SoldierofLight ago

I agree with you but I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. Also, recognizing that 99.9% of the Jewish community is innocent is important. The same is true of the Masons. I have friends in both groups, particularly in the Jewish community. There is no way in hell they're involved in any PG activities. No. Way. And there are way too many people who don't fit those labels, or any other religion or race label. So yeah, I appreciate you making that point as it's important.

ESOTERICshade ago

We need to get over the antisemitic accusations (which is just one of their strategies) and accept that most Satanists belong to the Jew community and the same time assert that 99.9% of the jewish community is innocent of such accusation.

Its no secret who owns the porn industry. Thats what donkey/equine's job is. Attempt to draw attacks and charges of anti-semitism. (wake up la trump)

SoldierofLight ago

Well said. I think this is what is especially keeping so many people from waking up--

We need to get over the antisemitic accusations (which is just one of their strategies) and accept that most Satanists belong to the Jew community and the same time assert that 99.9% of the jewish community is innocent of such accusation.

angelafogo ago

Nice! Remember the word "bibi" as reference to a pedo love child.