chronikfunk ago

So much sand to sift through.

1poweroffearlessness ago

I thought one had to have a certain amount of upvotes/points in order to post on Voat...not a 3 day member?

angelafogo ago

Not sure what you imply my friend, i am a proud woman. I am showing what i find and i feel this community is being harassed to the point of inaction. So try to cut the crap shilling

ASolo ago

I'm seeing an INSTANT red flag here, this Feen character is certainly most interesting:

Gidon Feen

As the founder and editor-in-chief of “CYHSB Weekly” (The Cooper Yeshiva High School for Boys) Gidon brought homosexuality to the forefront of his high school Orthodox community in Memphis, TN. Since then, he has continued to champion Jewish Orthodox LGBT rights, joining Eshel’s speakers bureau. Gidon has been invited to speak at Brandeis University, the University of Maryland, and to numerous parent groups and communities. He is now in his senior year at the George Washington University, studying International Affairs. On campus Gidon helped orchestrate the largest TEDx college event in the world and was part of Hillel’s Jewish Learning Fellowship. He previously worked at the White House and on Hillary Clinton’s presidential election campaign. Gidon identifies as Modern Orthodox.

ASolo ago

I mean, if any of OP's claims have any merit at all I do believe that the above paragraph corroborates it all.

ASolo ago

Feen with Clinton

Feen LGBT proud

Feen as one of osiris' balls

White House Intern Gidon Feen QL | GW Today | The George ... Home arrow White House Intern Gidon Feen QL. Elliott School of International Affairs · GW Hillel · GW Chabad · White House Office of Public Engagement.

Hmm, found my first reference for chabad connected with this kid.

ASolo ago

P.S. What do you call a group of 394 Jewish High school boys bentching(sic) together in Memphis? Graceland! -FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

ASolo ago

Exclusive One-on-One with Hero Seth (In his pajamas) (-who did the interview is anyone's guess)

Its good to be here! Always happy to meet with school publications. So, what do you normally have for breakfast? Bagel with Cream cheese and a cup of milk. So that’s a hero’s meal? Haha, actually its spaghetti. The day of the race I ate spaghetti for breakfast. What’s your favorite color? Red for sure. What brand sponsors you now? Calvin Klein is asking me to model in their underwear. I accepted but told them I would have to work the modeling around my upcoming NBA contract. What magazine do you see yourself on the cover of? Time Magazine, without a doubt. Ha, and what’s the headline? Hero saves life; then takes one. Do you have a lucky charm? Got a lucky rock-but no name for it Whose your favorite superhero? The Hulk Anyone you would like to thank? Rabbi Perl for being my makeshift-agent; the Memphis community for not getting tired of hearing about me; and my dog, Honey, who has always been there for me. Shoutouts? To all the boys in the high school! Well thanks for joining us Seth. Congrats from us at the Newsletter for your fame

Interesting fact: I teach classes on Israeli Combat Training four to five times a year with my brother.

ASolo ago

Please look for the word "obsessed" "thrilled" "excited" or various strange extremists manners of expressing delight

FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF I remember telling my mom after coming back to St. Louis from Washington DC that, “I’m excited for when I get to go back home.” My mom gave me an odd look, saying, “Gidon what do you mean? You just came back from DC and are now home.” Realizing the mistake I made I gave an embarrassed smile and explained that I meant Memphis. Well, now that she’s not here, it’s great to be home.

angelafogo ago

i am deleting everything. Godspeed

13Buddha ago

Gidon Feen gets around quite a bit in DC. Here we see Alefantis and Feen spotted on 04/29/17 at The Non-White House Correspondents Party hosted by the left wing, cruel, hypocritical, non-defender of free speech, fake, phony, full of shit - Samantha Bee.

Memory reftesher - President Trump declined to attend the "real" White House Correspondents Party, so as a sick joke, Bee decided to throw an alternative one.

"SPOTTED at the Samantha Bee “Not the White House Correspondents” Dinner at the DAR Constitution Hall -- (Video of Bee’s opening segment Will Ferrell returned as George W. Bush: Dana Bash, Jake Tapper, Jim Acosta, Ari Melber, Betsy Woodruff, Hadas Gold, Matt Walsh, Kurt Bardella, Adam Hodge, Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), Ana Gasteyer, Don Lemon, Jonathan Capehart, Steve Clemons, Andrew Oros, Margaret Carlson, James Alefantis, Jessica Williams, Gidon Feen, Josh and Ali Rogin and Max and Becky Weinberg."

Here is the link to the above:

angelafogo ago

He certainly goes around and that takes a long trip to visit foreign babies. Take a look to this instagram account, he posts photo of macy pig ride in Georgia where adults can ride with kids and says: "Officially a Georgia 🍑. Pricilla welcomed me into the family #pinkpig 🐷" Again the figure of the pig for the "Rich" Also see picture of red dog costume with comment "Spent the morning advocating for childhood literacy as everyone's favorite red dog #reading #literacymatters 🐶📚" arzlatI CANT Why does Arzlatl say I CANT?

angelafogo ago

Please check the Talmud references to the Goyim

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. I know.

angelafogo ago

Great! So you know better than i

angelafogo ago

then you know better than i!

angelafogo ago

Now take a look at his very weirdy homo Instagram account. He is hanging with Hillary and Bill Clinton themselves in several pictures, you make your own assumptions as to why

Please take note again of the phrase "im not crying, you are crying" it is widely used as a hint, i believe it is like a sort of mental mantra trap for little children involving depersonalization. Again, take note of the word EXCITE, OBSESSED, SLAY. When they say it feels as if they are applauding the behaviour. These people take care of each other, they are very careful with what they say, but from time to time they get sloppy, all jokes feel very sectarious.

