kast0nius ago


Please spread the word! Can we make some noise please!!!!

srayzie ago

What a sick bastard. Seeing this stuff pisses me off. People should be outraged that THIS THING was dressed like Satan reading to kids in a Michelle Obama library.

AgainstPedos ago

Gay men will tell you they are very uncomfortable with the idea of transitioning before one is at least 18. Dangerous to do surgery before one is fully and completely grown.

In some cultures it's preferable for a child to be a trans girl than to be a gay boy. Or a boy may temporarily over identify with his sisters as he also likes to play music, draw, design doll's clothes rather than play sports with his brothers. Conversely a "tom-boy" may still be 100% straight female.

Sexuality discussions like religion do not belong being discussed at school There's a hornet's nest of problems with either. What all young children should be taught instead is that not everyone thinks or believes the exact same thing. Then show them what the "average" child eats for breakfast in various countries around the world. Train them it's not considered polite to criticize another's choices. End of subject.

lamplight ago

This is why we can't give up trying to stop as many of these creeps as we can. So future generations can have hope. The task is huge, beyond one person's grasp. Is everything on this site being archived? Shouldn't we also be working on catching and filming satanic rituals and sacrifice? Project Veritas has asked for ideas for undercover films. Stay strong folks.

quiche ago


Please see this thread. This drag queen's links and videos are going to be found by these children in the library. It is appalling that children would be exposed to this. Fire that librarian!!!

srayzie ago

Thank you! I added your post to mine!

TruthEarthOrg ago

It needs to be said that there is nothing wrong with LGBTQ people or dressing up in drag...I am gay myself and I know some amazing transgender people...they struggle with their life just like I did...

The Cabal/NWO, whatever you want to call the small group of wealthy luciferian pedophile families that have been controlling the world behind the scenes for thousands of years, will use ANY minority and WEAPONIZE it/them/us and create division. This is necessary because there are more of us than there are of them. They know this and fear it greatly. Our Unity is poison to them, it is their demise.

With all of that said, I say let's continue to work together and take them down..Much love..

Think with your own mind...

quiche ago

I am a Christian and I agree with you.

srayzie ago

I have a lesbian couple as friends. So it's not that I don't like gay people. What I have a problem with is that someone's sexual preferences shouldn't be pushed on others or glorified. I think the schools should butt out. That's not their place. Whatever someone wants to do in the bedroom is their business.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Barry Hussein Obama was an actor with a fake id. Everything he signed should be null and void and probably even deported. Not sure if he commited treason if he was never even a citizen.

AgainstPedos ago

Just read today a claim he was disbarred possibly due to drugs. That he attended college as a foreign student as there was a bigger scholarship program offered then for those born in the US. That his heritage was actually Indonesian and Muslim, not from Kenya. So many tales. Whose to know what's true? I have always wanted to see proof either way.

srayzie ago

Well he can take his husband Michael with him. Oops, I mean Michelle. 🙄

Truthseeker3000 ago

If u go on social media u will most likely be bombarded with transgender crap in your face with the worst of it being constant videos of prepubescent young boys doing makeup tutorials with caked on makeup and fake eyelashes talking about how great they look and feel. U just can’t get away from it, YouTube, Instagram, it’s everywhere.

angelafogo ago

Important: Check the event schedules brochure. Child Lover Pedo Symbol on the "art & space resource sharing event" two hearts different color joined by the tip https://i2.wp.com/redpilltimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Drag-Queen-book-3.jpg

srayzie ago

I see it. Their sick. The rainbow is also a gay symbol for them

DomKeyhote ago

As usual you prove that RACE does not enter into your consideration, even in a post about POPULATION control. That makes you a defective human being, a product of Jewish brainwashing (you probably think they're white).

ALL this faggotry is much more common in WHITES. it is clearly one of OUR genetic defects, which I ascribe to the relative sluttiness of white women whose sex drive is transferred to the son.

