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Same as the holocaust. It's time to have a talk about the jew

remedy4reality ago

no... it's not... it's time to indict, prosecute and execute the US politicians who are guilty of crimes against Americans.

first things first


.... soo. We put them on trial and execute them...... before we talk about them?

remedy4reality ago

because there is no 'talking' in a criminal jury trial(s)

stop hijacking PG threads with your Jew babble...


Pizzagate and communism can not be properly addressed without open dialog about the jewish involvement.

Blacksmith21 ago

By the same logic, we should have an open dialogue about white people, since the preponderance of those involved are white.

Actually, more importantly, we should have a conversation about Catholicism, because their hand in Pizzagate is faaaaar more over represented than any other race, creed, or religion.


Discuss us openly. Tay is an example of what happens when you speak openly about race. Whites have nothin to hid. You are also a liar if you think 90% of the post on here dont contain jewish names. PG is an extension of Cannanite/ kabalah demon warship. Both jewish. Then there is the fact that PG is used as an Israeli blackmail tool. I understand you are paid to respond to criticism of jews.

srayzie ago

You need to go hang out with your fellow Jew hating faggot @equineluvr and @donkeyhote. Same person. You can take your stupid discussion to Pizzagatewhatever or another sub. You guys will get along great. He likes to be bent over too.

darkknight111 ago

More shit related to that asshole. Found this out from my connections in the military.

  1. He has "material" on his Mac that would make Mohamad proud if you know what I mean.

  2. He's based in Chicagoland and isn't even in this country legally.

  3. He is in fact a muslim, which explains his horrible treatment of anyone who's a woman.

Also, last night he told me that he would happily "slit my throat from ear to ear".

@carmencita @TrishaUK @godwillwin @alphabravo @Commoner

carmencita ago

WHO? KILLtheRATS or Equine and Donkey? Whoa.

darkknight111 ago

Donkey is the one whi said he'd "slit my throat from ear to ear" You can tell due to how fast he was to respond. All that stuff on the list is about him.

@Blacksmith21 @Cc1914 @goddadoit @argosciv @fogdryer

10504837? ago

Whoa! Ok . I need to go read over again ! I've had my fair share of interactions with all these donkey aliases! Everything ever spewed out his mouth on voat has been directly to insult another voater!

DonKeyhote ago

Well, this one time a bitch called @Cc1914 DMed me asking for leads in the O.C.
Apparently i live in chicago tho, so you can't have em, BIYATCH!