I keep telling you people, this is real but it's also a psyop/limited hangout. These people will say some crazy shit about reptilians and mind control or satanism and muddy the waters. I've seen shitposts about Adrenochrome conspiracy theories and Alefantis being a Rothschild with no proof to back up the claims. I see people post neonettle links and believe them without doing research, I see a lot of emotional retards with no critical thinking skills to the point where it begs the question, are the Jews astroturfing us?
This was the Cathy O'brien vid.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FvEBmEo4IA0 she's talked about shapeshifting reptilians and getting her vagina scarred by Hillary Clinton in some sex ritual. I saw this shit on GLP and ATS years ago and even back then when I was younger and naive I knew there was some fuckery afoot. When someone says some dumbass shit its usually the CIAs DBA tactic "discredit by association"
Years later Cathy and Mark bring a new member to the scene, a pretty young girl who was apparently "rescued" this chick https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nir9mOWkj5cYouTube
Her family made a video saying it was bullshit. This is because these people are fucking actors spinning disinfo.
There are no fucking shapeshifting lizards, the queen is not a gecko, the Earth is not flat and most of you guys have down syndrome
SterlingJB ago
Have you ever seen the video where a doctor inspects the demon carved into her clitoris? Nasty. As far as disinfo, probably. I mean, her handler is a G-man, right?
hookednosedjoooo ago
Mark Philips was supposedly ex-CIA. There is no such thing.
thelandofchocolate ago
I suspect O'brien is a real mk victim who was never actually rescued. Just programmed to read out a script. Evil doesn't want to rule from the shadows forever. They'll 'come out' in degrees, to test the waters. Obviously, so far, there have been no repercussions.
hookednosedjoooo ago
She wasn't programmed. She's acting
Amino69 ago
Never knew that O'Brien peddled the reptilian BS. This along with FE theory is the litmus test for me. Only shills and the cerebrally challenged tout this crap IMO...
SterlingJB ago
Really, Icke's been using her story to support his reptile unification conspiracy theory for ages.
Amino69 ago
And he too is an agent!
The28th ago
hojuruku ago
what no complaints about formatting! or do only I get the love mate :P
hojuruku ago
@hookednosedjoooo you got worse formatting than me... and I get critquted for it all the time. The improperly embedded first youtube link is 2 hours long. Can you find the shape-shifting lizard bit too. Because I know people who hate David Icke with a Vengeance. (http://motherdamnable.blogspot.co.uk - even white occultists are going against the boylover Garry Burns and the OTO kiddy fuck cult).
She was targeted by a special faggot police raid too. That's how you know she's legit. http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/08/22/exclusive-london-lgbt-police-go-trolling-harass-stalk-user-threaten-family/
I thought kangagroocourtofaustralia.com was a controlled opposition because others "Bob McDonald" kept saying it to me. He turned out to be the shill and now yesterday that guy got jailed for years for exposing gay judge who think a boy's arse raped is only worth a month's jail punishment.
I'm not saying you are wrong here, but don't be quick to be calling people shills until you know for sure.
hookednosedjoooo ago
Im on my tablet rn. Ain't got no time for formatting
hojuruku ago
all good :P I normally get hit by the format nazis - but do tell us where in 2 h long videos where the idiots self-incriminate. that's always very useful.
hookednosedjoooo ago
And she's not a victim and anyone who trusts crazy eyed Mark is retarded
hookednosedjoooo ago
Its not fiction, its a coverup of a coverup though.
hojuruku ago
@hookednosedjoooo Can you confirm or deny if you think I'm a shill / limited hangout? I'm getting mixed messages from you.
Fetzer isn't as bad as you say he is. Most of the other big names in Alternative media are shills, especially this satanic-left-trio who role play conservative/libertarian of max egan, mark passio, vinny eastwood (and his entourage) and Adam vs The Man Mr OTO staging events to get arrested etc then solicitings $$$ from it all day long.
