Votescam ago

What's the "Streisand Effect"?

srayzie ago

The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.

banusaur ago

Why the fuck would someone use the GUI instead of the terminal during remote access.

This stinks of BS.

srayzie ago

What do you mean?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Usually, a hacker will use a series of programs to exploit a particular machine... get access via a series of terminals that allow them to run scripts in the background. That way, you can siphon off data/images/files/view stills of the webcam/etc... without so obviously raising alarms.

I don't think Jake M. is one to lie however, and hacking via remote access in the GUI (the Graphical User Interface that the average person sees while operating their PC) is certainly possible. Messy. Cumbersome. Risky. But possible. Particularly if you are working from a background/location that cannot be traced.

angry_mob ago

they would do that in order to try and intimidate & harass someone. they are definitely sending him a message.

srayzie ago

Wow. I put an update. He just bought new tires and had another blowout. His computer was under attack again last night. I posted the video.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Poor Jake... why the hell are they targeting him so aggressively? What does he know? What has he said that others haven't that has them so spooked/willing to attack him like this?

If I were him I'd rig some serious surveillance equipment, and drink a ton of coffee, then wait near the door closest to my vehicles with a 12 gauge. For legal reasons he could always put up a sign that states "Trespassers will be shot on sight" all around his perimeter.

srayzie ago

I know! Since my last update, someone was trying to change his Facebook password. So him and his family are going away for a day or 2. I can’t imagine that feeling. Horrible. Oh, he was asking his viewers for advice on a good camera system and he’s buying it this weekend.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes, this guy is great I've watched many of his videos. Both Jake M and Titus Frost are spot on with info.

independenceday ago

Thanks for turning me on to this guy...i like him a lot!

srayzie ago

Here it is. I have it time stamped. He wanted help naming his new puppy. Look at how sweet he is when it comes to his personal life...

srayzie ago

You’re welcome. He’s awesome! When he tells a story, he goes into depth and makes you understand it so much better. He has created playlists too. He’s a really decent family man. I can just feel it. He’s genuine.

I know this is my mushy girly side coming out, lol, but you can see him change from this smart serious person, to this bright eyed sweet boy when you see him with animals. His whole demeanor changes in such a sweet way. I’ll try to find a video.

derram ago | :

Footage of Spooks Going Through My Computer Files - Hollywood Investigation Part 3 - #PizzaGate - YouTube

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