her research.

Edit: She hasn't been on Voat that long, and your comment will show up in her Submission Replies looking like it is directed at her.

Vindicator ago

I stopped linking you guys cause nothing gets done. By the time any of you respond the poster deletes.

🤤 That's why I kept asking for screenshots and archived links, Jem! Sheesh. I literally cannot get anything done for you without evidence, or ProtectVoat and our own O's will wup my ass. @kevdude @Crensch and @VictorSteinerDavion will confirm this is true. Voat keeps very tight reins on mods.

I have identified him as an agent he abuses and threatens anyone who gets near the truth.

If you'd like to DM me this username, I will research.

I sent a response to MF inbox and you replied indicating you are the same person or you pass around messages we send to particular Mods.

Jem, you sent a message to modmail, which all mods see. MF had not replied to it, so I did. I have no access to his inbox. This baseless claim by you, implying that I am an alt of @Millennial_Falcon and have been misleading pizzagoats, is another move that raises doubt about your good will. Please provide a screenshot of the message.

My life has been threatened even at my own home which could have only happened from doxing on here or someone higher up having access to all of our messages and IP addresses.

This, right here 👆. Jem, you're a Concern Troll trying to undermine this investigation. I think it's time you linked up all the evidence you supposedly have in a 'safe place'.

VictorSteinerDavion ago


Without it nothing matters

AmyJames ago

I cannot speak for the mods here but I am curious if you would not mind telling me in a PM, who you went to for protection inside of voat. DMing you now.

AmyJames ago yes @Vindicator that is what I am saying!!! I will DM you for advice. I am going to do what you said.

AgainstPedos ago

Reading all of the links, I see a supposed connection/parallel to Madeline McCann/John Podesta, and get this, Harvey Weinstein. Can anyone clarity? Understand that Lisa Irwin who disappeared Oct 2011 is assumed to be "Annabelle" who appeared in late 2016 in Pakistani porno on their "92Toy Freaks" channel, implying IMHO she's for sale to Arab fans. Channel is used to appeal to Taliban as a way to ID anti-government forces. (?) Right?

AmyJames ago

I don't know... I never said all of that. 1) seems odd to see the connections between Chism & Podesta / McCann / Alefantis / Lisa Irwin / Megyn Kelly / Weinstein 2) I did not know there was a YT channel called 92Toy Freaks, is there one?? I stumbled on these twitter accounts this summer and reported them to the FBI etc. The ToyFreaks channels attracts endless pakistani pedos, beyond that, I do not know the purpose of anyone trying to protect Chism

AgainstPedos ago

Only reason LE would protect Greg Chism is if LE were compromised and Chism was an active Satanist with power.

millennial_vulcan ago

Amy, in English please.

Are you saying you have proof that one of the Awan brothers is tied to the Toyfreaks account on YouTube?

Its hard to sift through all your mountainous info to get to the heart of what you're trying to say.

AmyJames ago

I'm sorry... that is what I heard a while back, that he was subscribed to one of them.

I am thinking this may be a scientologist now

AgainstPedos ago

There's a picture of HW on one of the pages along with Madeline McCann and Lisa Irwin. On the other page it compares the 2 abductions and specifically discusses John Podesta. Or is it that in both cases LE hampered the progress of both investigations? The info presented in all of the links is very convoluted.

Planned attack on 2 public schools and water filtration plant in FL, plus large cache of weapon and bullets in locked closet of FL home, apparently proven signs of anger/retaliation at interruptions of Paki rat line for drugs & child trafficking.

Assumption child porn with young girl found on "Toyfreaks" channel is actually victim Linda Irwin named "Annabelle." LE not communication updated info including whereabouts in IL of her suspected handler/pornographer.

That's what I am deducing from all of the info I tried to digest.

AmyJames ago

Megyn Kelly arm in arm with Harvey Weinstein is interesting to note. See the other Toy Freaks info, from June / July on. All on my website / Voat. No real assumptions are made, just a strong belief based on overwhelming evidence. Planned attack as retaliation sounds like a message (albeit an unrelated one to this case) being sent to "those who would imprison him" either child porn investigators or perhaps he is a victim of MKUltra?

darkknight111 ago

@Jem777 Take a look at this. Does this match the MO of the threat sent you? This one makes references to a murder, but need you to verify if its similar in nature to your experience last week.

Gothamgirl ago

AmyJames ago

I know the face in the middle appears familiar, I think those are scientologists The middle face looks like a younger version of someone who works at the Dallas church of scientology.... Liz something I believe Wish I could remember for sure the guy looks familiar also

Gothamgirl ago

Just a guess he is using the same screen name.

angelafogo ago

Show a picture of the threats amy.

AmyJames ago


AmyJames ago

I posted a screenshot. You have to connect the dots, sorry to be so cryptic.