jangles ago

@kevdude WTF is @Millennial_Falcon doing here with a post that has 145 upvotes

DerivaUK ago

Thank you for this. I've just properly exhaled for the first time in months.

alphabravo ago

I feel you! Enjoy it! And if you can, spread the article anywhere you can. It's being deleted all over, including here.

A_Real_Cause ago

being slid HARD on pol

alphabravo ago

MF just deleted this post!!!

Jem777 ago

Russia has Obama's real identity among other very sinister things.

fogdryer ago

Jem77 Give it up girl. We all knew he was not an American citizen etc etc. I wish Putin would Have given us that. I would like to know why trump had to give in and “ admit” He is a citizen. How did you know Putin had the info on him ?

Jem777 ago

How could he not:)....he just might be a citizen after all....just not an Obama

Trump did not say his birth certificate was Legit..remember that Just sayin.....

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Barry Obama was birthed at the Kenyan Zoo, his birth mother is Jane Goodall. His birth father https://assets.mingle2.com/images/users/72/87/3832154_4296.jpg?1441416789

think- ago

Tell us more.... ;-)

Jem777 ago

;) ;) ;)

think- ago

Ok, it was worth a try.... ;-P

alphabravo ago

Trump's address about to start. Here's what Mega Anon has to say about it ---

Everything you will hear from now until the congress Christmas session break in Dec. will be about this. The MSM is not only addressing but validating and confirming, the information. Trump has a 2 real choices available right now. If he wanted, he could circumvent the Hannity/Assange route and address these findings himself today, which would then negate the window of opportuniy they've all agreed to leave open and available, for Mueller and his council to take advantage of OR, he could take the attention he's getting now with all the info and accusations coming out to the public today and use the presser to drop a few more, "Yuge Trump agenda wins" publicly, while letting the Assange/Hannity or Mueller routes, play out on their own, to which then he'd immediately address publicly, after.

I know Trump would love to just cut the bullshit and circumvent the MSM "system", since he also loves being the first to let everyone know about a good win, then take all the credit and accolades, BUT, if I were advising him, I'd remind him that while patience is a virtues we know he's had to work REALLY hard at over the last 18 months, he absolutely has to sit this one out for just a couple more days and let Assange/Hannity and Mueller routes play out while he works on positioning his response for a public address. This was and has been, the smartest, most strategic way to handle this.

alphabravo ago

Hey! Well played!!!

teriyakuza ago

And now again, like yesterday, the attacks.

Pwning4Ever ago

Wtf does this have to do with pizzagate???

alphabravo ago

See the OP.

OhBlindOne ago

You mention in the first UPDATE about a news conference Trump is holding at 1:30 pm.

Is this what you're talking about?

alphabravo ago

Aw, thank you! Someone mentioned it on /pol and I've been looking for a source. I'll update the main!!

OhBlindOne ago

No problem, happy to help.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Why aren't there more voat posts on this story?

alphabravo ago

MF deleted my first one for fucking RULE 1!!! Maybe more?

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Submit it to news then. MF is worthless.

alphabravo ago

I would but I don't have the resources to manage 2 threads at once. Feel free to repost anyone !!

anotherdream ago

Aaaayeeeee!!! YEah! Hope these fuckers get put on the chopping block soon! - Keep on keepin on!

Dressage2 ago

What time EST? CST?

alphabravo ago

Don't know, there's not a peep about it and someone said it over on /pol. I'll maybe take it out for now, what do you think?

Dressage2 ago

Stay the course. Trump called press conference at 1:30. Don't know if EST, CST, but 1:30. Who knows. Sara Carter is also suppose to have some great news about Russia and Clinton. I think she is releasing on Hannity, but could be a Twitter.

alphabravo ago

Thanks! This was passed on to me and I updated the post, but it doesn't say which time zone.


Dressage2 ago

Thanks. Somebody hit a power line so can't watch on TV. Will try iPad.

alphabravo ago

Nothing said so far... they've both given a speech and are now taking questions.