When whites are numerically unable to organize nothing else will matter (what % white do you think this forum is for example)

srayzie ago

I must admit, your studying is helping you. You sound more like that little faggot donkey. But, you I still know you aren't him.

I've tried 2 things to help you prove yourself. Since you said ALL Donkeyhote profiles are blocked (which is a lie). You can comment using a known donkeyhote profile to me privately, or you can comment in pizzagatewhatever.

Jem777 ago


You have got the donkey's corralled..;)

srayzie ago

Lol I'm glad you pointed that out or I wouldn't have got it 🤣

Do you think it's him? I think he would log in from the other profiles and post in pizzagatewhatever if he were. I think we have a donkey imposter. What a nightmare LOL.

DomKeyhote ago

Do you realize this is the only sub not discussing Jews 24/7 lol is that irony?

2impendingdoom ago

So maybe you are in the wrong place.

Scat, shoo, off you go, to any other sub, have fun and don't come back.

srayzie ago

Maybe because it's not a sub titled BashJews

DomKeyhote ago

Your alcoholism is the fault of the Jews, too, and your kids contend with "kill whitey day" at public schools that Jews integrated.

You obviously are totally oblivious to the fact that your entire life is an unnatural Jewish sabotage plot, your experiences completely different to your parents', your cultural icons were mere tools, your only cultural practice is BBQ on football Sunday where your menfolk release testosterone VICARIOUSLY and ignore the problems we face as a people.

srayzie ago

You still won't prove yourself. I told you how to 🖕🏻

srayzie ago


“I was raised Lutheran . . . I went to a Lutheran grammar school, first communion, I was confirmed . . . did church twice a week . . . I was even actually part of two church choirs.”

It seems he was just born evil. Even growing up in church didn't help him.

GHDW ago

It's worse than evil, it's ignorance. A very wise man told us not to make religions out of certain truths he learned because if given to the uninitiated it will be misinterpreted (Do not cast pearls before swine). The past two thousand years has been the result of that mistake. People disenfranchised with religion end up renouncing God thinking they are one in the same and that's the Lucifarian trick.

TrishaUK ago

I saw this the other day srayzie, didn't know how to fit it into pizzagate though. I agree, we all need to speak up about this sick agenda being pushed.

2impendingdoom ago

indoctrination of children at a young age

ThisisThat_2 ago

Voat will not let me submit this but it's relevant and there is some movement to punish this aberrant behaviour. http://m.calgarysun.com/2017/10/12/canadian-man-was-king-of-kiddie-porn

TrishaUK ago

Disgusting filthy men they need to rot in jail until hell calls for them. Shocked the police kept the sight up for 11 more months though. :'( sad very sad.

In_Umbris ago

One thing is clear; the globalist agenda requires a much smaller population to achieve sustainability. Short of wars and plagues, that leaves birth control. You will not hear it openly endorsed by globalists, but there are indications sustainability is what is driving the accept-alternative-sexuality agenda. The rest is for public consumption.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Guess where sustainability began and guess what city is building a new model for Global education with public-private Partnerships?

Racine, Wisconsin.

kestrel9 ago

Some links would be great!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Unfortunately there are not many links about the Pilgrims Society for example, but you can look into one of the main players involved with deep ties to Racine - John Jeffry Louis.

What would you like links on specifically?

Start with this, the Earth Summit in Rio. It leads to Racine and the real agenda. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Summit

kestrel9 ago

Thanks...I did find this on a silver investor site: http://www.silver-investor.com/charlessavoie/cs_may05_pilgrims.htm  http://archive.is/4wv2 It's by Charles Savoie, whose supposedly life’s work is to expose the centuries long scheme to control, suppress and demonetize silver by the secret society called ‘The Pilgrims’

He has a very long list of names, but the article looks pretty tabloid, especially the end (imho).

talmoridor-x ago

Can you give a brief rundown of Racine?

Jem777 ago

This is absolutely true. It was planned long ago. They have reduced male fertlity in shocking numbers through chemicals as well as other means.