You do know I work with one of the best anti-jew shill assassination experts in the business @t0mcahill http://twitter.com/t0mcahill right?
That's who hooked me up with Fetzer. Is that making your mind explode yet?
hookednosedjoooo ago
pizzagate007 ago
This is the same user telling us pizzagate is a psyop. And now he's trying to tell you that Satanism isn't involved. Obvious cointelpro. Even Ted Gunderson talked about how many kids he knew were abused in satanic sex cults.
hookednosedjoooo ago
Both Gunderson and Aquino were on Geraldo Rivera acting. I never said that their isn't a pedoring so idk why you're etting your jimmies rustled
pizzagate007 ago
You clearly said Satanism muddy's the waters. It's actually the opposite, people aren't talking about Satanism enough. The elite are luciferians. Why do you doubt this?
hookednosedjoooo ago
Its a gross exagerration. I'm well aware that pedorings exist but this shock and awe satanic panic revival is part of their psyop
pizzagate007 ago
Dude the mainstream media called it "satanic panic" to cover up the truth about Satanism. All of those satanic panic cases were true. Now they have you brainwashed into thinking Satanism is not a thing
hookednosedjoooo ago
Dude, Geraldo Rivera and Oprah were peddling Satanic panic shit on purpose. I know it was a coverup, stop acting like you know more then me, I know about the false memory syndrome and sll the fuckery with the psychiatrists. They exagerrate things on purpose and use it to discredit.
pizzagate007 ago
Satanism muddy's the waters? haha this post is bs. The elites are obviously into Satanism, look at bohemian grove for goodness sake. Many kids talked about being in satanic sex rituals. Are all those kids lying? Read the franklin coverup and research Michael Aquino.
hookednosedjoooo ago
They exaggerate it when people like Cathy, Mark, Fiona Barnett and all the rest talk about evil nazis and other fringe nonsense about shapeshifting lizards. You're retarded if you can't see through this
pizzagate007 ago
So you believe Cathy O'Brien is lying but yet we all know Hilary Clinton is involved with pedophila. Cathy Obrien was talking about this 20 years ago before we even knew Hilary Clinton was involved with pedophile rings. Seems to me like Cathy Obrien was proven right after the pizzagate revelations came out. Hilary Clinton is an obvious Satanist, she even admitted that she can talk to the dead and channeled elanor roosevolt. Larry Nichols also said Hilary Clinton was apart of a witches church and he used to work for her
Onetime1 ago
Anyone can see with their own eyes the mutilation of Cathy O'Brien's vaginal wall by googling 'Cathy Obrien gynecology exam'., 9 minute mark starts at female gyno's office.
hookednosedjoooo ago
Idc what kind of occult shenanigans Hillary Clinton gets up too in her eyes wide shut parties, Cathy is a shill.
pizzagate007 ago
Well you can believe that but the evidence points to Hilary Clinton being a Satanist. And since she's a Satanist, it means Cathy O'Brien is correct
hookednosedjoooo ago
Wtf I love Reptilians now
equineluvr ago
^ Superb post! BRAVO!
I didn't know CoB and MP espoused the reptilian BS. However, I was suspicious of them already.
As for the "kidnapped" chick they rescued, I found her family (Mormons) to be unbelievable too, so my guess is that they are also part of the psy-op.
hookednosedjoooo ago
I didnt kno they were mormons, but that does make sense.Mormons are notorious for being freemasons, spooks and pedophiles. I wouldn't shake hands with a mormon tbh
hojuruku ago
My ex-flatmate went to a fancy dress party dressed up like a real Mormon - he even got the laminate badge made up to go with the white shirt. He recalled that nobody would talk to him until after half way through he blew his cover he wasn't really a Mormon. People naturally fear them that much, they can't even realize they were in a fancy dress party.
The book of Mormon they give away for free also makes a nice toilet paper substitute, thin ply! I actually used that in my late teens when I first moved out of home and I was skint.
