TetrisMasterCube27 ago

@gumshoe @jem777 @Betty_Swollocks @DarkMath @ditch_digger

@quantokitty 0 points (+0|-0) 28 minutes ago Yes. Me, too. You know I remember that Fox interview. Someone advanced the narrative of it being very hard to tell what someone says in a video. Claimed the technology to change what someone says is feasible. Was this a hint of what's coming? A nice, juicy video?

@Dressage2 @RoBatten @SecondAmendment @Votescam @Gumshoe https://vid.me/jjm2K

source: https://youtu.be/ohmajJTcpNk

TetrisMasterCube27 ago

@quantokitty 0 points (+0|-0) 28 minutes ago Yes. Me, too. You know I remember that Fox interview. Someone advanced the narrative of it being very hard to tell what someone says in a video. Claimed the technology to change what someone says is feasible. Was this a hint of what's coming? A nice, juicy video?

@Dressage2 @RoBatten @SecondAmendment @Votescam @Gumshoe https://vid.me/jjm2K

source: https://youtu.be/ohmajJTcpNk

quantokitty ago

Holy crap! Thanks for this.

Jem777 ago

Great Post.,,,the pieces are all coming together

mathematicalgenius ago

All my posts are being deleted.

DarkMath ago

"Pegasus Museum (616 Kids) Is reference to The Number of The Beast"

Wrong. The spray painted "616 Kids" is just another glaring CIA Psy-Op deplorable bug light.

And the human body is made up mostly of water not carbon.

You're not supposed to believe all the psy-op bull shit for this long.

Which anti-psychotic therapy do they have you on?


QuantumWhiteRabbit ago

Wow... Talk about Nazi behavior.

You smell like the CIA.

DarkMath ago

You must be new here. Would a CIA employee warn you about a CIA psy-op?


QuantumWhiteRabbit ago

I dunno, would we? :)

QuantumWhiteRabbit ago

Eh, obviously. They think they are clever.

They aren't.

ditch-digger ago

Alright I'll bite, how is 666 defined as the atomic number of man?

mathematicalgenius ago

42 letters in Gods name. The Arc of the Rainbow 42* The Meaning To Life, The Universe and Everything The Ark of The Covenant

mathematicalgenius ago

Atomic element of Carbon. 6,6,6

ditch-digger ago

Yes, the periodic table of elements has carbon at 6. 6,6,6 would indicate a 3 carbon compound with would leave 6 uncoupled electrons, with a possibility of one form (they would be in a single line). Not exactly the best mix of mysticism and chemistry I've heard of.

Edit: 6 uncoupled electron. Too early in the morning.

mathematicalgenius ago

Phosphorus (Greek Φωσφόρος Phōsphoros) is the Morning Star

Of course in Greek it's Rainbow and in Egyptian it's Eye https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/09/ac/93/09ac9366033a0b59167a8912d60547ae.jpg

In reference to cosmic illumination.

Wow all with books and no funny hats. (Although I would like a funny hat, as a souvenir.)

4warned ago

Ark of the Covenant, Morning star, are two titles for the Blessed Mother, Her Immaculate heart will bring world peace, after much tribulation.

ditch-digger ago

What type of funny hat do you want? I always liked the style of Napoleons hats.

RossettaStone ago

Surprise me!

ditch-digger ago

Rosetta Stone (n.) discovered 1798 at Rosetta, Egypt; now in British Museum. Dating to 2c. B.C.E., its trilingual inscription helped Jean-François Champollion decipher Egyptian demotic and hieroglyphics in 1822, which opened the way to study of all early Egyptian records. Hence, figurative use of the term to mean "something which provides the key to previously unattainable understanding" (1902). The place name is the European form of Rashid, a name given because it was founded c.800 C.E. by Caliph Harun ar-Rashid.

RossettaStone ago

Yes and Napoleon captured it, didn't he?

I saw it, it London.

ditch-digger ago

Haven't been to London since I was 19. Need to go again.

