Gothamgirl ago

New Horizon drug rehab is right next to the 911/Orlando shooters mosque, and the Sherriffs department.

10423077? ago

Don't. It's absolutely, terribly depressing.

The implications, that is...

Gothamgirl ago

Oh wow I always suspected that pizza place cause of Obama, I could find nothing out of place though. They really made a big deal over their friendship. Its next to a college, big truck stop, porn stores, poor undereducated neighborhood, and this Fort Pierce is the 2nd worst city in the country. Obama frequently visits the area to play golf.

WeepingWillows ago

Haha wait a minute I have one for this. Pretty sure these guys run the world from the golf course at this point. You think Berry is a Pedo or more of a sell his soul for power kind of person?

Gothamgirl ago

Not sure, definitely sold his soul for money. The pizza bracelets, ping pong, and connection to Alefantis, Sandyhook is all suspect. I did once read he and the women he lives with, owned a warehouse in Chicago, that was used to film kiddie porn, but that could've just been election satire.

WeepingWillows ago

Hidden inside a mega file.

FAKE NEWS COVFEFE2016. What appeared to be a landslide election for Hillary Clinton had turned out to be a disaster for the Dems. Donald John Trump had become the 45th president of the United States of America. However, the Very Fake News channel CNN and the evil Jim Acosta are now trying to Impeach the Don by broadcasting their trademark Fake News onto the American masses!!! As the almighty God-Emperor Donald Trump, your mission is to annihilate CNN, the Deep State,and the whole Democratic Party responsible for the Fake News that are plaguing the nation. After playing one last game of golf at Mar-A-Lago, Donald Trump set out to smash the Fake News cartel by means of his most powerful weapon: Twitter! God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.

fake news covfefe® meldac of america® trannytek¾¿
 licensed by faggots of america inc

check sums  cha prg

Don't know what he's going on about. Don't care to get a program to read it right. Probably a joke.

Gothamgirl ago

He is not the only one who thinks CNN is fake news, I tell them off everyday.

WeepingWillows ago

140681788 Still going nowhere// обманутый. Good luck with the storm.

Gothamgirl ago

To continue the conversation from yesterday, there is also a distribution center, and a base, where the golf and pizza took place. At one point there was a logo on the outside of the building to.

WeepingWillows ago

Any website links?

Tax Payer Money made this. (mostly) YAY!

ANd /X/ has Too much Free Time. Never trust anyone that tells you they know a "secret truth."

http: //9112001. ml/

Banking 85323-CS

Dam@ag5eless Info^rmation Hiding Techn*ique usi2ng Neu!ral Ne33twork KenXsXuke NaXoe GradAuate School of Me!d!ia and Gov!erna!nce

Gothamgirl ago

For the pizza place? There was a post made on Voat that I can't find again, it was more then 6 months old. The logo was on poster for a childs organization with a swirl, posted right outside door. Now I see he has charity of his own. This neighborhood is like little Haiti of the South. Lots of murders.

Also note the Orlando nightclub killer was from the same neighborhood and check this out. Look at the dates.

WeepingWillows ago

I'll check it out thanks. In response to search 88/ Eh, probably not that good. NFL, some Microsoft, and google crystallographic AI is traceable through the emails provided in past accounts. Google AI is unclear, 2016 project, probably military. I have some theories on what it's doing but it's more speculation. 2600 I've talked about but no chance I'm linking that. Queens College is right down the alley of what I'm showing. Opinion/ Student loans would be the most advantageous to crash next. / Those are the things that immediately jump out me personally.

Schizophrenia reproductions for Comm traffic.

WeepingWillows ago

Today seems like a good day to talk about this for no particularly obvious reason.

What's the issue? Backdoor to shut down missiles if a country goes off script. False flag any attack.

Example. Ubeckameccastan is a US ally. Currently Ubeckameccastan borders Turdmeccastan and tensions are on the rise. Now we want to invade Turdmeccastan for various reasons but the population will never support that, so what do we do? We sell or smuggle Turdmeccastan some of our high quality, totally not a Trojan horse, missiles and then we set them to fire at Ubeckameccastan. Now we rush in to save Ubeckameccastan while turning off all of Turdmeccastan's remaining weapons. YAY!

Everyone wins! That's not exactly how this one went but semi related. But it came from XXX weapon/Launchy/thingy. Nope.

Gothamgirl ago

Interesting, and I guess i will keep my money close by.

Gothamgirl ago

Thats sad and thank you.

10411381? ago

Mmm, wouldja look at that:

Mention - just mention, not even ping - LA_Trump, and you get downvotes. Delicious.

DeanKeyhote ago

They brigaded me into needing additional accounts then use that fact to call me shill and the people here eat it up..LOL

10411447? ago

Oh, I know. We've been watching. It's fucking hilarious.

Yet, somehow, deeply saddening. You know there's trouble when the supermarket-tabloid-bullshit gets left up, while actual research is downvoted.