ThePuppetShow ago
I was with you until you blamed the Jews. The number 1 psyop is that it's the Jews fault for everything. We've proven time and time again that it's not Jews running the game and it certainly isn't all Jews that are involved. MK Ultra is actually an offshoot of a Nazi scientific program brought here thanks to operation paperclip. Yet you useful idiots still want to call these clowNs Jews, like they're begging you to.
Amino69 ago
If it's not the Zionist Talmudic Cabal running the show, who is it?
ThePuppetShow ago
The 13 Bloodlines run the game through the committee of 300. They even created the banking system through the Knights Templar/SMOM, not the Jews.
You can also look at Georgetown law..
Amino69 ago
Congratulations on your copypasta. The Committee and the bloodlines are intrinsically Jewish. Your research is incomplete.
ThePuppetShow ago
Congratulations, you're wrong and you've supplied nothing but your word. We've been over the bloodlines too, not my fault you choose to believe the prooaganda. The copypasta was in a quote box for a reason, it's called a source.
Amino69 ago
Your 'source' is from the paedophile enabling, shlomo loving BBC, seriously?! XD
ThePuppetShow ago
Those are the sources they make us use here, but you know that. There's plenty of other sources. Even their wiki page admits this. You idiots have nothing but strawman bullshit and propaganda you can't source at all.
Amino69 ago
LMAO, Wiki?!? Quit while you're ahead, this game is not for you!
ThePuppetShow ago
Yep.. More ad hominem bullshit and still no facts from you. Do you have anything but finger pointing?
Amino69 ago
Facts?! Do you really expect to be taken seriously when you cite links from the BBC and Wiki?! Surely you have grasp on how these fronts are regarded in the truth community?
ThePuppetShow ago
There's a hundred more sources, you're just attacking a strawman because you have nothing but stormfront or David Duke. I posted the most mainstream links I could find because that's what normies want to see. I've been a member of the truth movement since early 2002, so yes, I know the BBC reported tower 7 collapsing early, and protected pedos. I also know that wikipedia is mainly edited by shills. You know what else I know? Shit slips through the cracks. Again, what do you have to prove your point other than finger pointing, name calling and stomping your feet demanding that you're right???
Do you have?
What do you have other that bullshit ShariaBlue propaganda? The KKK was organized by Dems, yet here they are pretending to be "alt right". What a fucking joke. Keep sucking up that propaganda, useful idiot.
Amino69 ago
Stormfront, Duke, normie? Lol, you're too funny and too challenged to waste any more time on. Good luck navigating the trees, over n' out!
ThePuppetShow ago
Yep.. you've got nothing. Run away.
DonKeyhote ago
Thousands of years of testimony that jews sacrifice children vs. -100 of jewish controlled media and academia denying it. Which is the likely psyop you FAGGOT SHILL?
why was the PROTOCOLS a banned book in the soviet union? Why did they make "antisemitism" a crime punishable by death? If anyone needed a scapegoat wouldnt it be the SOVIETS not the GERMANS
ThePuppetShow ago
Says Don Quixote the crazy crusader. Ahahahaha Save it shill boy, you've been fully exposed.
DonKeyhote ago
A typically substantive response to specific questions. Youre a faggot.
ThePuppetShow ago
We've been through this a million times, shill boy.
DonKeyhote ago
You are the laziest faggot shill ever. Makes me wanna throatpunch you. What the FUCK does that pathetic citation have to do with the soviet jews banning a book under pain of DEATH.
source: NUTS, Deez
ThePuppetShow ago
Same old bullshit shill tactics, nothing but ad hominem attacks and strawman arguments. Fuck off with your propaganda. You can come see me anytime you want, Don Quixote, you don't have shit.
hookednosedjoooo ago
Get out of my thread with that bullshit. You sound like Jim Marrs, im glad he's dead
hojuruku ago
ever noticed the same cabal mass downvote us?
