Dressage2 ago

I always believe that this was continuing somewhere. AI is involved in all of this I bet. Upvoat

ESOTERICshade ago

AI is involved in all of this I bet.

At the heart of it. Goal is EEG cloning run by AI


Gothamgirl ago

This is a youtube video on that project. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M3paYL-feLE

carmencita ago

The ball is in your court, President Trump.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The ball was in Trump's Court well before the primary elections when we gave him information about the network of extreme criminal corruption and abuse involving top level officials, corporations, foundations and secret societies in Paul Ryan's District - Racine, Wisconsin.

Trump dropped the ball. So did Sanders. So did Comey. So did Lynch.

They are all in it together. Trump's Litmus Test is Racine, Wisconsin and he has failed the nation and the world.

His allegiance to the Masons and system of Global Criminal Corruption outweighs his allegiance to the American people, the Constitution, and humanity.

carmencita ago

I did not rally expect an answer. I was being facetious since he has had enough time to make some kind of move. Any move. Yes, you are right. He has failed us so far, and day by day my hope for him to drain the swamp is diminishing. I am disappointed in all our leaders. One of them must bit the bullet and release what they know, but they are all too tainted or scared.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is why everyone needs to pressure him about the root of the swamp in Racine - Paul Ryan's district. It is the way to prove to everyone both that Trump is part of the network (and the personification of the Trump card), and that the root, model and headquarters of global corruption that leads to Global Enslavement is in Racine, Wisconsin.

ProudTruther ago

Well hopefully he will save us all at the last minute! The fact that the media is still bitching and crying, and that everything is such a mess and slow moving maybe he will...

ESOTERICshade ago

The fact that the media is still bitching and crying,

Whatever they are talking about is what they want people focused on. If they talk about it that means it already contained, harmless to their system, and that they already have a plan to drive it in a direction that will benefit them. Sometimes it seems to us that they don't benefit, but they almost always do, even when it looks like they lost. They specialize in capitalizing on what looks like their loss, but is really their long term gain.

They aren't scared of Harvey Weinstein. They led with the New York Times story. I'm not sure what their endgame is but they have one, rest assured.

ProudTruther ago

Harvey Weinstein's not shit in the grand scheme, a bunch of whores trying to make money. Kind of bad that Obama sent "his daughter" to suck off that kike tho. But there is a lot happening everybody pretty much knows that the vegas shooting is super sketch, people are waking up to the pedophilia in hollywood... and then pizzagate hits... I hope I hope!

derram ago

https://archive.fo/FJNtu :

Jeff Murray on Twitter: "MK ULTRA then, see pic. MK now, see book. Monarch Programming not your ordinary butterfly. t.co/ooA414ii34 t.co/UHIOQchGDl"

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