What's your take on the egyptization (for lack of a better word right now) of Paris? I get that the city structure is covered with free masonic symbols, but was Napolean of that order, or was it the rest of the aristocracy? Maybe a declaration that this is the new center of the world? (My understanding of the why is limited as it's not really my field of study.)

RossettaStone ago

It's The Platonic Davidic Line.

Plato>Aristotle>Alexander The Great> Cleopatra Blood A+B merge Caesarion> Jacques De Molay

ditch-digger ago

Ok, so reading on Molay and being the 2nd degree among the free masons. And, good story of power, torture, and backstabbing. I assume this is partly why free masons do not work with the vatican (I can see other reasons, but I think this would count as one).

RossettaStone ago

It's the B- bloodline. An Asiatic Bloodline...

Shared by The Cherokee (only native tribe with B blood)

RossettaStone ago

I saw the glass pyramid relatively recently. I was in two minds but it is quite beautiful. 666 panels, yes?

Well, it would be the grail bloodline you refer to. Thus our earlier Austro-Hungarian chats. Mozart bouncing around the Austrian courts, while a plot was underway to destroy the court of The Sun King, Apollo lineage by Weishaupt et al. Hence Delphi (Dolphin) runs to Dauphine (Dolphin).

ditch-digger ago

Thought the glass pyramid is located at the throat if I remember correctly. Maybe symbolizing that like radiating outwards is the product of such ???

the court of The Sun King <- Didn't know that about Louise.

ditch-digger ago

Oh good lord, in your opinion is this whole pizzagate thing about the attempt at ascension?

ditch-digger ago

LuxTerr ago

Everyone asks me that LOL

ditch-digger ago

Sorry for slow responses (right now I am being the bad steward to my employer). Very interesting the similarities, but wouldn't that be David vs. The final form of Deus Ex Machina, and he can bounce through time. Mythology mixing (especially for me not know much hindu mythology) makes for much research and slow. And Deus Ex Machina (the unsolvable problem) being eternal life. My brain is soup with multi tasking and following your line of thinking.

Messengers ago

Parsons interest in the occult apparently commenced at an early age and in one ... Babalon, a Thelemic counterpart of Kali or Isis, was described by Parsons as,.

Messengers ago

The day of the pilgrimage honouring Sarah is May 24; her statue is carried down to the sea on this day to re-enact her arrival in France.

Some authors have drawn parallels between the ceremonies of the pilgrimage and the worship of the Hindu goddess Kali, subsequently identifying the two

ditch-digger ago

taken from Greek mythology, Φωσφόρος meaning "light-bearer" (Latin Lucifer) <- creepy fun.

RossettaStone ago

Before phosphor, it was Helel,In Hebrew. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/53/08/d1/5308d1a394c5f85890e38ba936e98488.gif

You know how Danny wore The Apollo jumper and he was a shining one?

mathematicalgenius ago

scintillation sɪntɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n/Submit noun a flash or sparkle of light. "scintillations of diamond-hard light" the process or state of emitting flashes of light. PHYSICS a small flash of visible or ultraviolet light emitted by fluorescence in a phosphor when struck by a charged particle or high-energy photon.

ditch-digger ago

scintillating knowledge :)

Actually, I had not known the term for that process so cool. Now checking you're bold text.

mathematicalgenius ago


ditch-digger ago

Ah, kind of see what you're getting at the hexigonal shapes built inside of the carbon sheets with 6 carbons making up the rings. Technically graphene and graphite would be the same, but whatever.

mathematicalgenius ago

Graphite a scribe of knowledge and renderings.

ditch-digger ago

"black lead," 1796, from German Graphit, coined 1789 by German mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner (1750-1817) from Greek graphein "write"

Once again, etymology is getting creepy man.

ditch-digger ago

That's really cool. I figured it would have been outlawed given the nuclear scare most people have (even though I don't think the amount of Uranium used would produce enough radiation to pierce the skin).

ditch-digger ago

Yeah, that's what I meant by scare. I think the audio click of the geiger counter was an intentional psychological mechanism to freak people out.

RossettaStone ago

Ah! Yes.