carmencita ago

On a good note, Hugh Heffner has just departed this earth at the age of 91. Thank God one more disgusting pervert is gone. Remember the tunnels that they found in his home that led to Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty and others? Ha. I have no remorse for Heffner nor his friend Bill Cosby. Partners in Crime.

IShallNotFear ago

The article states that "The Satanic Temple" is the satanist group and that Child Evangelism Fellowship (who runs the Good News Clubs) is the Christian Organization. From the article itself: "The Satanic Temple's arch-nemesis is Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)."

"As the Satan Clubs are closing down, about 4,500 Good News Clubs are starting up this new school year all over the USA. Over 180,000 children will be enrolled in a high energy club that includes Bible stories, songs, games, etc. Children will receive moral and character development as well as learn respect for authority, based on biblical principles."

From the Child Evangelism Fellowship Official Website: "As with all CEF ministries, the purpose of Good News Club is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living."

If Child Evangelism Fellowship is clearly a Christian Organization.

IShallNotFear ago

Um, I hate to rain on your parade but I know for a fact that the Good News Club and the ECFA are Christian organizations, not the satanist organization that is losing members. While it is true that any organization could be doing bad things behind closed doors, this article wasn't meant to bring down the people ridding schools of satanism.

I know you are a good researcher, ESOTERICshade, and I'm not meaning to criticize. I just don't want you to miss the point of this article.

carmencita ago

These 501 3s are going to have to be cut to the quick. There are too many feeding at the trough. It is a sad commentary when we have to check even the guys that we think sound good. The Satan Club even puts out a Work Book for kids. WTH is that about? Scary.

carmencita ago

From the Wiki:In 2012, journalist Katherine Stewart published The Good News Club: The Christian Right's Stealth Assault on America's Children, describing the local controversy that erupted when Good News Club came to Seattle's Loyal Heights Elementary School and chronicling what she learned as an undercover reporter at CEF's triennial National Convention in 2010. Separately, Stewart has reported on complaints by parents of children of other faiths being warned, by their Good News Club classmates, that they may go to hell,[27] and of Good News Club's teaching, as an object lesson on obedience, of I Samuel 15:3's divine imperative to "attack the Amalekites" and "put to death men and women, children and infants."[28] THIS is pretty darned scary.

GumShoe ago

We should definitely look into/keep an eye on this group. I pray that they're legitimately trying to help kids.

srayzie ago

Thank God! 🙌🏻

cantsleepawink ago

That's good news.