Dressage2 ago

You are absolutely right about the Modern art. I do think a lot of artists are victims.

DonKeyhote ago

34 minute video to say "the CIA" did it to push "moral relativism."

Total dogshit surface level research and I'm not surprised you want to waste people's time with it.

Meanwhile it takes only one Google search to prove Jews control modern art and always have -- sorry, " Khazar fake-jews" LMAO

An non-western ethnic minority subverting cultural values to the point of brthrate collapse and widespread divorce -- that makes more sense than "the CIA" which is obviously nothing more than a series of career employees who serve Jewish interests here and abroad.

Art as a store of value only serves the extremely wealthy, enabling them to avoid huge tax bills both while alive and when they pass on their billion to their evil kids through some obscure trust.

Dunno why you insist on covering for them so blatantly. The top art collectors are Hollywood pederasts and FINANCIERS: ALL JEWS.

So this video is UNformation, and a real concise account of Jew bullshit manipulation-thru-art is found in my more relevant research here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1952567 <---100% Jewish operation to keep Black Lives Matter afloat, a group that exists to demonize and extort white people.

Or maybe Jews as God's chosen people are just uniquely altruistic and they really really care about black people! RIGHT!?

merica_fk_yeah ago

There are good Jews in fact its only a few bad just like a few bad White supremes the Masonic secret society leaders who want to control the world as well as Islamic and black. You cannot paint an entire group of people with the same brush.

Jem777 ago

You are right and btw thank you for sharing your experience of the art world...insider experience is invaluable...don't let @donKeyhote bother you he is a paid shill batting for the wrong team.

DonKeyhote ago

Jesus dude. Are you aware that brother fought brother in the civil war?
Are you aware a charity does not get to keep donations from dirty money, and that Jewish gangsters like Meyer Lanksy and Bugsy Siegel donated heavily to Israel and Jewish causes?

We don't arbitrarily decide when a brush is too broad, because that's for fucking losers. If Marc Rich wants to justify stealing hundreds of millions from us and getting a Jew-out-jail-free card because of his public service to ISRAEL, pardoned by CLINTON prompting an FBI investigation into the presidents decision soon to be shelved by COMEY, shut down his foundations etc. IF THEY BENEFIT COLLECTIVELY THEY CAN BE PUNISHED COLLECTIVELY.

Jem777 ago

The olive branch did not work apparently? Next time you call out Jesus as in your above post he might answer...be careful what you wish for.

You played your hand. You could not keep up when challenged to take out Pedo Satanists in general, Jew, gentile, Jesuit, CIA, isl@m, Protestant, black, white, purple or green.....then you went with "firing Comey which will soon be shelved"

Nice try shill...go pick up your paycheck from the dark forces don't ask for a raise you have miserably failed.

DanKeyhote ago

Youre a fucking illiterate old turdburglar. Comey shelved the investigation into Clintons 2001 last-day-in-office pardons -- pardons that hurt his reputation a lot.


You offer no solutions, just bullshit gossip and historical red-herrings and no doubt aliens. Why the fuck would you have credibility given those facts, LMAO

srayzie ago

Could you name 1 or 2 documentaries explaining your beliefs? I want to see where you are getting all these ideas. That way I can form my own opinion.

DonKeyhote ago

LMAO! Is video narrated by Morgan Freeman the only way you can assimilate information??

My belief that ethnic groups fight and sabotage each other is based on all recorded history, ever, anywhere.

You notice that "globalists" don't encourage, say, Japan to invite refugees or immigrants, although it is an extremely wealthy, stable, homogenous nation with a low fertility rate that could justify mass immigration of laborers.

If utter domination is their goal, why don't they sabotage Japan the way they do all the European-peopled countries of the world? They definitely would love to, only disappointed that there's no border with a lower-IQ nation like Mexico.

The answer is they CAN'T because there arent any Jews in Japan, Jews don't control their media, and the Japanese have always been fascinated by Jewish plots as evidenced by book sales, including one by a member of parliament. http://www.nytimes.com/1987/03/12/world/japanese-writers-critical-of-jews.html

srayzie ago

Screw Morgan Freeman. I like watching documentaries. Right now I'm watching this https://youtu.be/U1Qt6a-vaNM. It's long so I've been watching it in segments.

You never give clear answers about your beliefs because you constantly speak in anger. I'm curious about what makes your little mind tick. Have you seen this or would you want to?

Jem777 ago

@DonKeyhote this seems to have struck your little nerves What gives? We already know the dark forces of CIA cut your paycheck buddy and you like little kids. Dude get a grip?

@TheHolyGrail @ESOTERICshade @Jangles @Dressage2 @scrayzie @EricKaliberhall

@argosciv. #NoFear

DonKeyhote ago

You just got served a plate if your own ass with all the trimmings, faggot, and you won't debate the facts because you know you will lose.

And "go get your CIA paycheck, shill boy, pedo" is an unfunny, lazy OLD BITCH retort. You are a complete fucking embarrassment, dude.

That's part of the problem here. You are all old fucking baby boomer twats -- visit any other subverse and Jewish sabtage is a constant topic if discussion

Jem777 ago

Thought I might trigger you to reveal your age and true info....thanks for confirming @Donkeyhote

"You can lead a horse to water an actually make him drink" who knew? Nod to your friend and fellow hoarse lover equineluvr.

I have tried to work with you. Been kind allowed time for reflection and given you study materials but you continue to champion a false narrative and time is short. Do you really think Voat is a bunch of "baby boomers" who don't know history?

That is an embarrassing retort.

You hate Jews I get it? You are just deceived into believing a lie that has been told since the beginning. Study "Beware of the Jews, who are the Synagogue of Satan" a little more then we will let you in on the secret.

