TrishaUK ago

Old post but still relevant, probable even more prevalent by now! - Portland's Teen Prostitutes

paulf ago

Frankly, it seems as if the Clintons – Bill, in signing the Telecommunications Act of 96 and Hillary, in championing the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (Nancy Scheafer death, CPS corruption, children for sale to enable state ‘cash bonuses’) – are responsible for the two most significant pieces of legislation that have allowed trafficking to foster and thrive in the past few decades, and the industry is now bolstered and protected not only by Google’s ideological stance on internet laws but by Google’s wallet in the funneling of lobbying funds to Congress!

This is very important insight and one that needs further examination. It's obvious in hindsight that the Clintons' sway over the legislative process was designed to benefit their trafficking activities. And yeah, Google is lying when it says the name of Project Owl doesn't mean anything in particular. It's about the Owl-Minerva principle.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

They don't name the Pedo in the story. Lets get his name.

carmencita ago

BackPage is a SleezeRag. They need to be brought to their knees.

argosciv ago

if I may, in short, are you saying that there is both an effort to refine laws to combat trafficking, but that there is also a sorely well-funded attempt to counter that effort?

lawrieraja ago

Essentially, yes. Exactly.

argosciv ago

Ah, well in that case, have an upvoat for visibility.

Fingers crossed money doesn't do the talking on this one :/