lawyer4justice ago

When it comes to criminal law, there is no such sovereign citizens carve out in the several states i have practiced in. People try to claim sovereign citizen at times and it is actually sort of an ongoing joke. You're here, availing yourself of the state's benefits. You are subject to its laws. Come to think of it, i have specifically seen OTO try to claim it, but be shot down quickly. Your subjective belief on whether the laws apply to you is irrelevant.

equineluvr ago

Everything Bill stated was CORRECT. Otherwise, he would have CORRECTED it. He was like that -- He had to do a 180 on the Majestic Twelve documents after learning that they were PHONY.

The U.S. is a British colony founded by "deist" (satanist) Freemasons, so nobody should be surprised by this. Yet, even after 200 years, stupid/naive/gullible/brainwashed Christians are still SHOCKED by this "news."

derram ago :

William Cooper interviews a 32nd Degree Freemason (This will be deleted from youtube soon) - YouTube

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