DonKeyhote ago

"Do you really think Voat is a bunch of "baby boomers" who don't know history?"


"You hate Jews I get it?"

Lol I'm part Jewish so that doesn't fly. Ascribing motive is not a legitimate debate tactic, asshole.

I don't give a fuck who you think they are historically or biblically. In fact it supports MY case that you all eagerly claim a Turkic people can be uniquely evil, but not Jews. You will obviously believe anything and end up wasting tons of time and continue with ZERO prospects of punitive action beyond what, DWS DNC headship, LOL

Jem777 ago

Actually no...this goes beyond DWS back in time before 1948 or 1919 you know that...you are a Rhodes Scolar right?

DonKeyhote ago

I said FUTURE PUNITIVE ACTION. Like confiscating their ill-gotten wealth, breaking up the media monopoly, that's just basic essentials.

For example Karl Sandberg and Dr. Luke are the two Jewish pop songwriters responsible​ for most of the PG pop artists artificial success, and they've been posted about here. You won't recognize entire Jewish industries need to be seized rather than individual "Satanists" prosecuted.

Jem777 ago

I realize entire monopolies and Jewish pedophiles or Jesuit pedo-Satanists need to be dismantled, prosecuted, & ruined because evil=evil no matter what skin it wears or country it pledges allegiance....

Expose it all..I am with you

Let's work together eventhough we apparently hate each other and are paid by opposing camps...eventhough we seemingly take the abuse for free.

Offering an olive branch...you take down the Satanists pretending to be Jews and I will work on the Satanists pretending to be catholic...

Deal? Either way we both want the same thing...evil that would go to the depths of hurting young innocent children should never be protected. We have no hope and no future if we cannot protect children from Predators...

Dressage2 ago

Now that is brilliant!!

Jem777 ago

Relevant to Pizzagate. We know Moder Art & child abuse go hand in hand. Many "famous" artists of current day were in fact MK Ultra victims or victims of Sadistic/Satanic abuse as children.

Tony Podesta and John Podesta not only value this art they portray it openly in their homes.

merica_fk_yeah ago

I am an artist. I studied Art History. I Make my living as an artist that helps to promote young artists. the imagery of the occult is occurring more and more into art. I think this is all subliminal and most artists are fractured young people who are highly sensitive, bipolar and gifted. I can tell you now that I've been in this sub since it started on reddit, and moved to here, I have opened my eyes to a whole lot of stuff going on in my world. I am not a part of the elite, we are on the fringe.

I just looked up and found info on Salvador Dali and other famous artists who are famous while alive. He had some real mental issues and he was very connected to the elite and probably did diabolical things. He also admired Hitler. he did a painting of Hitler masturbating. so was Diego Rivera another Communist. HIs art is full of occult symbols. Those artists were really connected to the dark side I believe now. I believe that the art has been used for trafficking and money laundering, and its not just modern art. All art is considered "modern" with each generation. Even Leonardo DaVinci put MUCH hidden meaning into his art and he is famous for illustrations of flying machines, and hidden symbols in his art. that could get you executed in his time if you deviated from the "style" of art set by the King or Church at that time. Look at Hieronymus Bosch.

I will say that the "elitists" that are spending the millions are the ones doing the laundering, and there are lower level elite wannabe's but are clueless to what is really going on. Artists as a whole are unaware of this I believe, or victims. OR they are just artists who are influenced by symbols all around. most of them are deep thinkers who put their thoughts or feelings into the artwork they do. Artists are only telling the story and painting what sells sometimes.

These are things I never noticed before but now I cannot unsee them.

Dressage2 ago

Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your insider's look/take on art.

merica_fk_yeah ago

well my insight is just on the fringe, like I said, I am around "elite" but not really. You don't get on the inside unless you play the game which I cannot even stomach. its so political and dishonest you just have no idea. its a very fake world. I would rather be poor and starving than to be in that world surrounded by the lies. but it destroys lots of artists in the process. they are very sensitive people. I feel sorry for the singers and actors in Hollywood who sold their soul. you really have to, to get the big bucks. as my husband calls it, the artists are the dancing monkeys that are their for the entertainment of the rich. I will say there are a lot of rich people who want a normal life and are very lonely because they don't really fit into their own world. Its them I can relate to. Its sad.

Jem777 ago

Yes...you are correct. Modern art per sey was "invented" by CIA as a way to hide people's victimization.

When children begin drawing pictures of Satan and adults sexually assaulting them it raises alarms....Sigmend Freud knows about this all to well as did Carl Jung.

People process trauma through art, music, poetry, etc.

It is a know fact which is why "Art therapy" was invented and a powerful tool.

You run into problems when DID patients are drawing the same things that Tony Podesta and John Podesta are hanging in their Washington DC mansions.....millionaire Politicians including Washington Post literally take a tour to gaze at replicas of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer victim as a coat rack and know one blinks an eye?

This is why CIA began the modern art movement to cover for people drawing Hitler masterbating and no one wonders "What the fuck"

You are correct these artists are victims....and victims artists.


merica_fk_yeah ago

Freud was very strange and his therapy questionable and he prescribed coa in back then which wasn't illegal yet... his obsession with insestuous relationships is quite interesting.

Jem777 ago

Sigmend Freud was a raving pedophile involved in experimentation on Human Beings including young children in the name of national security...he was abusing his daughter Anna Freud from infancy as his own personal experiment to justify his personal behavior....the State knew this as did his friends after WW1 in Vienna...Adolph Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and well that was the main crowd...

Should I state the cafes and secret society they were part of.....or do we want to keep that a secret still?


EricKaliberhall ago

What's your take on Biljana Djurdjevic?

Jem777 ago

Victim...see below