DeathTooMasons ago

Trump should know, he is part of the cabal.

awakenaware ago

Nice autocue statement. Trumps about as sincere as my dentist when he says "this wont hurt a bit"

DonKeyhote ago

You guys forgot the most famous one

Why was Hillary qualified to be on the board of directors of WALMART? Because Walton married a jewess and this is a jewish based cult

DeathTooMasons ago

Walton also was in charge of the internment camps during ww2 along with the OSS, which became the CIA. People have been warning us that they have been closing perfectly good Walmart stores and turning them into Fema camps, or sites that are Fema ready. The shills of course mocked this and excepted no proof. Then during the hurricane in Texas, the news reported people were being taken to walmarts as a safe haven. As usual, conspiracy theory turns out to be conspiracy fact. The shills are scrambling for damage control.

equineluvr ago

WalTON is a crypto Jewish name, so OF COURSE he married a Jewess! Otherwise their spawn would not be JEWISH.

(Again, BLOODlines, NOT the RELIGION of Judaism.)

srayzie ago

Talking to yourself again? Of course you agree with yourself 😊

DonKeyhote ago

That was more of a correction or contradiction. The frequency with which you misinterpret meaning explains a lot: you have a learning disability.

srayzie ago

I think it's more like you don't know how to explain yourself clearly. You are all over the place. Why contradict yourself? Makes no sense. Should I bleach my hair blonde? 👸

DonKeyhote ago

By clinging so hard to the idea you proved we are one person you reveal how dear that modest accomplishment is to you -- which makes it 10x funnier that youre wrong. Cant you see that, woman?! Or does your capacity for humiliation KNOW NO BOUNDS

srayzie ago

If I was humiliated, I wouldn't bring it up. You're so desperate to have people believe you that your Equineluvr persona has DM'd people trying to convince them that it's a lie.

You're the one trying so hard. I've already proved it anyways. I was just laughing because you were being lame again by talking to yourself. I wasn't trying to debate you because I already know the truth. You're the one that gets your panties in a twist whenever I comment.

DonKeyhote ago

You literally dont know what "proof" means, LOL. If HE has PMed people and i havent because i clearly take all of you far less seriously, that corroborates MY story not yours. Predictably, you drew the opposite conclusion, LMAO.

srayzie ago

Publicly, your donkey profile tries to defend it more. You are obviously worried about your image. I don't know why because your reputation here is shitty. You are known to be one of the most popular shills. I would say, you are in 1st place on the shill list.

DonKeyhote ago

"Popular shills" wtf you cant even string two words coherently. A shill wouldnt post so many concrete locations as me, so thats that, ya dumb bitch.

Why am i not accused of being any other accounts who mention jews? Because you only care about clinging to this one, having invested so much with your pathetic "evidence". Clear confirmation bias from a sad old cunt not really interested in the truth.

srayzie ago

Concrete locations LOL. I'm not old. You're in your damn 50's bitch

DonKeyhote ago

Whys that funny. Are they or are they not obvious fronts? You dont care because you arent a serious person, and are a hindrance like most women are in a mans sphere. "SEPARATE SPHERES" look it up, bitch

srayzie ago

Awww I must be intimidating you again

LongDongKeyhote ago

Wanted to contribute -- was just a hindrance. How sad.

No one would deny "liberating" women and forcing them into the mens sphere was PART OF THE PG PLAN -- what does that tell you, LMAO.

srayzie ago

How does your woman hating help Pizzagate? In our DM you said it's strategy. It doesn't work for you.

LongDongKeyhote ago

I said no such thing, bitch.

You wouldn't have the stomach to even deport Jews EVEN IF THEIR GUILT WAS PROVEN. You are a trained animal of the Jews and protect them instinctively, and in that you are no worse than millions of Americans.

Your arrogance despite your professed ignorance on the subject is what makes you a uniquely vexing harpie

srayzie ago

Well alrighty then. I love you too my friend.

Tessmo ago

If one can believe the group description the abducted child's name was not Rose. I take no position on the authenticity of the group or the fact that Trump did a PSA for them. Just saying.

srayzie ago

The Rose Brucia Educational Foundation derives its name from Rose A. Brucia, Matthew Barbis’ grandmother. “She was truly a living symbol of unconditional love and I feel it is only fitting to honor her memory with the foundation’s very worthy mission”, says Matthew J. Barbis.

kobold ago

hunh, i thought that number is way bigger, like 800k

Tzitzimitl ago

thats the number for brown children; their far, far easier to obtain

Are_we__sure ago

22,000? I'm not sure what definition they are using of abduction, but children being snatched by strangers is very rare well under 200 cases a year. The DOJ says

An estimated 105 children were victims of stereotypical kidnappings in 2011,

This, of course, is a tiny percentage of the kids listed as missing each year.

