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Jem777 ago

James Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Rosenstein were involved in the Russian Bribery Scheme to sell the US Uranium to Russia-a national security threat. This included at least $145 million dollars pouring into Clinton Slush Fund with allegations of kickbacks to those involved in the scheme. Knowing their was a direct bribery scheme happening they did not inform congress instead helped in the schemes success. Robert Mueller personally delivered highly enriched Uranium to Russia on a tarmac for Obama & Clinton.

All are implicated in bribery scheme. These four are currently investigating the Russia "hack" which have been proven false with Julian Assange willing to provide direct evidence.

These corrupt people are also neck deep in pizzagate, (Howdy Doody time) and cover ups of child sex trafficking.

Blacksmith21 ago

Not according to @Are_we_sure. He's an expurt!

Isn't that right shartfag?

Are_we_sure ago

Of course this all bullshit and you are being played like a fiddle. Let try to lay out 5 minutes of facts.

You are mixed up a bunch of different cases and trying to claim they are the same.

Mueller delivered highly enriched uranium to Russia. True. A whole ten, count them TEN grams of it. That would be less than the size of a dime. This was because the US was investigated a nuclear smuggling case where criminals in the Republic of Georgia tried to sell a small sample of HEU with the promise that they could deliver more. This is bomb grade material and this is serious stuff. The FBI was seeking Russia's cooperation in the case because Russia is one of place you can get your hands on HEU. So there's absolutely nothing suspect in this case.

The bribery case that was published today was not as JEM claims about "sell the US Uranium to Russia." It's actually the complete opposite. It involved selling Russian uranium to the US. The bribes and kickbacks were stealing from Russia. The scheme involved paying too much Russian government money to transport uranium in no-bid contracts and then stealing some of that Russian Government money by getting kick backs from the company you overpaid. The FBI investigated the case over several and found out a lot about how Putin's government launders money. They tried to get the main guy to cooperate, but he wouldn't so they arrested him in 2014. This was not some super duper secret case.

Here's Reuter's talkin about it.

It's in Stanford's Foreign Corrupt Practices Database

Here's from the indictment

Jem777 ago

I only have to repeat one sentence to destroy your response as usual " the slush fund" payment of course went to charity mainly dedicated to connecting small rural farmers to urban market supply chains"

You are an worse than them all with this statement and you have revealed the depths of your own depravity.

Ask your boss Hilary for a raise and it she would mind sending "slush fund" cash to the Haitians that had their organs harvested or the Libyan children being sold on the slave market right now.

Tell George everyone says HI we know about the 18 billion transfer;)

Are_we_sure ago

I only have to repeat one sentence to destroy your response as usual

Did I miss it? I thought you were going to destroy my response? Did you attempt to?

Ask your boss Hilary for a raise and it she would mind sending "slush fund" cash to the Haitians that had their organs harvested or the Libyan children being sold on the slave market right now.

There's like three pieces of BS in that one sentence. "My Boss?" lol.

Tell George everyone says HI we know about the 18 billion transfer;)

What! How do you know about that? Did you read it here?

or here?

This was super-duper top secret. George will not be happy. Was it here?

or here?

Tell me which one of the mainstream media outlets you found this out from. We must stop those leakers at the Open Society Foundation and make examples of them!!!! Starting with the ones who went on the record with the Wall Street Journal!

We'll do it right here!

Jem777 ago

Left you a few videos added to my post up top so you can enlighten yourself.

The lawsuits have been filed, the evidence collected, grand jury time.

Are_we__sure ago

To put this in context this scene involved not just Uranium, Depleted Uranium, dark weapons, white phosophoros, heroin, fentanyl (drugs) by planeloads... with pop up clinics, human trafficking, child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, all funds & supports these activities for blackmail, pedophile, elite perversions, MK Ultra experimentation.

You sure do have a way conflating all sorts of unrelated things. What "scene" are you talking about? Are these scenes just in your head?

Also whose side am I on? Who the fuck was discussing use of depleted uranium weapons? How do you jump to that? You don't see what a completely dishonest and manipulative argument that is?

What's that you sell mattress? Well how do you defend this?

How do you defend the mattress that was used for that? Answer me.

darkknight111 ago

I see that death threat you just made. Just proves Jem's suspiscions that you're a black hat.

Now its personal.

Its going to be fun orchestrating your take down.