10410206? ago

I appreciate this, I most certainly do. But, at this point, why even bother posting here, Don? It seems like the only ones left are LA_Trump and their coterie of brainwashed, tabloid-loving "people".

Seems like a lost cause sometimes... but maybe I'm just lost.

Inb4 LA_Trump: did you know Voat is run by Trump's (the President, not the user) Military Intelligence Team? Can you believe that? S/he actually said that. The gall of that motherfucker. And people here still believe LA_Trump.

Hilarity (and much depression/resentment) shall be had on this forum from here on out. Wether we like it or not.

ETA: We/I visit the PG forum daily, in hopes of gleaning some new information, understanding, etc. We look to see where the forum may be headed in regards to actual investigation. Personally, I feel sunk when I see LA_Trump getting massive upvoats. This, although anticipated, is not good.

Amino69 ago

I concur with all this but am resolute in my conclusion that this sub is fucked and probably won't recover. Pizzagate IS a psy-op and I could care less about hurting feelings and down votes. WikiLeaks and Assange ARE a high profile limited hangout and as dispiriting as this is, we should not pretend otherwise. I still frequent this sub as I respect certain individuals and their input and too hope for a genuine S69 game changer post that blows (((their))) control mechanism wide open. Just gritting my teeth and waiting for the penny to drop for all the dreamers in this den!

I am reminded only too often of the inconceivable reality that numerous children are suffering with on a daily basis and so I will always strive in the direction of truth and progress. Objectivity, emotional rationality and guile are the necessary tools for a victory.

10410652? ago

I love it; I can read the fucking passion, man, and it certainly lifts the spirits, albeit until the next falter in progress, but I digress. (ETA: not you faltering or anything, just... Y'know, tabloid bullshit that gets upvoted way too fast. Think: Hillsong Church, et al)

It's fucking Billy Budd, man. Billy fuckin' Budd. With that being said, We/I don't give Gunderson too much clout. He peddled too strongly for the Born Again movement. Satan is in the details, I guess?

10410725? ago

Also, it most certainly seems that this sub is beyond resuscitation. I completely agree.

carmencita ago

Oh I hope not. We let too many take over with posts from sites that have way too much leaning towards a political lens instead of real journalism. Too many people following YT Idols when we had some of the best researchers on HERE. That is when things started going south when people followed those that talked in low voices with eerie music or pointing to maps and saying here there and pointing some more. We lost some for being banned as well. But I am not a giver upper either so I will stay and keep hoping that something breaks. But yes, I have given up on Assange, Snowden and their ilk. I will be laughing when JA appears in Charlottesville. That will be a good one. BTW no one has ever mentioned (or I have never seen it) that Julian and James have the same initials. JA. @Johnwaynewasanazi @AngB23 @Amino69 PS. I agree with all of you.

Tanngrisnir ago

I wouldn't waste my time on DonKeyHote fanboys, Carmencita.

10422727? ago

Lel. We found RLRJR for you. Welcome, by the way.

ETA: We live off of downvotes, you silly folk. Please. We are not Keyhote fans. This post, however, is significant. Reminiscent of how this sub started. Actual fucking research. We don't always agree with Donkey, but when we do? Nobody pays attention.

Something only @darkknight111 might know: ROBERT LEE ROBINSONS USERNAME ON ABOVETOPSECRET(ATS) WAS KOOLSVILLE. He posted a video about...

carmencita ago

Yeah, just joshing. I never answer any of them. So many I haven't bother to count. Funny how they all just pop up at a moment's notice. Oops did I just say that.

10423281? ago

@carmencita well... That just kinda hurts. We are not Keyhote fanboys. In fact, a few of us here have rather enjoyed your posts. So... Where exactly do you stand? Why, if you were "only joshin'", would you type out that paragraph? Seems like a waste of time, and potentially antagonistic in light of you "joshin'". We are confused.

Tanngrisnir ago

I also thought it was funny that during all the puppets celebrating his post none of them made note that not one of the links were archived.

DonKeyhote ago

What need is there for that, cant you see they are PUBLIC FIGURES LOL thats the whole point, retard

carmencita ago

Well I think he is a little behind (pardon that) when it comes to the tech stuff. So that is probably why. He never gets too many points on his posts either. Wonder why. I remember quite a few months when I first started someone said he divulged he had a wife. Hmm. Then someone really could not understand who in the world would put up with him. Just Sayin'.

DonKeyhote ago

Frankly I'd rather hear more about this James Alefantis and Julian Assange having EXACTLY the same initials -- why, I would need crayzie to calculate those odds.

Tanngrisnir ago

He is clearly trying to get some ccp. his Equinelvr account is the only one with any at this point.

carmencita ago

Most surely. We all like points some more than others.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL WTF are those even for, douche? Youre welcome for the link

Dorkeyhote ago

What the ever loving fuck are you getting at here?

DeanKeyhote ago


Dorkeyhote ago

lol at you pretending to be interested in adult genitalia.