According to a 2002 federal study on missing children, 99.8 percent of children reported missing were located or returned home alive. The remaining 0.2 percent either did not return home or were not found. The study estimated that most of missing children cases involved runaways from juvenile facilities and that only an estimated 0.0068 percent were true kidnappings by a stranger. The primary conclusion of the study was that child abductions perpetrated by strangers rarely occur. However, when they do occur, the results can be tragic.

dickface88888 ago

So you think less than 1 kid gets kidnapped in America every day?

Are_we__sure ago

Yes. Absolutely. The stereotypical child kidnapping where a kid is snatched by a stranger and taken away is highly uncommon. It's also a big noisy event. The Amber Alert system lets lots of people know instantly when something has occurred. The idea that your kids are in danger of kidnapping if you go to the men's room and leave your kids outside for a few minutes is false. There's like 125 kidnappings a year and like 70 million kids in America.

The vast majority of abductions of children are by people they know. There's hundreds of thousands of cases of kids abducted by one of their parents usally during custody battles. The next category down I believe is abductions by acquaintances. It turns out "Stranger Danger" is less of a threat than folks close by. The document I linked talks about all this. And defines what they mean by stereotypical kidnapping and what they mean by abduction. If a person has 48 hour custody rights and keeps the kids from Saturday to Tuesday, that is legally an abduction.

remedy4reality ago

lol the entire government IS THE PEDO CULT

you retarded mother fucker... oops, I mean KID FUCKER

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for the video :) It could possibly just be a nice picture of a rose chosen by a big brother for his little sister who was abducted. No major reason other than girls like roses? I do believe these sick societies choose symbolism, but sometimes it is just that the picture is nice. If I chose that for one of my daughters, I would 100% hope no one looked so deeply into it, as it would be that I like it! I also like the thought that Donald Trump is trying to bring child exploitation to the forefront and has now actually got some authority to do something about it.

srayzie ago

The Rose Brucia Educational Foundation derives its name from Rose A. Brucia, Matthew Barbis’ grandmother.

carmencita ago

We tend to look into some things too much sometimes yes. But that is a 501 c non profit and one of the Supporters is the Yellen Family. This needs to be looked into imo. May mean nothing idk. Also Rose Brucia took a picture with soldiers from Fort Drum where there have been sexual abuses of children.

TrishaUK ago

Very interesting. I obviously didn't know any of this, but I just don't want to see a pedo round every corner, have to question now and then. @2impendingdoom I thought that, but it wasn't, but thanks to @srayzie, for finding that it her cousins grandmothers name. :)

srayzie ago

Me neither! You're welcome 🙂

2impendingdoom ago

How about that the girl's name was Rose?

srayzie ago

It's the name of the cousins grandmother

2impendingdoom ago


cantsleepawink ago

Carlie Brucia.

2impendingdoom ago

why are they calling it Rose Brucia? It sounds like Trump calls the girl Rose Brucia

icuntstopswearing ago

Very impressed that he took the time and trouble to record his support for such a small charity without any self-aggrandizement at all. 310 views!

cantsleepawink ago

My 'freemasonry' nose is twitching. The red rose has significant meaning in freemasonry and Kabbalah :

Ryan, Israel Introduce Brucia Stranger Safety Awareness Resolution

Madonna and her Malawi twins..look at what they are wearing:

The Symbolism of the Rose in Alchemy

If white roses - are feminine, or was it the red roses?

The best reason for the sexing I think, comes from Regardie where he argues that the difference between symbols has to be exaggerated to set up an energy between them, so that they can be worked.... Having a brief look at Rose lore, I am a bit amazed at its importance, of only the obvious such as the RoseCross, the Rosarium, the Romance of the Rose, The rose as a symbol of Paradise in Dante, Rose windows, the Rosery, its role in the regalia of the garter; to the mundane the Wars of the Roses, the language of Flowers etc. Cirlot in his handy grab bag of pre digested symbols writes : "The single Rose is, in essence a symbol of completion, of consumate achievement and perfection... the mystic centre, the heart, the garden of Eros, the paradise of Dante, the beloved, the emblem of Venus and so on. .

And like Bernadette I have heard of the symbolism relating rose's to the female genitals,

'Travelling Templar' blog on the symbolism of the rose :

War of the Roses

srayzie ago

This is why the name Rose is used...

The Rose Brucia Educational Foundation derives its name from Rose A. Brucia, Matthew Barbis’ grandmother. “She was truly a living symbol of unconditional love and I feel it is only fitting to honor her memory with the foundation’s very worthy mission”, says Matthew J. Barbis.

2impendingdoom ago

Totally, its crazy that they name the girl Rose so that they can use Illuminati symbolism for her foundation when she is abducted 11 years later.

icuntstopswearing ago

Tin Hat Too Tight Methinks.

argosciv ago

My 'freemasonry' nose is twitching. The red rose has significant meaning in freemasonry and Kabbalah :


something struck me as off about this video and the blatantly shithouse cgi... vot is ve lookink at?

derram ago :

Rose Brucia PSA with Donald Trump (30 second version) - YouTube

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