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Truthseeker3000 ago

The UN and the Solvay drug family castle in Belgium had all kinds of rituals and kids, hunting parties, MK Ultra and the altar in the backyard with 1000 points of lights. However, google has scrubbed a lot of the Solvay castle off the internet. The Mothers of Darkness castle.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Closely tied to Solvay are Abbott who purchased the company years ago, and SC Johnson who is a major player in elite global corruption. The "root" of all Evil is in Racine, Wisconsin which behind the real agenda of global enslavement and the Mark of the Beast.

One of the key elements they are pushing now is mental health, also tied to global education reform. Racine, Wisconsin is where these programs and models are all developed.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Thank you. You are a wealth of knowledge. I refuse to buy any Johnson and Johnson products.

Can you possibly elaborate on the mental health aspect and what they intend to do here? As well as what ‘global education reform’ entails. Thanks again

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

SC Johnson is based in Racine, Wisconsin, but Johnson & Johnson is also involved and connected to the same groups.

They are using mental health as the new way to identify, segment, push drugs, and control people and families. They want everyone diagnosed with something. They want everyone to have an excuse and be a victim, which in turn will be the way to maintain control over resources and benefits. Through mental health education and drugs they can use new programming methods to control groups of the population, and leverage against families. They want to kill the family unit and family values in place of community and community values. They want to separate children from their parents and grandparents. They are rebuilding comprehensive mental health programs, community policing programs (including how law enforcement addresses mental health issues), and global education programs to control not only the narrative of our history, but also of our present and future. A main goal is to use science and AI to eliminate faith, individualism and creativity, turning the world into atheism and agnosticism.

One prime example is how they are remolding and reforming education through public-private partnerships as they are using Racine as a model for with Amazon, Foxconn, SC Johnson and others involved. They are building a slave race and pipeline of control from "cradle to grave". Another related initiative is called Resilient Communities, tied to Sustainability and Sanctuary city programs that all lead to global enslavment and the Mark of the Beast.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Resilient Communities

Oh, I get it/had not heard of RC. All staged events have multiple purposes. Ppl think it's about gun control but gun sales always go up after a ff. Gun dealers etc make a fortune. Those events just usher in more govt surveillance basically and of course the mental health issue.

So sure, all these so called 'natural' disasters would be the framework to usher in resilient communities. And yes, they also serve as distractions, generating fear (which feeds the matrix) and all the other trailers but what better way to get ppl on board of RC than to have disasters everywhere and incompetent gov response either local, state or fed...or all 3.

Joe10jo ago

And get this!!!!!..... on the interstate not far at all from the Racine exit on I-94 is a brand new and gigantic Amazon industrial building. Of course Abbott isn't that far away either.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Correct, with a new corrupt Foxconn development in progress signed off by Trump himself in a corporate extortion deal with a truly nefarious plan that will be over 20 times the aize of the Amazon plant.

SC Johnson controls the area through the Rothschild and Rockefeller chain of command and a range of partners such as Abbott (and Solvay), Case, Wheaton Franciscan, Cargill, Bayer, Mnsanto, Dow, DuPont, Google, Facebook, Nestle, Dept. of Defense, CFR, DNC, RNC, Dominican Sisters, various factions of the mafia, and the Vatican. Secret societies and global groups involved all link back to Racine, Wisconsin. The feds know all about it and it went all the way up to Comey and Lynch directly. That is why they were replaced.

Racine, Wisconsin is the model and "Root" to the real agenda and the Truth.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Yes, Solvay"s pharma unit was sold for $7 Billion to Abbott (bssed near Racine) and both Solvay and Abbott are close partners of SC Johnson (who also owns many other businesses including purchssing the insecticides unit from Bayer among many other deals). They also share control over the Carolinas, with strong links in New York, DC, Hollywood, Florida, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Colorado, and in many hubs known for trafficking and abuse with key links to Belgium, Netherlands, Haiti, Brazil, Ghana, Pakistan, UAE, India, etc.

Of note regarding the Solvay acquisition is: "Deal Opens Avenues to Emerging Markets While Adding Heart and Hormone Treatments as Well as a Flu Vaccine"

Racine is of course a main hub and model for viruses and vaccines such as Zika with SC Johnson and the Rockefeller patent, and Rotary International and Clinton Global Health Initiative.

argosciv ago

Abbott (bssed near Racine) ~ Solvay and Abbott are close partners of SC Johnson

This hasn't come up in my research yet, did I miss it or is it somewhere obscure?

the Carolinas

Is this a place?

Of note regarding the Solvay acquisition is: "Deal Opens Avenues to Emerging Markets While Adding Heart and Hormone Treatments as Well as a Flu Vaccine"

Racine is of course a main hub and model for viruses and vaccines such as Zika with SC Johnson and the Rockefeller patent, and Rotary International and Clinton Global Health Initiative.

Again, missed this in my research, will go back to The "Abbott" Case soon though.