PrideOfOshtekk ago

He was pretty much completely correct. Wonder whether he knew more than he let on?

LVFalseFlag ago

Great find!

DerivaUK ago

A good find. Thanks and upvoat. This causes me so much dismay. When the whole agenda is lined up here, together with everything we've learned over the past year especially with regards to children, it overwhelms me, and as loathe as I am to say it, it can feel like a battle so huge that without a mass full on red pilling of average armchair, tv worshipping Joe's anyday soon, we are on a hiding to nothing. @srayzie and others here saying the same, are not alone in finding the mass resistance to what we now all now understand to be the factual nefarious agenda and activities of an evil cabal. Having said that, the Vegas false flag is being revealed to have been a very sloppy operation and a huge step over the mark imo that even has some 'normies' starting to ask questions and look more closely at the very possibility of this having been not only sanctioned by, but even possibly pre-organised and orchestrated by factions within their own government. We can only hope eyes are staring to open It's awful to say it this way, but I do feel we need to exploit such opportunities as best we can to find ways to open the collective consciousness of the capabilities of these bastards to inflict massive hurt on those they're meant to be serving. Only then we may have a chance. Otherwise, so far, looking at that list, much is going along according to plan

srayzie ago

Well said. The only thing I know to do is spread what we know. Get the information out there. As for myself, I won’t go to protests. I’m not going to put myself in danger when I know there are people being paid to start violence. I guess everyone can spread the word in whatever way that suits them. Some are in positions where they have access to get to speak to large groups of people.

What concerns me is that people are fed lies and getting angrier by the day. This violence that is erupting is going to lead to a civil war. That’s would be the perfect scenario to the Illuminati. They will enforce Martial Law. I think we need to fight back, but not stoop to their level. Keep our cool. Push out the facts. Any kind of violence will be used against us and give them more reason to hate us.

Some will disagree with me here.... but we’re going to be attacked no matter what. For any believers, I think we need to be praying. Because it’s literally a fight between good and evil right now. Biblical Prophesy is happening right before our very eyes. We are living in exciting AND scary times. Never before has a generation lived to have the Internet, which gives us access to a vast amount of information at our fingertips. They are trying to take that away. But, we are also seeing Biblical prophesy come to pass like never before. We are living the end times. I think Trump bought us some extra time by screwing up their plans. But in The Bible, it says this is going to happen. It will get worse. Prayers and our fight can earn us time.

srayzie ago

Wow! This was excellent. Thank you for sharing. It’s really scary to even imagine what it will be like 10 years from now. It’s sad that SO many people in the world are actually fooled into believing they are fighting for something good, when in reality, they are playing right into hands of the Illuminati.

I can’t imagine being, let’s say 20 years old, and planning my future in this day and age, knowing what I know now. I would be afraid to have children. I wouldn’t send them to public schools. There will probably be a day where public school is the only choice. There’s already forced immunization of children in some states.

Seeing how much society has changed since Obama was elected, and how corrupt the liberal way of thinking is, and how it’s being so accepted to have this blur between genders, the acceptance that the family unit is disappearing. Free speech is being taken away.

Our entertainment options suck because everything they want is pounded into our heads in practically every show or movie. It’s like being gay is looked up to. Being “different” is applauded. The family shows many of us grew up with didn’t push all this on us. The traditional family is no more.

The other day, There was a post on voat about a guy that was on the show Glee. He plead guilty to child porn charges. He had child porn on his computer of children as young as 3 years old. I knew my niece watched it. I told her. I was thinking she would be like “ 😮 What?! Noooo. How could he?!”

Well that’s not the reaction I got. The reaction was more like this... “😏 really? That sucks.”

I said “Aren’t you shocked?!” This is so sad. She said “Not really. I hear this kind of stuff all the time. It’s kind of normal for celebrities.”

What the hell is wrong with people? How can someone be so blind that they see kids growing up thinking all of this is the norm and they just go with the flow. It’s only going to get worse. These kids are going to have kids and go on to raise their kids without morals and values. It’s all because of this New World Order. The Illuminati is leading everyone like little sheep to the slaughter, and most of them are all for it. People are losing their minds.