You're not the first shill who's downfall I've helped caused around here. Complete with IRL "misfortunes" befalling them.

Since you're a black hat, you know that the consequences of failure are severe, with the "Akechi Special" by a supposed ally being for the lucky ones.

"Case Closed".

Are_we__sure ago

No. You didn't. Cause I didn't make one.

See in the real world, if you were to wish someone goes like Scalia (which I didn't do, by the way) it means I hope you live a long, life and die peacefully in your sleep on a luxury vacation.

It's the type of thing you say when toasting someone. It's a wonderful thing.

darkknight111 ago

Do dead people normally get found with a pillow on TOP of their faces (while lying on their backs). I saw the photos.

Are_we__sure ago

Please show us these photos.

The rancher who found him dead said the pillow was on the bed between his head and the headboard.

new4now ago

I was the one posted about depleted uranium

srayzie ago

What was the purpose of sharing the Dahmer picture?

Jem777 ago

He first shared Marfa, Tx (Scalia murder) then showed Dahmer (linked to Wi as well as Tony P. with copy in his house as art.

Jem777 ago

Did you watch the videos provided to catch you up to speed. Apparently not.

Should I take you flashing at picture of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmers headless victim as a direct threat?

Don't be shy explain yourself.

Since some of the most powerful men in Washington DC have a replica of Dahmers victim as art in their home and are connected to pizzagate and Russia...I believe that could be a threat?

@Dressage2 @jangles @ESOTERICshade @carmencita @9217 @srayzie

Are_we__sure ago

Problem with your argument is Scalia wasn't murdered.

There was goofy argument on this board that Podesta "made an example" of a leaker by killing him. There was also a goofy argument on this board that Scalia's murder was planned in Podesta's emails.

So it was a joke about goofy theories. The joke being you acted like Soros donations were some giant secret you and the other Hardy Boys discovered (when in reality his foundation confirmed in on the record and it was all over the dreaded mainstream media.) So the joke was this must have enraged him.

So it was not a threat. I forget you folks don't get jokes and I forget you in particular have a really twisted and fervent imagination.

The Dahmer photo was used in reply to your completely dishonest and manipulative argument. I replied with an example of how dishonest and emotionally manipulative your argument was. I made it even more absurdly manipulative and dishonest to show how your argument worked. I was supposed to get caught up in the emtional material and say something stupid. In my example, obviously the mattress wasn't the issue. Note the use of italics as it was a quote from a character. Also I assume you don't actually sell mattresses, so that wasn't even actually directed at you. (You don't sell mattresses do you? Because that would be a mind blowing coincidence if you did.)

Since some of the most powerful men in Washington DC have a replica of Dahmers victim as art in their home and are connected to pizzagate

This is false and I proved it be false several times. Bourgeois started her Arches of Hysteria work before anyone had heard of Dahmer and there's no evidence that the Dahmer crime scene photos in public view until years after his trial.

Jem777 ago

So why don't you keep up your posts if they were such brilliant takedowns.

Odd you would delete if this was your proof.

You threatened me directly with pictures of death location of Scotus Scalia then followed with Jeffrey Dahmer headless victim.

It was a direct threat and you know it. It was archived and saved and given to the proper channels. No worries

Are_we__sure ago

What are you talking about? What did I delete?

And of course, I didn't threaten you. But go on play the martyr if you wish.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We are sure about Racine, and that is right by Dahmer's hometown. He is one of many truly evil people from the area. We are also sure they will not only threaten, they will torture and murder. Moreover we are sure the rule of law and the justice system are corrupt, inept and officially dead. We know these things firsthand. They flaunt and celebrate it.

Are we sure surely knows we are telling the Truth about Racine, which is why they won't ever argue it. All they can do is downvote like the true cowards they are.

They don't play by the rules or abide by laws, which is why everyone needs to know where their "game" originated and expose the real Truth about Racine, Wisconsin.

They are cowards, and their only tricks are threats, lies and deception, and paying others to do the job they cannot handle themselves.

Notice how none of them will ever discuss or argue about Racine? A few tried in the beginning, from Loretta Lynch to Defango, only to be exposed as part of the control group. Trump and Sessions are no different.

This reminds me of the death threats that pizzagate gear Ryan encountered.

We are not afraid of death. We are afraid of the world never learning the Truth about Racine, Wisconsin and the real agenda of Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast.

If you want to expose this and make everyone absolutely sure - shine the light on Racine.