Lloyd Lee Welch is expected to please guilt to murder in the deaths of the 1975 murders of the Lyons sisters: http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2017/09/07/lyon-sisters-trial/
Previously on Voat, it had been suggested that he may be a cousin of EMW. I'm resurrecting this thread as I think this could be key to understanding the "pedo family structure".
Unfortunately, I am dealing with Irma. If someone has the bandwidth to revisit this and see if they are indeed related, I think it would be worth the effort.
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septimasexta ago
Watch video of Lloyd Lee Welch and involved family members. Uncle Richard looks a little like Harry Lee. http://wtop.com/local/2016/07/cousin-100-percent-sure-lloyd-welch-murdered-lyon-sisters/ http://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/local/2016/08/17/aunt-delaware-man-charged-murders-enters-perjury-plea/88895436/