Jem777 ago

I heard Millenial Falcon insists there is no evidence of organ harvesting linked to child trafficking. Is he ready to testify since we not only have proof written in their own bloody hands we have the pre-orders for new hearts by people like David Rockefeller for his 7th by email from a little company called #HappyHearts with Heather Podesta being on the Heart Association board controlling organ donations. And pictures of the hearts being removed from children's chests after their torture to get those Pineal Glands full as well.

Being as that is now in a Federal lawsuit against various countries, organizations, with Whistleblower from places like Mayo Clinic, John's Hopkins, Duke he might want to reconsider.

Also spoliation notices have been served. So anyone involved in destroying evidence can be considered an accomplice....not a good idea

Quarter ago

i would still do voat but i wouldnt be limited on my posts either. we might discover things we have been keeping back from each other.

Quarter ago

the captcha is a little much but all our posts could travel over. I tested it and it works,Its free:) and there are addons to make the place nicer and more user friendly. It has time and date stamps, real time chat. links activate when posted ect just go see. I dont want to be admin, i have serious health issues but we could share it. We could change the name i dont care, im open to any thing except oppression of speech .

Quarter ago

I wonder who pays Dyncorp and who are thier boots on the ground. I only skimmed through this months ago and never got the nutshell. Are they hiring people to do this while they are there working, like a side business or is this going on under their roof under their company shell? Do they contract companies there? How would they know where children are? I guess if you've been doing these kind of things you would know where to start in any country. My gosh how other countries must hate the west

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Dyncorp why the hell do they even have a gov. contact, And why arnt they under investigation?

I mean.. Even Chelsea Manning, got 36 years for leaking information that Dyncorp that showed they was involved child trafficking, But that means what Chelsea Manning leaked was true about DynCorp.. !! This system is so corrupt.

carmencita ago

I wonder if Paddock is connected to Dyncorop and Epstein.

Quarter ago

What a thought! I see a place where we could create a free forum. Is anyone looking at other sites that you know of? I looked at other forums and they just didn't make me happy. We are spoiled here. I think we should just start own own forum.

carmencita ago

read the comment by Esoteric. I am not to savvy with this stuff so I am pretty open. Our own sounds good or I am open to other suggestions. Just dragging our feet will make us all frustrated and lead us to no where again.

Quarter ago

check this out, dont know anything about it but it looks okay

carmencita ago

Looks pretty simple actually. It is a possibility I would say.

ESOTERICshade ago

Mil Falcon insists that there is no "evidence" of organ harvesting as it relates to pizzagate.

carmencita ago

I was checking on another deleted post and saw this. Whoa. They are deleting even items connecting pizzagate now. Amazing. Btw, I am Carmencita with an n and it is Wolftrail7272. A couple of times I missed your pings and discovered you by accident. Don't want to miss your wonderful posts! This is Horrid. I would Upvoat U if I could.

Quarter ago

I do believe alot went under the pg noses at first, this is just a superb example. It's crazy all the big pockets of dirty children's deeds we are finding right now. They all have such close threads it's very remarkable and I have no doubt about what people are finding out. That it's all true. They have a definite modus of operandae

carmencita ago

Are you for moving. We are discussing it. I am ready to go at a moment's notice.

Quarter ago

im trying to make the place look not so generic. Do you know how i can get plugins INTO the room? when i download them they just come to my computer, i cant get them applied or attached to the room. I know notjhing is definate but id like to see if i can get it to look more user friendly, just playin around:) Im afraid if mf or anyone finds out i will be blocked from my research so I have placed all my research in emails so they can transfer without having to use voat. i trust noone. i have hundreds of hours in my research. I want to delete my comments and then we can just compose letters to ones telling them the idea. whats your thoughts.

carmencita ago

Evidently you are way more experienced with this stuff than I am. It sounds like you have it all figured out and I would not know where to begin with what you have done. I think the simpler the better. This way many that will be hopping over and don't get it, will be able to navigate. Believe me, I am slow, but I still have tutored a couple of users on things.