13Buddha ago

Well said @srayzie, every word, and my sentiments exactly. It is so very difficult for me to talk to anybody about what is occurring. I find that most do not even want to hear because they focus only on themselves and do not want to hear or they do not believe a word you are saying.

As much as I become frustrated with this sub because of 1 mod in particular, on the other hand, I am grateful I found it a year ago.

We are all in this together and are different individuals than we once were because of it. We will certainly be heard everywhere, however, if a major SHTF epic occurs, and I do believe it will. Our knowledge will then be put to use in helping others deal with the truth.

srayzie ago

Well thank you. I don’t have anyone in real life that listens either. It’s frustrating. If I try to explain then I just get frustrated because they act like it’s some conspiracy. If you are familiar with me here, you will know that it’s hard for me to hold back and keep my mouth shut about something I believe in. LOL. That’s why one of my other commenters here is always running his mouth with me.

My way of thinking has changed SO much. I can’t even watch what I used to watch anymore. I see the Illuminati symbolism everywhere.

equineluvr ago

BOTH PARTIES have been involved in getting us where we are today. This is a 2,000+-year-old plan so has been in the U.S. since its founding.

Your selective vision of focusing on Democraps, including Ocimmie (along with, of course, your refusal to see the Jews as perps), is proof that you are NOT "red pilled."

srayzie ago

Thanks for your input you wannabe expert on every topic. I do not refuse to see Jews as perps. I’ve stated time and time again that they are not the ONLY ones. I’m not narrow minded and focusing on one group. I did not even mention democraps. I said liberals.

You are not red pilled. You are hate filled. Go jump off a bridge.

SteelMagnolia ago

Her response (“Not really. I hear this kind of stuff all the time. It’s kind of normal for celebrities.”) shows that their plan is in full effect and quite rapid. Overall it's all a plan to win souls for the devil and people are lining up like it's"Black Friday"... smh. Btw your post is very wise...

srayzie ago

No. She’s not evil and doesn’t have some evil plan. She didn’t agree with it. She’s a normal teenager with a good heart.

It just shows that our entertainment industry and celebrities normalize everything. When teenagers see all of this happening around them, news like that doesn’t phase them like it would someone 10 or 20 years ago.

Piscina ago

I remember reading this a few months ago. Their plans are certainly on track.

These are just some of my questions:

what's the friggin purpose of it all?
Who are 'they' anyway?
What purpose is served by having the majority of people without access to life-saving healthcare?
What purpose is served by having a degenerate generation who've been groomed into violence and debauchery? What's the purpose of dumbing down a whole generation of students? A well-educated populace enrichens everybody's life.

Feel free to give me your opinion, because if all the above is happening simply because a few moronic power-hungry twats want total control and think 'satan' is going to come down from Orion's belt to rule over us, they're more imbecilic than I thought.

equineluvr ago

THEY are Jews.

The purpose of it all is to control the world, a JEWISH agenda that has been well documented for over 2,000 years.

THEY want to eliminate the white race. Jews are NOT whites.

GLOBAL DEPOPULATION (down to 500 million, consisting of technicians to serve them) is their route to achieving that.


srayzie ago

Your online lover says Jews ARE white. Maybe you should bitch slap him into next week.

srayzie ago

Check this out. Learn about Agenda 21. It’s now updated to Agenda 30. This will show you what their future plans are. How they explain things vaguely make it sound like they are doing things to help us. You need to see the reality of it though...

equineluvr ago

It's called Agenda 2030 now. Do try to keep up, you cross-eyed snot-nosed retard.

srayzie ago

That’s what I said ass wipe

srayzie ago

It’s the Illuminati. They want to get rid of 90% of the population. They want to live amd have control of everything...their future generations. The New World Order.

By the media, schools and entertainment industry pushing gay marriage, abortion, transgenders, etc... that’s population control. Getting rid of traditional families means less people for them to deal with later.

By dumbing down the newer generations makes these people easier to control, less likely to fight them, and make them dependent on the government for everything.

