Mbailey63 ago

Radar is up!

carmencita ago

Yes, Ryan is trying to save his carcass. He may be named by an abuser himself, so he is defending himself ahead of time by acting holier than thou. You know the old trick. Don't look over here, look over there. We have seen it many times before. Ryan had better get a New Bag of Tricks.

carmencita ago

Here something I saw in an article. There was a heading above the Paul Ryan article...."Sen. Jeff Sessions, you love Jeff Sessions, he's doing a good job. He is doing a good job. We have him very busy watching the borders, a lot of things are happening, but Luther's taking over for Jeff, hopefully, and you are going to be so impressed with what we're going to do in Washington," Trump said at a rally in Alabama in late September. WHAT? Who is Luther?

Harpua33 ago

Luther Strange i would assume he was referring to. Taking over as Alabama senator.

carmencita ago

He said Luther is going to be taking over for Jeff. That means he is letting Sessions only work on the border (cant he do more than one thing at a time) and Luther is sitting in his chair. Or he is on the way out. Idk, sounds fishy.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

He is taking over for Jeff in the Senate he took Sessions seat. Nothing more to that a comment.

carmencita ago

I see that now, it was a funny way of putting it.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

It would be naive to think there aren't hundreds of them. Were not stupid Mr. Ryan. We know.

3141592653 ago

Sorry to be naive in this, but what do we have on Paul Ryan being a pedo? Is it possible he's not, and this is authentic? Don't beat me up for asking.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

No way could Paul Ryan ever be the speaker, the third most powerful person of the Free World without total control. Pedophilia with pictures is the mechanism to ensure this. With all of this going on how could they have an authentic speaker!!!!¿???????????

Harpua33 ago

I don't know, but @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt might. If he does have something is holding back... then that really says something.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The Boy Scouts of America is one part. The Vatican is another. FLDS (see his partnership with Romney) is another.

Paul Ryan is surrounded on all sides by corruption and pedophilia.

carmencita ago

The Boy Scouts of America just announced they are accepting Girls. This is horrible. More to abuse.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what is his end game?

"if I call attention to the issue myself they'll never suspect me"

argosciv ago

fucking lol!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is the same M.O. as what is happening with Weinstein. See Woody Allen. Want another example of this same strategy used to pretend they are investigating trafficking? See Ashton (Chris) Kutcher.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there's no honor among fucking rapists and pedophiles, this was inevitable once they actually get scared they'll be found out

argosciv ago

Hmm... noted.

Jem777 ago

Paul Ryan is a puppet...they are sacrificing Harvey. There will be other sacrifices...

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

First they worked to deceive and recruit the young and ignorant with Occupy. Then they worked to deceive and recruit minorities with Black Lives Matter. Then they worked to deceive LBGT communities with gender neutrality. Then they worked to deceive and recruit immigrants with Sanctuary Cities and DACA. Then they worked to deceive women through Weinstein and Hollywood. Religion and politics were also mixed in to build further divide. They have Divided. Now it is time for them to Conquer. Any sacrifices will be rewarded by them in one form or another. We have seen this played over and over.

While they pit groups against each other under lies, corruption and false movements, they are deceiving the entire world under the greatest lie of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) with the Mark of the Beast and Agenda 2030 that leads to Global Enslavement, enforced by AI and Community Policing.

The world needs to stop playing their game and unite behind the "Root" and model of their real agenda - the Truth about Racine, Wisconsin and Global Enslavement.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

If you stop hearing about Racine, Wisconsin you will all know what happened. Make no mistake they have been trying.

Racine is the biggest and most important story in the world. It is the "Root" and weak link to the Death Star.

EricKaliberhall ago

Death Star? I've must have missed that one. And why are they hiding Michigan's Stonehenge?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The Death Star is a metaphor. They don't want anyone to find out the Truth about Racine, Wisconsin, or the ancient formations and the real significance of Wisconsin. This is why 3 of the Majestic 12 were from Wisconsin.

Herbvendor ago Sounds interesting

Workingsteel ago

Please share some links if you have them.

EricKaliberhall ago

What's the significance with the ancient formations?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This really requires a much longer answer, but in short they are the keys to ancient civilizations, technologies, and the secret knowledge held by Freemasons and others involved. Wisconsin is connected to Antarctica and the lost civilizations going back at least 16,000 years.

carmencita ago

Oh my gosh. This is a really wild guess. Are there still animals left under the ice? I know it sounds nuts but everything has been kind of nuts. Kerry keeps visiting there.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Paul Ryan's end game is Global Enslavement.