Regarding PIG. Just check what the Talmud says about the Goyim (non-jews). Do your own research. We are livestock to these people and i believe it is a fusion between Zionism and the Caanite religion (hence the use of Moloch a sacrificial deity). They are killing children both for pleasure and to boost their own health while supporting their acts on their own religion. Every mention or picture to dead pigs, roasted pigs, dogs, etc, is just a mention of goyim, which are considered animal food to their own particular views (which clearly are not the ones of any regular sane jewish individual).

The LGBT movement is a hook to push the moral boundaries of world society. Again nothing against the gay movement itself. These people love to use screens as cover up for other things. So if you accuse them they will call you homophobic or antisemitic, they need to hide under a moral superiority and make you feel guilty for even thinking about accusing them.

Also please remember Pizza is an old codeword. They know they have been revealed so that is why they are changing the coded language. That is why we need to start making a glossary again for the codewording they are using.

ASolo ago

Phenomenal, and frankly very disconcerting reply.

darkknight111 ago

Jeanette Lindholt Madsen based on one of her comments (if OPs code is correct) might need looking into.

Anyone who is a facebook friend of Alefantis is also a potential person of interest.

If by the term "demonic beings" OP means "metaphorical demon" (basically a person who's pure evil), then yeah I'd be inclined to believe them in that regard.

argosciv ago

Beyond my scope, but, you have my proverbial support.

PS: regarding the demonic beings stuff, I hear ya, there's a bit more to it than that but you're not totally off-track - just advisable to not use such wording or they(the shills) latch on to it like mad - whether there's truth to 'demons' or whether they just see it as the perfect way to discredit someone, it's fodder.

darkknight111 ago

The thing is, taken metaphorically rather than literately, OP is spot on when they (I think a she but dont know) are spot on when calling them "demonic beings".

argosciv ago

"demonic" is a matter of semantics, is my point. What the OP refers to, however 'real' or not, have/has been described by many religions under different names and visages. The interesting part is that despite obvious differences in the tellings, certain factors and elements remain largely unchanged.

13Buddha ago

I don't know how or why my comment was added on to your submission, @angelafogo, and I do not know how or if I can delete it from your text. I tried to delete but to no avail. Anyway, this is where it is supposed to be.

Confirmed facebook friend of James Alefantis as demonstrated in comment column.

He definitely likes children. A video by Gidon Feen.

Jem777 ago

His twitter shows he was in Obama whitehouse and now works for J. Podesta. He really pushes the LGBTQ issues on social media.

Amino69 ago

GTFO shill winner of the month!

angelafogo ago

Please read my evidence. Just read it. Check it yourself.

FreelanceNinja ago

I've got ya back buddy.

We know who the Shills are.

Fine work :-) keep it up.

Dorkeyhote ago

"Bibi" is Netanyahu's nickname and Trump supported him strongly, so this is more evidence of a Trump connection.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Go fuck yourself shill!

FreelanceNinja ago

Now now cowboy!

Amino69 ago

Oh good god please give up the charade, you're among people who have acutely tuned shill detectors and you stumbled through the door like a 400 lb drunk!

DwayneKeyhote ago

That man is an impostor. His pseudonym is preposterous and confabulatory.

angelafogo ago

They have already started to debunk my post. Please ignore them and just stick with the facts and images given. This is happening now. Please share all the information given.

equineluvr ago

"They have already started to debunk my post."

Who is "they?" Are you paranoid or just ignoring the feedback given to you above?

angelafogo ago

Give me feedback against my evidence not my religious beliefs. Thank you.

argosciv ago

Bravo. 10/10 response

equineluvr ago

I was with you and was going to upvoat until I got to this: "i am truly scared of these demonic beings. I truly believed they are evil and we need to fight them together. Any intent at trying to divide us should we interpret instantly as a double face against the truth being revealead. May god guide us,"

This is supposedly a research subforum. Do you have one iota of empirical evidence to support your assertion that they are "demonic beings?" Of course you don't because it's superstitious nonsense.

"Any intent at trying to divide us should we interpret instantly as a double face against the truth being revealead."

So, anyone who downvoats this post is automatically "trying to divide us" to prevent "the truth from being revealed."

It COULDN'T POSSIBLY be that some here disagree with your "religious" views so downvoated your post for that reason -- right?

Please take a logic course and then get back to us. Of course, in order to process the logic info you will have to put your superstitions aside, which may be a lost cause.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

STFU! Horsefucker! No one asked U!

angelafogo ago

Ignore my religious beliefs and just please stick with the evidence shown. I do not complain when discussing things with an equine lover like yourself.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Horsefucker is an annoying shill, just ignore the freak!

FreelanceNinja ago

@angelafogo I think we've got ourself a demon right here!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

👄👄👄👄👄 Hardly! Just tired of that freak!

argosciv ago

I had a hearty laugh at the end of this comment xD

as esoteric said, ignore the shit heads, it's hard sometimes (believe me I know), but, given enough time you'll start to see who the blatant trolls/shills are - they're going to no effort to hide themselves lately.

1poweroffearlessness ago . Gideon Levinson Facebook account w/photos https://www LinkenIn profile Instagram account

angelafogo ago


1poweroffearlessness ago

https://www Professional Profile on LinkedIn of Gidon Feen Had to break the link in order to post/Voat says it is a forbidden domain?