Jem777 ago

Excellent...Huge upvote!

@9217 can you repost some information uncovered about Napa & Sonoma County so people can understand the fires that are burning those places to the ground are directly related to a cover-up.

For those unaware this area has been literally burnt to the ground. Many dead and 100's missing. No one is even reporting on this except a few Fox segments.

This is a massive National Disaster that has killed more people than hurricanes and possibly Las Vegas. It is one of the most secretive locations heavily involved in MK Ultra programming, communes of pedophiles and children, etc.

carmencita ago

I am so glad you are on this. I have been thinking the same. That this is a huge Burn Down of Evidence. Two hotels were completely decimated. I tried to find which ones, but there is nothing to be found. I am still looking but there is not much, as you say hardly any reporting on this. Also, there are thousands of Guest Workers living around this area that are not spoken about. They would be an added plus to their crime. We will never hear what really happened to those that are Missing. Eyes are already off this horrid fire. We must keep it in our view, even if the MSM avoids. I will ping.

9217 ago

These cults definitely appear to use fire to cover up evidence a lot.


Taliesin (first and second iterations burned down, the first in the midst of a massacre of seven people):

Fits the pattern, and there's obviously a massive amount of ritual abuse and similar activities taking place in Napa Valley near the Rothschild's Opus One and so many other places like that.

But you sound like you're more in tune with the situation in Napa.

carmencita ago

Yes, we must keep our eyes on the fire, but what you are reporting on must also be looked into. With the fire possibly destroying evidence in this very affluent area, it could be that Bartlesville could be next. With all the pedo arrests they should be shaking in their boots.

9217 ago

Beginning of the post:

"Ritual abuse has been alleged to occur in a number of different locations nationally and internationally. Areas like Napa Valley in California have been specifically pointed out as hotspots for such abuse and are relatively well known for the issue. One less well known location that can serve as a case study of ritual abuse is the surprisingly wealthy small town called Bartlesville, in Oklahoma.

Bartlesville is unique in Oklahoma because it is unusually wealthy. It was founded on oil money, and the Petroleum company Phillips 66 was headquartered there for decades.

In this location there have been multiple reports of ritual abuse over a long period, and the population of the area is so small, that these numerous allegations when viewed in totality appear to corroborate each other. Some of the research included here was shared with me by Sharpedge42.

The abuse ring in Bartlesville is ongoing. It's not only a pedophilia network, or a trafficking network, or a place where CIA experiments take place. It is specifically a site of ritualistic abuse which is ingrained in the town's power structure. It's not necessarily Satanic, but it is a location where cult related ritual abuse takes place. This is important because it's such a small ecosystem of a town, that it provides a good example of what locations where ritual abused take place look like.

Larger cities can camouflage abuses more easily within the usual crime of a large metropolitan area. In Bartlesville and the surrounding area, the rampant ritual abuse is much more apparent. In 2015 Bartlesville had about 50,000 inhabitants.

Bartlesville has an unusual history for a small mid western town. It includes a number of buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and Bruce Goff, and the Bartlesville Community Center was designed by William Wesley Peters, one of Wright's students.

Bruce Goff was charged with 'corrupting the morals of a minor' in the 1950's, and Frank Lloyd Wright's troubled private life was notorious if not downright abusive.

Wright's first Taliesin studio was also the scene of a brutal murder, during which the building was burnt to the ground. Interestingly, the second incarnation of Taliesin was also destroyed by fire.

9217 ago

This is relevant to pizzagate because it discusses ritual abuse taking place in one location over a number of decades, and the place is tied to founders of theosophical practices, like Gurdjieff, who were tied to British Military Intelligence and Stalin (look it up, verifiable).

Although this is looking at one laction in particular, it gives important leads and context for the ritualistic underpinnings of pizzagate which are not being discussed yet in the unfolding hollywood scandal. Sex abuse is part of the larger horrifying picture, as we know here.

And all of this ties to one unlikely town in the midwest. Reality is more bizarre than fiction.

fogdryer ago

Dam !