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cantsleepawink ago

Another clip from the episode with Stan Lee:

Related Post : Marvel subtly pushing pedophilia? , in the comments . Thanks to @ASolo

Stan Lee named his MARVEL comic franchise after Jack "Marvel Whiteside" Parsons, founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratories who subsequently, allegedly, blew himself up with one of his own rockets. If you pay careful attention to the Iron Man's father you will notice that he seriously resembles the late Jack Parson's and that the Stark foundation is none other than JPL's successor.

Jack "Marvel Whiteside" Parsons was an AVID OCCULTIST of Aleister Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis and was involved with many of california's elite personalities. let me just hint at the fact that the Parson's clan may be very well connected to the Black Dahlia case which devolves into the Hollywood Elite's taste for ritual sacrifice due in part to the mechanizations of Jack Parson's, the OTO, and another faction...

ASolo ago

Great input, thank you.