WHY HAS the Pizzagate Wiki page been deleted/suspended. Iteas the most organized page for all the emails and players!!!! It's GONE (pizzagate)
submitted 7.5 years ago by birthdaysuit11
ThePizzagateWiki is gone. Does anyone have a backup. This is 1000% pizzagate related. Just type in the pizzagate wiki, not to be confused with wikipedia and click the link. It's gone!
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birthdaysuit11 7.5 years ago
They are trying to cover for themselves. Who was the host of this site, do you know it has been suspended. Why is that? This is a terrible loss!! I had so many links that I saved from that site and now wiped off the internet.
10314335? 7.5 years ago
@RebelSkum on Voat and Steemit, but his real name is Ryan Zimmerman (see https://medium.com/@PizzagateWiki)).
A picture of him in this article, at the bottom: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@rebelskum/who-is-rebelskum-one-citizen-s-struggle-against-the-empire-and-a-history-of-pizzagate.
Interview with Ryan Zimmerman here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSSxB7jxKo0
He's a cool guy, I hope he's okay and doing fine.
EDIT: YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0rIbnUC04pR56N-5R1Q8zw
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birthdaysuit11 ago
They are trying to cover for themselves. Who was the host of this site, do you know it has been suspended. Why is that? This is a terrible loss!! I had so many links that I saved from that site and now wiped off the internet.
10314335? ago
@RebelSkum on Voat and Steemit, but his real name is Ryan Zimmerman (see https://medium.com/@PizzagateWiki)).
A picture of him in this article, at the bottom: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@rebelskum/who-is-rebelskum-one-citizen-s-struggle-against-the-empire-and-a-history-of-pizzagate.
Interview with Ryan Zimmerman here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSSxB7jxKo0
He's a cool guy, I hope he's okay and doing fine.
EDIT: YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0rIbnUC04pR56N-5R1Q8zw