Dressage2 ago

Thanks for update. I think Sara Carter will have some juicy stuff tonight on Hannity. I think I will tune into his radio show today.

alphabravo ago

A pleasure and thanks, look forward to that!

alphabravo ago

MegaAnon is among us over at /pol -

145627295 # Yup! I did say it... now wait for it to drop AND PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IM TELLING YOU.

As I posted yesterday (anyone got my caps to post?) THIS is the "chance" I told you Assange is giving Mueller to come out with it all before Assange does. The Hill's headline and the others now popping up just like it from the MSM, are Mueller's attempts to get ahead of the Assange's leak and look like he's actually doing his fucking job. Assange planned to release the 3rd, final part of his promised, pre-election "October surprise", in early Oct. 2016 as he/Wikileaks publicly committed to, but just before he could, NBC and the Clinton Campaign purposefully held and timed the release of the Billy Bush/Trump bus "grab 'em by the pussy" audio, which was also the week of the last publicly broadcasted, presidential debate. Assange then stated he'd delay the publishing of his final series of the surprise until 10/21/16. Then a week later, the Embassy and his HQ in Iceland, went dark and witnesses confirmed they believed he was take from the embassy by unmarked operatives.

Assange posted the TMZ article link on twatter just a few days back, where TMZ reported on 10/12/16 that NBC purposefully held and timed the release of the Bush/Trump audio. Assange also tweeted a day or two ago, hinting around Hillary/Russian collusion, claiming her own election collusion "backfired" ON HER. He followed that up with another tweet, attaching a previously published DNC email, showing how the DNC/Clinton Campaign, planned to boost Trump thinking he'd secure them an easy win if he won the primaries.

Assange has been telling you himself what's coming for almost a week so this shouldn't be news. What I've specifically tried to prep you with over the last few days, is how they're playing Mueller because Trump wants this to come from Mueller directly before Assange releases. It makes Mueller and ALL THE FUCKING ESTABLISHMENT TROLLS WHO PUSHEDFOR A "SPECIAL" FUCKING "COUNSEL"...


Psalm144-1 ago

Who cares about the Uranium deal? honestly, we already knew this story. Just another let down IMO. "Tick, tock, tick, tock"? Give me break Hannity!

alphabravo ago

Except now the FBI is validating it, saying they have been investigating it the whole time and have solid evidence towards it.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Yeah, more details surrounding a story we already knew is certainly a good thing - but, I hope this isn't the "BOOM" that was promised tonight @ 9:00 pm EST. That would be a huge let down if the "exclusive" breaking news was already broken this morning and this is it.

Psalm144-1 ago

Just getting tired of the same old "BIG Revelations tomorrow/tonight/next thurdays/ next monthe/etc" It getting old. We need to go into hyper drive with red-pilling efforts again and the time is NOW! "They" are just biding their time right now because there isn't quite enough "public demand" for this forbidden info (pizza info). It is literally on all of US to keep shedding light on this nasty if we ever expect any REAL happenings/indictments/arrests LETS GO GUYS! THE TIME IS NOW!

Blacksmith21 ago

We know they aren't coming out with anything pizza-related. It's been referenced that to release it would be too much for the public right now, and I don't doubt it.

I just hung up the phone with a friend and he sees the same thing I do - the left/DS is starting to lose grip. Vegas may have been a last ditch effort to push its agenda, though I believe whatever happened in LV, took a very long time to plan out. And I think they have the capacity to make LV look like a rounding error.

These are some scary times we live in. I hope tonight brings us something special.

I am fine with locking these pigs up for other broken laws. Even if that happens, one day, the depth of their evil will come out one way or another. Interesting times.

Jem777 ago

I don't agree about Pizza Revelations and Mueller & Comey are on the take and slaves to the deepstate as is McCabe.

Remember Assange first wounding is the CIA MK Ultra program in Australia as part of "The family" That drives him internally. That is his mission because the secrecy of governments led to his personal experience as a little boy.

