StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Erik guy has some strange mannerisms.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Orlando and San B were collaborated with girlfriend/wife who had foreign travels/radicalization. Check his cell phone records etc as it relates to the girlfriend. This guy also had connections with Lockheed.

Progressivelymean ago

Mateen and the Sudanese church shooter in Tennessee both worked for G4S. I do not see a connection to G4S and the San Bernadino shooting.

Piscina ago

A person took a video from Mandalay Bay. It goes for a while and it gets disturbing at times. The reason I'm posting is because I want people to listen to the gunfire. It is clearly and distinctly coming from at least TWO areas.

LA_Trump ago

Live Nation CEO (Route 91 harvest) held fundraisers for Hillary.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Edit: replied to Blacksmith21 in the wrong place so deleted.

Blacksmith21 ago

Here we go again. Someone posted something about another pedo bust in the same area that CFCA operates in back on the sub landing page.

Well, this is just a real damn shocker. I mean what are the odds? I mean just because the Welch family ran in the same circles. The guy is a dead ringer for Gene Rosen a la Sandy Hook. Nor is there a weapon in any of the photos circulating online capable of that sustained rate of fire as heard in multiple videos. Oh and then there was the 4th floor video shot from the cab pretty clearly showing and sounding the report of a light machine gun. Nothing to see here people.

I don't think this was "faked" in a Sandy Hook way. But it is odd that you haven't seen one medical professional on TV yet. Someone please show me something to indicate otherwise.

Edit 1: Show me the Haiti connection on that site?

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Blacksmith21 - the directors bios list their activities such as connections to Haiti.

And carmencita pointed out the sponsors which I neglected to mention. Included were a children's dentist, eye doctor and a State of FL department with a spiral logo of a vine.

As we know, there are no coincidences. But if there are, these are doozies.

Blacksmith21 ago

OK - I see the one reference to Haiti. While I would say there isn't much here, and there isn't really, the fact that the guy was wearing yet another kid-related 501(3)c instead of a Motorhead, Aberrombie, or NASCAR shirt is another....coincidence.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

I agree it's thin. To me though it was the holistic reading of all the director activities, in which nearly every one had some connection to some topic that has arisen here in the past. Birds of a feather, ya know.

Blacksmith21 ago

Where have we heard this before?

carmencita ago

Here are their sponsors: I heart Radio (still owned by Romney?) Some others are connected to children Thank you for spotting that. There are so many things we may have overlooked. But they are sloppy sometimes as we have discovered.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Paddock is a patsy (he was framed).

Piscina ago

Yep, all you need to do is watch the interview they did with his brother. Paddock was a very ordinary guy--no history of mental illness, no major gripes with anyone; not obsessed with guns. He lived an ordinary life.

Sig17 ago

Yeah and his "brother" is also a terrible crisis actor.

StockholmSyndrome ago

@jonnythaiwongy9 @StSimonTrentPray4Us @The_Real_Wahrheit @Blacksmith21 @LA_TRUMP

Stephen Paddock was an IRS agent then worked for Lockheed Martin and NASA

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

He went 'postal'. Lot of shady things surrounding those particular groups lately. "NASA" stands for never a straight answer. Lockheed had Comey as an exec and F-35 money dump. IRS repeatedly targets conservatives, resists audits and is probably not too excited about Trump's new tax plan which would put a lot of them out of work.

Regardless of weather or not this was a motivating factor in this case, it should be considered. Taking away a person's job is likened to taking away their life. It's their livlihood, identity etc. All those organizations would expect or feel threatened by major cuts under a Trump Admin. Alternatively, the people in the crowd are practically celebrating their new jobs. It's possible this guy was a bit desperate and jealous with too much pride to voice it. Hopefully, Pres. Trump picks up on this issue. Hopefully there is such an abundance of job growth for these people to easily find honest work in the private sector, they can just forget about the swamp. You can't just let swamp creatures loose on the streets. They need transitional jobs, training, emotional support etc.

new4now ago

Paddock also worked in "predecessor company" at Lockheed Martin 1985-1988

He also has license to fly small planes

Does it mean anything? Might, might not..but this shooting makes me sad and curious

Computer been down, only have phone, so unable to show links due to ignorance

carmencita ago

You did a fine job. I saw the evidence at least that shows it should be researched. There is enough there at lease for that. Having done a lot of research regarding children's org. this is sketchy and should be looked at.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Jesus that is fucking odd