AmyJames ago

has anyone seen this cannibalism episode of It's always Sunny in Philadelphia or the one titled The Nightman Cometh?

Matt_Helm ago

Charlie Sheen starred with Haim in Lucas and Good Time Charlie has always been Bi he admitted it recently last year when he was exposed paying off women he had sex with but he never told them he was HIV Positive. Charlie is the most likely suspect. Rob Reiner is possible but DeVito is way down the list of likely suspects.

3141592653 ago


Jobew1 ago

Haim was always on something for his last 20 years (even when he was not using hard drugs, he was medicated). Do we really want to accept that he was 100% right on the age of the dude (or even his own age)?

Judgejewdy ago

I thought it might have been Schumacher until i did a little digging. Apparently in feldman's book it sounds as though the person he holds responsible (?) Did this to haim at a very young age, well before the two met. On lost boys, haim was already bisexual and looking for random hookups. So that leaves out Schumacherer.

Though here's an interesting bit. How much you wanna bet this is Harvey: "So Feldman reluctantly suggested a man who is called "Tony Burnham" (not his real name) in the book. According to Feldman, he knew that Burnham (whom he describes as overwieight and unatractive) had a crush on Haim, and so the meeting was arranged. Feldman says he tried to convince Haim not to get sexually involved with Burnham and to find someone else to have sex with, but Haim insisted because he told Feldman that it would be "a favor" to Haim if Feldman arranged the hookup. After that encounter, Burnham began to treat Haim as his "boyfriend," according to Feldman."

SoberSecondThought ago

No, it almost certainly was not Harvey Weinstein.

In 1984-85, Weinstein was making his first feature film, Playing For Keeps, which he co-wrote with his brother. He assaulted a woman on the crew. (See the Chicago Tribune article explaining all this.) There's nothing connecting him to Feldman in those years, or to boys at any time. He was barely a producer at that point and never was an actor.

Feldman says Haim pestered him for sex when they were both working on The Lost Boys in 1986. That was Feldman's very next movie gig after shooting Stand By Me in 1985. Read the section in Wikipedia describing how Reiner cast the four main characters on that film.

Reiner chose Feldman for the role of Teddy knowing specifically that Feldman was being abused by his parents, and was angry and miserable. He groomed him for that role. He may have groomed him for other things as well.

bibigirl_ ago

That sounds like him. When i read it its in his voice

WakeyWake ago

Does George Lucas have any connection w Haim?

WakeyWake ago

Guy Boyd, born in 1943, starred in Lucas. Has done over 50 films. I don't know if he is an A list actor tho. Married w 2 kids.

DrPenguin ago

Nice formatting. Take notes people...

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

Die hollywood you bitch's

JimmyLionstar1 ago

I would say Joel Schumacher is one of the prime suspect.

Look at the bath tube scene with Corey Haim in Lost Boys..

Corey Haim said he was 14 when i got raped on the two Coreys. He was born in 1971. So in 1985 he was 14. And .. He made Lucas the same year. The producer and director David Seltzer .. also wrote OMEN..

“At some point during the filming [of Lucas], he explained an adult male convinced him that it was perfectly normal for older men and younger boys in the business to have sexual relations, that it was what all "guys do" (...)
So they walked off to a secluded area between two trailers, during a lunch break for the cast and crew, and Haim, innocent and ambitious as he was, allowed himself to be sodomized. (...)
[That man] walks around, one of the most successful people in the entertainment industry, still making money hand over fist": 

quote from Corey Feldman's memoir:

If you don´t know what Omen is.. its a movie of the Antichrist being born to this world.

I would probably look at this guy too..

With all the spirit cooking and shit that goes on in Hollywood.. Who knows, Right!!

zerzao ago

Haim was born on 12/23/1971, so he turned 14 on 12/23/1985 -- one week before 1986 began, and after "Lucas" had finished filming.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

Robert De Niro was A client of prostitution ring that used minors, owns restaurant pal Harvey Weinstein dines with victims at.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

All The Largest Nuclear Explosions In History - YouTube

InnocentAngels ago

Saw this on someones Tweet a day or two ago. It says those boy rapist were known as " The Velvet Mafia ". Interesting read.

morojax ago

Danny devito isnt caught up in this shit. I love Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Please tell me Danny Devito isn't caught up in this shit.

3141592653 ago

I don't think we have Anything on him at this point

PedoStomper ago

Tons of the guy's jokes on that show are based around "diddling kids." And the episode where he's in his tighty whiteys on a playground. The child pageant episode. For all we know, "Frank Reynolds" is just the dark side of Danny DeVito put out there for the world to see, and because he's a character on a show, people would NEVER think that he's that way at all in real life.

TrishaUK ago

These people being exposed is rocking the world, we all loved watching these programmes, innocently enjoying the humour. Q. How could we have been so blind?.... A. Because we are not like them, it would never have entered our minds. I was a teenager when I watched celebs like Freddy Mercury and Elton John 'dressing up' for entertainment. I didn't realise gay was even a real thing, what a sheltered life I must have lived! No wonder it all went over my head.

SoberSecondThought ago

My theory for about the past year has been that it's Rob Reiner. He made Stand By Me in the summer of 1985 with Corey Feldman.

See this video of Al Franken joking that Rob's father Carl routinely raped Rob as a child. Very strange joke even for a roast.

Reiner has been hysterically opposed to Trump since he became a candidate. When the Russia narrative fell apart, it was Reiner who got Morgan Freeman to say "we are at war with Russia".

Reiner counts as both an actor and a mogul. He is approximately the right age (born 1947). He is a family man, not single or gay, something Feldman stipulated.

I'm not certain it's Reiner, but I find him the most likely among the names put forward to date.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Didn't Corey Feldman say that Corey Haim's abuser was a hollywood "mogul". DD is an actor, not a mogul. Harvey Weinstein is a mogul. Good post tho.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Michael Douglas?

Gary Busey?

Steve Martin?

Henry Winkler?

SoldierofLight ago

Very compelling. Obviously, his ego is much bigger than he is, so I wonder if there's somebody out there who can quote him bragging about his exploits.

derram ago