That is the end game.

Jem777 ago

Robert Mueller, head of the FBI personally delivered samples of highly enriched Uranium to Russia on a tarmac at the request of HRC & Obama. He is involved in this scheme as well.

We already have the proof and documentation in evidence. In a lawsuit being filed against them all by WeThePeople....They were served spoliation letters last week. 535 letters to Congress, over 100 to Senate.

Letters to tech companies, cell phone providers, govt. contractors. The letters put them on notice we have the evidence if they destroy, delete, alter any physical evidence they are liable as accomplices or accessory after the fact. All servers have been mirrored and that evidence is in safety as well.

Rmm ago

Thanks for that info -amazing

2impendingdoom ago

can you submit a post on this? Show the letters? or don't if it doxes you.

Thank you for your irl work.

kidavenger ago

Here's a copy and paste of the spoliation letter template from George Webb's YT channel. I'm assuming that this is the template that each constituent is using to send to the representative of his or her respective district.

"Dear Congressman:

It has come to my attention through an investigative reporter named George Webb that a spy ring may have operated in Congress since January of 2000. I am deeply troubled by this news. I have read articles from the Daily Caller by Luke Rosiak and Heather Cagill of Politico that there have been twenty Congressional burglaries, and key IT equipment like hard drives and laptops may have been stolen. Sean Boburg of the Washington Post also writes the House Inspector General has a report outlining 5,100 illegal logins over a period of seven months from March 2016 to October 2016 to a House Caucus server. This is especially troubling to me since this was during the period of a key campaign between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

When these revelations are included with the DNC and Podesta wikileaks scandals, it paints a troubling picture, considering that the ringleader of this alleged spy ring, Imran Awan, worked directly for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the head of the DNC. I also understand a physical confiscation of hard drives and a laptop was made on April 6th, 2017 at the Rayburn Office Building next to the Capitol from the person of Imran Awan after he was banned from access to the Congressional network on February 2nd, 2017. I understand there is a chance by private conversations and concerns that I have shared in confidence with the Congressman are contained in a system called iConstituent, and this systems records may have been breached. I am hereby requesting screenshots on my account records in iConstituent in preparation for a potential lawsuit against the Awan spy ring.

This is your notice, under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, to safely protect and archive all electronic messages, text messages, electronic files, and other evidence that has been transmitted, stored or processed by any information technology (I.T.) system in your possession. This would include all such I.T. systems, no matter in your personal use, Capitol office or district offices. As you know, this includes all media such as USB sticks, DVD/CD media, hard drives, etc. Any destruction of evidence will be viewed by the federal courts as an abuse of this notice and can be construed as a criminal act or be liable for criminal sanctions. You now have a duty to safely archive, store and protect all such evidence between 2000 to 2017. Your office and staff should seek legal counsel to implement this litigation hold demand (spoliation notice).

Thank you,

Your Constituent,"

edited to clean up my typos, but the text in between the quotes was unchanged.

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks!! you are the best!!

Dressage2 ago


SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hey @Jem777 - I thought the spoliation letters were in reference to the iContituent information/Awan/data compromise to force the case to go National?

Are you saying that they were all served multiple spoliation letters to also cover the Russia/Uranium One deal and the involvement w/ Mueller, HRC & Obama?

It's like Christmas!

Jem777 ago

Spoliation letters are for everything. When spoliation letters are served to certain players like the entire Senate, Congress, key "others" it freezes the system. The evidence against the FBI brass, CIA, DHS, & others is already secured.

This has been a monumental effort with risk to many lives of whistleblowers. It required an acceptance that death could and would happen. That those already on the targeted list must speak now collectively.

There has been deaths, assaults, death threats and much more. The very people that provide protection are implicated. Whistleblowing again required being aware one could not seek protection and those with the fIre power would be notified.

This has gone on for over a year. Some have already been taken out. Some have so much evidence and have strategically placed it so the witness death will only lead to more truth. ;) They are switches.

