Blacksmith21 ago

Amazing what passes as "art". And I am artistic.

DerivaUK ago

Thanks for that.

Blacksmith21 ago

One Man's Pistol is Another Man's Stamen.

Edit: Eh - old memory. One of Mapplethorpe's photos. Didn't Tipper Gore's PMRC get all over him, whomever did the Pisschrist "Art" exhibit, etc. for getting government funding.

It makes one wonder, if the bottom of the rabbit hole is ever found, how much money that went to the "arts" actually funded pedo activities.

DerivaUK ago

Access denied on initial link provided

carmencita ago

WELL, I could be wrong but I read it as he did not want her to marry the child's father. He wanted to marry her I thought to get close to Eva.

carmencita ago

There is nothing wrong with marrying someone younger than you, unless they are 16 or under (in my opinion that should be changed to 18) because that is the law. She is 68 and he is 36 He is not a child or prepubescent. He is an adult and can make his own decisions she is not holding him against his free will and they are not shacking up either. They live apart. It is a little too far apart for me, but hey, I have my own ideas why she is dating a younger guy. And really, that is her own business. Ahem. Also, I think Robert was trying to groom Eva, but could never get close enough. That is why he wanted to marry Susan, but she was smarter than he was.

DonutofShame ago

I looked in your history and don't see the older version.

readstuff ago

Go to removed submissions toward the bottom right of the main page.

carmencita ago

It would be in the Submission Removal Log in the side bar. It was deleted and reposted. Click on the Log and you should find it there.

DonutofShame ago


I found this one:

But, I don't see anything about Hillary in that one.

carmencita ago

I am not ready to throw her under the bus. Believe me I have people in my family that voted for her too. That picture is a loving picture unless the only pictures she ever took where like that, I am holding off. I think the big problem was the overbearing man. She never married him which says a lot. Right now anyways.

SterlingJB ago

She, if were talking about Sarandon, was a very vocal critic of HRC during the campaign. In interviews she said they were once friends until she realized she was a corrupt POS (paraphrasing). She took a lot of heat for this stance, and still is apparently: I'm sure many of the HRC blame squad had her near the top of their shit list.

carmencita ago

I saw her when she was campaigning for Bernie Sanders during the election. She went all out for him and I think that took a lot of guts. I have always thought of her as One Gutsy Lady.