fogdryer ago

So who hacked tavistock why ?? What was in the zip file

Omnicis ago

that looks as fake as can be. a "nine one one" folder with a "thermite.txt" ?

obvious larp.

paulf ago

I've seen this image before in October last year when rumors were swirling about Julian Assange being missing. I even have it backed up. Here is the full version. It's a 9-11 Wikileaks LARP, perhaps even by Julian himself. Ignore.

DrTennis ago

Came here to say this. Are we being spammed with nonsense?

paulf ago

Whatever the reason, exercise the usual extreme scepticism.

HomerChimpson ago


Steinmacher ago

hacker being added to kill list... be careful out there.

PurplueHaze ago

Not only that but he had a God's eye view during Las Vegas shooting

SoSpricyHotDog ago

So.... who hacked? What did they find? Why are there links to Paddock in this thread?

SupermanAlive ago

Find anything good?

PurplueHaze ago

Not only that but he had a God's eye view during Las Vegas shooting

PurplueHaze ago

Yes. Stephen Paddock not only owns NASA, he also owns The Sphinx and Besta Pizza and Comet Ping Pong.

carmencita ago

You really picked a good name. Is that what you're in when you smoke purple mushrooms.

JewishAlienSupport ago

He does also teach physics.

JewishAlienSupport ago

Well he does lead Mossad.

carmencita ago

I know. He is much more important than most people think. He is not just a guy that has Pedo Island.

Criticalthinker615 ago

this guy is just posting a bunch of random stuff for the purpose of either a: forum sliding or b: descrediting the community through 'edgy' trolling all together there is no coherency to his posts.



JewishAlienSupport ago

Epstein is The Devil

carmencita ago

This will definitely be something to keep an eye on today.

Hopevoats ago

I'm really confused. Either I have lost my reading comprehension abilities, or we are being inundated with forum-sliding, nonsensical posts.

Can you make any sense of this post of OP's subsequent comments? What am I missing, here?

carmencita ago

Yeah, well with all the seasoned people on this thread, if it is still perplexing, then there is some larping going on, imo. The link to 4chan though is worth looking at. They had something about Seth McFarlane leaking names of women of Weinstein so that was an eye opener. Also the video of that girl that supposedly jumped off a roof and her image and persona was stolen by Lady GAGA Now that I Totally Believe. Also there may be something to the Hotel California thing. John Belushi died there of OD. Roman Polanski stayed there too. But this Besta Stuff needs to go away. Dont get the stupid hints of Paddocks Brother and the God's Eye View Either. Either blurt it out or Stop It.

Hopevoats ago

This is clearly the rambling of someone who is either schizophrenic, or pretending to be so. That being said; I firmly believe that psychotic breaks are often a result of MK Ultra programming.

A good example is to read the emails of David McCullen, in the Stratfor files (which this OP mentions, incidentally). A, clearly, intelligent person who is able to draw from a large well of information, in such a way that it comes up scrambled and incredible.

Ultimately, I believe that this could be an effort of TPTB, who have activated one of their agents to discredit the research.

carmencita ago

great analogy and could be correct i have been seeing quite a bit of it since the lv shooting

HomerChimpson ago

Nope, no sense at all.

PurplueHaze ago

Eric Paddock, brother of Stephen Paddock says an Asteroid has fallen from Sky

PurplueHaze ago

A second Listen #HollyWood

cantsleepawink ago

Marilyn Manson mentions Chateau Marmont Hotel in California in this recent interview. Drops a number of odd hints too:

PurplueHaze ago

God's eye view during Las Vegas shooting

cantsleepawink ago

carmencita ago

Was it a place where some of the abuse by the Hollywood Moguls took place? Did they meet young boys there? I have a feeling pedophilia took place there or it has some connection to the Abused.

cantsleepawink ago

PS: My main point is that the OP posted the Eagles song as a possible reference to the Las Vegas hotel..which I don't agree with. Pointing out the reference is probably a hotel in California. And yes, I do think we have to watch out for lots of red herrings being thrown into the mix.

carmencita ago

I don't think it plays in either. So many that are trying to connect the wrong dots, possibly to derail us if only for a short time. We usually figure out the nonsense.

cantsleepawink ago

Where do I start with a reply. Lots of things apparently went on there.

Watch the Marilyn Manson interview about the place that I posted in an earlier comment.

Hunter S. Thompson hung out there:

Oscar Party Diary: Weinstein, Chateau Marmont, Night Before Highlight Saturday

The hotel's reputation as the place to go to misbehave dates back to the days of the Motion Picture Code of the 1930s and the purity seal of 1934. The code specified not only what could and could not be shown on screen, but also its expectations of a star's behavior off camera. Studios rented apartments and rooms for the express purpose of having someplace safe for their stars to engage in whatever nasty little habits they had. The famous example being Harry Cohn, head of Columbia Pictures, telling two of his randiest young stars, William Holden and Glenn Ford, "If you must get into trouble, do it at the Chateau Marmont."

carmencita ago

Hmm Hollywood Reporter says: 11:30 p.m.: After spending some time in the outdoor tent at the Chateau party in the back talking to a brunette friend, Russell Brand speaks briefly with musician Kimbra, who had arrived much earlier in the night. Russell Brand with Kimbra.....who is Kimbra. very interesting Brand being there. Must have had quite a time.....

carmencita ago

Oh God, I had the hots for Holden for years. I loved him in Sunset Boulevard. Whew. I believe a lot went on there. will read it all. I read the wiki page.

carmencita ago

Can't watch it here in the US. It is blocked. I wonder why. I will have to try to find it here somehow.

PurplueHaze ago

:) don't worry x