They provide abortions all the way to late terms. They provide abortions and sponser them abroad.

The acceptance of alternative sexuality is their agenda.

carmencita ago

That model is right. There is too much of a push to rush. They want to churn the out as fast as they can, imo. The Drag Reading is only the beginning if we do not speak out as parents. Speak Out Parents, now before it is too late. Once this becomes mainstream, as they want, it will be too late. We will be fight even more Political Correctness! I did near that one school fought the Satanic Group in their school and they left. So there is hope out there, if you only speak up and speak out.

2impendingdoom ago

I just don't even know what to say. AreWeSure is telling me that I am crazy for asking questions so I'm going to keep my mouth shut on this one.

ESOTERICshade ago

AreWeSure is telling me that I am crazy for asking questions


TrishaUK ago

Since when does anyone give 2 figs what @AreWeSure has to say? No one here on voat takes any notice of him. Ignore him...... we all do haha - Speak up 2impendingdoom you have a lot more credibility to speak than him!

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks, I was kind of being factious. This was my now deleted post....


TrishaUK ago

thx will read :)

kidavenger ago

That was a good post. I couldn't give it an upvoat because it was deleted, so I made sure to upvoat both mentions of it in this thread.

2impendingdoom ago

thanks, the meat of the post was Commoners work. So be sure to upvoat him.

Jem777 ago

Fuck him. He threatened me with death yesterday twice. It was saved in a secure location. He has tried to delete it but it has been caught. He is more than a shill that is the problem. I have called him out as an agent many times to his ridiculous denial. He played his hand yesterday by threatening with pictures of death scenes only sophisticated insiders would put forth.

@2impendingzoom @carmencita

angelafogo ago

@jem777 and @carmencita could you please check my last post? I have found a relationship between comet pizza and pizza brains. Nobody was able to join the dots yet and they both have shown Caris James photos. I think that if we find her it can prove James was lying when he stated she was her god daughter, also she might be dead by now.

2impendingdoom ago

He didn't like this post


Neither did M_F.

carmencita ago

We have a right to Have Our Say! Do not Hush.

srayzie ago

That's not like you. Fuck that shill. He wins if he shuts people up.

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you, I was kind of being facieous. M_F deleted my Jimmy Dore post


Uranium One / Russia Clinton bribery / FBI coercion

srayzie ago

I've never heard of this show. Do you like this show or just this episode? Because I just read that he's on the Young Turks.

carmencita ago

Yeah, the Young Turks are owned and not on their own. Jimmy Dore is on the show, but is a very good investigator. He had a very good piece about the Utah Truck Accident as well. I think he just uses the Turks as an exposure vehicle. Check him out.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't know much about him, and I've only seen snippets here and there. I didn't know he was associated with YTs who I have heard are compromised. This episode is very harsh on the Clintons. He says All the Democrats are corrupt. I agree with that. But was the mention of the truckers that got my attention, having seen Commoners post about the weird deaths on Wednesdays.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Yeah the Young Turks received a bunch of money from Hillary.

Controlled opposition: Clinton machine caught funneling $20 million to The Young Turks


Clinton Machine Caught Funneling $20 Million to The Young Turks


2impendingdoom ago

maybe Jimmy didn't get the message or part of the handout?

If not, he's probably pissed!!

srayzie ago

I'm surprised they would let him be on there if he's a Hillary hater!

2impendingdoom ago

Found another YT spilling the uranium story. Is it Mutiny?


srayzie ago

Yes. This story should be huge and all over mainstream media. But of course not. The picture of Obama and Hillary hugging in the beginning is pretty funny tho. They are SO FAKE!

2impendingdoom ago

I know that Alex Jones, theHill, Zero Hedge and Gateway pundit are all over it, so now that YT has it, its getting exposed to the bernie left and only a matter of time before it circles the cia-media.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/yNe4T :

Playboy's first transgender model Caroline Cossey warns Caitlyn Jenner about her transition | Daily Mail Online

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