Quarter ago

believe me when i say i am not experienced, the idea just came to me. I had no idea we could just start our own forum with the bare bones, kinda neat. What say you I compose an email and i will discuss with you who to send it to. Im sure we have the same people in mind.:) we can all discuss who gets invited after that. There are some people we can check out on voat for consistancy and knowledge in their postings and how genuine they are. there will probably topics in there that nobody gets to ever see especially on voat. Ill compose a letter and let you peer review it and then we can go from there. People can like it or not its up to them because to each their own I say. But they have to be a sincere contributer. I dont like making rules but Im sure everyone will agree that the room will need some, to protect the group and what will be spoken there. we can all have a say in the ROOM.

carmencita ago

I am getting confused, for real. You had better ask one of them, for I will surely goof it up.

Quarter ago

whats neat about the email is that anyone of us can get in there and do maintenance or add plugins if we all agree. That would help us out alot, for all of us.

Quarter ago

We can link up with voat super easy just by keeping a tab open, We all like voats news at times, but nobody could go the other way unless someone in the group gave them the password. the captcha is a little much but all our posts could travel over. I tested it and it works,Its free:) and there are addons to make the place nicer and more user friendly. It has time and date stamps, real time chat. links activate when posted ect just go see. I dont want to be admin, i have serious health issues but we could share it. We could change the name i dont care, im open to any thing except oppression of speech .

carmencita ago

Wow. Well it sounds easy enough and surely user friendly. We have to maybe to to No Mods and discuss it.

Quarter ago

id like that but the account is only under 1 email so there has to be a admin to do plugins or help people navigate and what not. If it was somewhat similar to voats that would be great but these guys are techies and im just a talky. I can teven get a plug in to work on the forum. If someone just helped me with the directions i could try to apply them. Everyone could be under an email account then they could sign in as admin. now I think that might work.

carmencita ago

You might ask Esoteric or darkknight.

Quarter ago

okay, i will compose and ask eso and dark for their opinion. Im sure thay will have great imput even if they put the kibosh on it for any reason. thx, did you create an account over there so i can test the ease of use?

carmencita ago

I just did the robot thingy to reply. Did not set up anything.

Quarter ago

we have touch down!! I will email eso and dark with what i have found. Maybe we will hang out here but if we need privacy we can bop over there. who knows.

carmencita ago


Quarter ago

im sending letter to you now.

Quarter ago


Quarter ago

I'd go right now while I'm online. Where?

ESOTERICshade ago

we need to move, i don't know where yet, but we need to move, this deleting is ridiculous

SoldierofLight ago

Yes, but please ping me if you guys move. I'm not on here as much anymore because of all the bullshit so I might miss any mentions of a better place to go because of course it'll get deleted...

13Buddha ago

Yes, please ping me as well. So sick of this bullshit from MF. I have had numerous posts deleted by MF; was banned from pizzagate by MF, 100% unjustified; clawed and fought to be "un"banned; and have completely lost interest in posting there.

SoldierofLight ago

That sucks because your posts are good.

Quarter ago

I got a forum here, its links work the dates and times work, its free

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Same here.. MF is acting like a shill, This forum is compromised.

ESOTERICshade ago

i just checked the deleted subs and this is pitiful

carmencita ago

I AGREE. I have said this all along and thought for sure we were moving when VieBleu set up the vote. But to no avail. We all keep talking about it but nothing happens. I am with you. The Sooner The Better.

ESOTERICshade ago

actually getting everybody to move is the problem, there are places to go. gothamgirl has a sub, there is also pizzagateuncensored etc....

carmencita ago

Sounds good. This time we have to mean it though. We are at the wilting stage and need to go before we die out We are turning into an Entertainment Site.

13Buddha ago

What about the pizzaacademics sub created not too long ago by AttheHolyGrail?

Quarter ago

links work, time and dtae stamp works go check this out, its also free

ESOTERICshade ago

mil falcon deletes organ harvesting because he says there is no "evidence", we need to move to a new home somewhere

derram ago :

Ťŕũ†hếr ᾹйØй on Twitter: "@3hryi @HOLLIEGREIGJUST 18K Syrian Children have had their Organs Harvested Over the Last 6 Yrs #PedoGate #OrganHarvesting #HumanTrafficking"

This has been an automated message.

AgainstPedos ago

Can someone post this on LipstickAlley? You'd need to start a new thread in the section called, "Conspiracy Theories." That's where those who are concerned with anything related to social justice in the world hang out . Threads stay up for a long, long time and new members are always checking out the different sections. Unfortunately many on LSA are looking for a stress break from their own problems of say being a good single mother, working full-time and going to school. That's why the fluff threads are popular.