Pushing Black Lives Matter (Soros funded), and now people crying white priveledge, feminism, the fight for free speech, hating the cops, disrespecting our veterans, etc...All that is causing people to turn against each other.

Riots, tearing down monuments, and things like that is because if they have everyone fighting, groups turning on each other, causing people to hate each other, pushing this radical violent way of thinking (antifa), it will cause more violence and then it gives the government power to control us more. Like more gun laws.

If it was bad enough, they could declare marshal law. The more divided the people are, the easier it will be for them to use that to enforce whatever they want to force. Like, free speech or alternative news...they say it’s fake news. Why? Because then they can censor it and say that it’s causing violence. By making people think that, it makes people go along with them taking away free speech.

That’s how they also push war. They pound stuff in our heads and make us so emotional, so that we will go along with them going to war. Like 9/11. They used that to go to war and make so many new laws.

Blending religions...the Illuminati hates Christianity. They don’t want us believing in a good higher power, a creator. No healthcare means people don’t live as long. Hormones in our food is causing kids to hit puberty sooner. The foods we eat and the air we breathe, ALL IS CONTROLLED BY THEM.

I need to try to find it. But, you need to read about agenda 21 or agenda 30. I’ll try to find this one that I read that breaks it all down for you. It’s just shocking. I’m glad you seem curious and are questioning this. So many just disregard it if it doesn’t make sense. I hope I didn’t confuse you.

SteelMagnolia ago

From what I've learned, they are the wealthiest people in the world... I'm not talking about Bill Gates, Oprah etc. These are people whose wealth is essentially limitless because they own the banks. The descend from bloodlines that go back ages.The Rothschilds are a part of them. The House of Windsor (Queen Elizabeth) is a part of them. So are the Rockefellers. Your conclusion is spot on, even though it doesn't seem to be satisfying for you... People mock the Bible but the predictions are basically laid out in there; it's just hard to understand because of the parables and visions (The prophets wrote it in the best way they could describe). They want to turn everything that is "GOOD" to "BAD" and vice versa and the Bible literally states this. They believe that Lucifer is our 'redeemer" (tree of knowledge) plus he feeds their greed by enriching them however there is a price to pay: their souls (which they sold eras ago), participating in vile things such as human sacrifice, cannibalism, sex with children and infants etc. I could go on and on... Their main goal right now is to have humanity in their palms; they tell us what's right and wrong, they teach us what they want to know (even the mandela effect shows this. When people are confused about their memories with this phenomenon, how do they verify it; the internet, which they control). They are stripping us down to defenseless sheeple. Please make sure you don't get that implantable chip (RFID); that's the key to your soul.

Piscina ago

These morons should read the bible. Don't they know that lucifer is nothing compared to God, and that God will come to destroy him?

albatrosv14 ago

''Cures for cancer were already available at The Rockefeller Institute but would never be released.''


Can't say much more though. (cough learn information gathering cough)

Edit: ''Scientific research would be falsified.''

That's also true.

srayzie ago

That’s why those elite bastards live forever.

equineluvr ago

No, Crayzie, JEWS are known for longevity. Now they're using pharamaceuticals in addition.

Rife and Clark stuff is kindergarten level.

Kregan ago

@equineluvr- You are being very condescending and obnoxious in your comments. I am not an angel by any means and I like to troll also; however if you wish to convince people of something, coming off as a pompous know it all will certainly deter people from listening or taking to heart what you say. Just food for thought dude, as a lot of people agree with things you wrote just not the manner of your delivery. Sincerely, take care and be easy.

srayzie ago

Oh my bad. So it’s ONLY the Jew elites living so long? Everything is the Jews with you. You are out of your mind. Not everyone in the Illuminati is Jewish dumb ass.

acme2011 ago

For anyone interested, research the works of Dr. Hulda Clark and Dr. Raymond Rife

DeathTwoMasons ago

That is an impressive prediction. Dr Day was the medical director of planned parenthood and believed overpopulation was the biggest threat, so he might have been revealing the method and not just predicting.

Dressage2 ago

Excellent. I tried to upvoat and it said an error occurred with a sad face! Thx