Paul Ryan works for the corrupt Vatican (Pope, Timothy Dolan, etc.) and the mafia, with partners in FLDS (Romney, McMullin, Tom DeLonge, Warren Jeffs, etc.), Scientology (Kristin Bauer van Straten, L Ron Hubbard, Miscavige, Jack Parsons, etc.) OTO (Crowley, Peter Lavenda, Jay-Z, Abromovic, etc.) and Kabbalah (Clinton, Kutcher, Madonna, etc.) among others.

Ryan is a corrupt Boy Scout and CIA asset. We told him about Brazen Criminal Corruption in his own district long ago. Guess what happened. He partnered with Clintons, McCain, Romney, Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Kadzik and others to obstruct criminal RICO investigations that tied directly to these groups along with the Clinton Foundation, DNC, RNC, some of the wealthiest families and corporations in the world, and many others involved.

He is a puppet for his masters, and the direct chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin).

Ryan was also lkely abused himself as part of the corruption and abuse linked with the Boy Scouts.

Racine is the ultimate Litmus Test for Trump and many others who claim they will Drain the Swamp. Trump has known about Racine for well over a year, and instead of draining the swamp and investigating criminal corruption in Paul Ryan's District he has partnered with the swamp creatures an endorsed deals such as Amazon and Foxconn that lead to the real agenda of Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast.

This is all being devised under the great deception of sustainability (Satan's Ability) leading to the Mark of the Beast which will be enforced through AI and community policing. Racine, Wisconsin is the "root" and model to the real agenda of global enslavement.

Factfinder2 ago

Do you know anything about why the Johnsons rather than some other well-connected family are in the chain of command you give above? Is it that they're blackmailable and also run an international company that is still privately owned and thus not beholden to shareholders or subject to public inspection of their business dealings? Is it something else? Is Racine the root of the problem because that's where the Johnsons are, or were the Johnsons chosen because they're from Racine?

BTW, I found this on heir Samuel Curtis Johnson III pleading guilty in 2014 to sexually assaulting his stepdaughter, beginning at age 12 and continuing for three years:

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is a combination of all above, and many more reasons, including their access and control of the Great Lakes and global distribution channels. Wisconsin has great historical significance from ancient and native civilizations, as well as through immigration and settlement, and the Johnsons were central players in globalization through such groups as Pilgrims Society. They are well controlled and well rewarded. They are often the hidden players in the circles of global corruption. They control the international airport and harbor, meeting venues, mafia, law enforcement, politicians, religious groups and entire governments and countries. They are a main hub between business, government, and institutions.

They built the programs for sustainability that led to Agenda 2030, and are building more programs for resource and population control (including food and water), healthcare, mental health and pharmaceuticals, community policing, Art in Embassies, Resilient Communities, global education, prison labor, sanctuary cities, foundations, unaccountable public-private partnerships, and more. They insulate themselves with layers of protection among various partners and organizations.

This is why the world needs to learn the Truth. They will never be held accountable, and soon it will be too late to stop the real agenda.

Laws are worthless when they have unlimited ways over them, around them and through them. The system is broken and they only way to fix it is with the Truth.

Factfinder2 ago

If all you assert is true, nothing can be done about it until you and others like you begin to provide specific information and documentation. You write: "They insinuate themselves with layers of protection among various partners and organizations." Show us the layers and tell us specifically how you identified the layers.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have listed many layers here and elsewhere, and we provided detailed information to every level of authority up to Loretta Lynch directly who obstructed the investigations as soon as she learned who was involved. So did the FBI. You will see a history of problems in the Chicago and Milwaukee branches in particular. It is a revolving door of incompetence, malfeasance and corruption.

Nothing will be done until the world demands that the "Root" of the real swamp - Racine, Wisconsin is drained. It will unravel the entire network and reveal that our broken and corrupt system cannot hold corporations, organizations, foundations, religions, political groups, and secret societies involved accountable.

Only the real shocking Truth will force the world to take notice and create the real change needed to stop the agenda before it is too late and we are all enslaved for eternity.

Please help. We have all the facts you could ever hope to find.