That is the deeper story many are not aware of. The spoliation notices were a monumental step. Kepping the whistleblower witnesses alive is a constant reality....trust me

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Freaking Awesome! True heros!

NoBS ago

Holly cow, mother of all evil! They can not destroy evidence. It requires non government and military over site.

alphabravo ago

Excellent insider info J, as always.

GHDW ago


alphabravo ago

Excellent, I was wondering why they weren't earlier, with sirerens!

2impendingdoom ago

Is this a follow up to @migratorypatterns Hannity post?


because that wasn't deleted....

migratorypatterns ago

I think it is. It's one of the shoes that are supposed to drop, but doesn't have anything to do with what Assange is up to.

alphabravo ago

See my post in the comments re MegaAnon. She connects this as Assange giving them a chance to do the right thing themselves before he releases it all.

fogdryer ago

That bothers me. No way are these evil people gonna do the right thing I feel he’s wasteing important time and aggravating me !

migratorypatterns ago

No, he's not giving them a chance. It's a coordinated attack. First this which is harmful ... and then the knockout punch.

What Assange has is guaranteeing prison time. This? This is one of those things that people supporting Killary shrug off. It would take years and years of investigation ... and litigate if it went trial.

2impendingdoom ago

M_F deleted alphabravo's first version of this post, so linking to yours for relevancy.

It feels like Mueller is trying to get a head of the game; by linking HRC with Russia he can deflate "Russia hacking" and whatever Assange might have to say and contain the damage to just Clintons, if Assange is really going to spill on the 21st. This does suggest that JA/Wikileaks is still alive, so there is that.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, this is separate from what Assange has.

This is good, but not guaranteed jail time. It's also not going to change her mindless zombie follower's minds.

Assange guaranteed jail time. What he has is 100% indictable. That's what I'm waiting for.

I gotta say I'm getting so impatient, but when I think about this getting Killary to squirm, I get less so.

alphabravo ago

Indeed it is, I'll link to it in the post. Thank you.

srayzie ago

Anon even said that Assange was giving them until the 21st to come out and tell the people themselves or Wikileaks would do it. It looks like they are listening!


alphabravo ago


alphabravo ago

Right on!!!

colestep13 ago

Wake me up when someone gets indicted.

Pwning4Ever ago

We will see if Sessions has any balls.

I really liked Sessions because he would fight for Americans on the h-1b topic but idk he seems afraid to go after the establishment.

fogdryer ago

Sessions is compromised

colestep13 ago

Agreed, but I believe he was swamp from the start.

alphabravo ago

You'll hear us ; )

colestep13 ago

If we get either of the big two, the dead will hear us.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/K8XvP :

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow | TheHill

https://archive.fo/OMKJt :


This has been an automated message.

Clinton-Warren_2020 ago

I asked about this, it's sort of funny.

So as the deal was getting ready to go through, Bill came to me and asked what our cut was, then it hit me, I'm a fucking idiot, I hadn't even asked for anything! Can you believe that? Since I had to rush something together some of Robert's spooks caught on. So I'm sitting there petrified thinking this is it, we're done! But Bill walks in the room laughing while on the phone, looks at me and says "I got Robert and Holder on it, we're fine and we figured out a way to get the bribe still, we just have to cut them a little bit of it". Well thank God for that....anyways Obama pushed it through a few years later and we didn't even have to pay that idiot.

2impendingdoom ago

this is supposed to be Hillary? That bitch would never forget her cut

Clinton-Warren_2020 ago

sometimes the pharmacist who delivers her alzheimer's med's was late that week.

2impendingdoom ago

LOL, Alzheimers and Kuru? If that's the case, she's actually doing pretty good.

alphabravo ago

Where's this from?

Clinton-Warren_2020 ago

Oh, just a private conversation I overheard while watching over Chelsea a while back.

alphabravo ago

Omg that's shocking if true