I got in a fight with Shaun at Renegade radio who interviewed me big time before they turned on him too
I'm a good shill spotter as well :)
hookednosedjoooo ago
Idk Shaun. I heard Nick Spero is a trannyfucker and Sinead is an obvious flat earth shill. They do some good work though
hojuruku ago
On 27 April 2016 at 23:59, Tom Cahill t0mcahill@hotmail.com wrote:
it's in my mailbox somewhere...
hojuruku ago
sean silk is always talking about "legal" ways to make guns in Australia. He's clearly a police shill / faggot.
He's got his own set of stormfront groupies now following him on his little op with like 10 listeners a day. I think whatever deal the cops gave him isn't paying divididens.
.. still digging in my inbox for me emailing them the links to their on tranny allegations for shutting me down...
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Tom Cahill t0mcahill@hotmail.com Date: 2 October 2016 at 20:47 Subject: Shaun's blocking people and lying about them AGAIN To: "truthhertzradio@aol.com" truthhertzradio@aol.com Cc: "smythbrianan@yahoo.com" smythbrianan@yahoo.com, "hojuruku@gmail.com" hojuruku@gmail.com, Rapid Heal System Toner Dragon Juice naqualski@verizon.net
Hi Charley,
I'll keep this brief. I'm still listening and finding Renegade to be an impressive platform. In some ways they look 'a bit too good' (I think you know where this is leading), but then there's this man Shaun, accusing me of being some kind of cointel. He said the same about Luke McKee, and now he's saying that this man Brizer from Ireland is. Brian's mate, Mammi's Shit used to host your show. NONE OF THESE ARE COINTELS. In order of trust they'd come over you. I know them and they're the real deal. We can be certain of this as they're all doers. They actually do things which show that they're all in. In the case of Luke, he's a fucking refugee from Australia. How did he manage that? Did I mention that his brother was murdered as well? He's also been chased out of: China (where they tried to kill him);
the USA (where a now-infamous child and dog abuser tried to kill him); and,
Korea (where he learned the language and got married and had to leave due to revealing a massive child abuse ring in a foreign language school, run by Satanists).
There's an international law firm, called KL Gates who've been either under their own volition or via some other source (possibly the OTO Austalia) have given a blank cheque to have him extradited to Australia (off the top of my head I forget how he demonstrated this, but it's true).
No one's as definitely not a cointel as Luke, so Brizer by definition can't compete, but he's put his home at risk by denying he's due to pay morgage in Ireland. He's refused to have a water meter, and it goes on.
It's just odd that Shaun seems to slag people off without feeling any need to make up some reason to say that he's going to block their calls. If he's not a cointel, then that at this stage would be a big surprise.
I'm sure you're used to this happening all the time, so probably if I were you, I'd chose to tactically not get involved. I'm just letting you know so that you know.
The only other thing to think about is that maybe the aim is to 'soak up' important news about Jews trafficking children into Australia for sexual and murder abuse still (they used to from the UK, but that's painted as a past event). Luke's proven that they're using their top Mossad agents in the 'leading gay activist' and their deputy chief of New South Wales Police to attack people who are onto their pedo normalization activities. He's also onto the OTO's David Botrell who heads up immigration assisting in the child transport. I may have mentioned this before, but the 'real Crocodile Dundee' who also knew about this was murdered as a result of speaking about it.
I think it may be a case of 'you're allowed to speak about Jews in general but not mention actual names and actual ongoing crimes'. Note the 'blood libel' (to use the most preposterously loaded phrase in history of contrived phrases) aspect I'm thinking's off the agenda for a lot of people, as it is the one thing that can turn the tables over night.
I'm still listening to your talks.
Thank you very much,
Tom Cahill cc. Luke McKee, Brizer & Michael Anthony
hojuruku ago
wanna hear me fuck with the jews on and off the last year or so. I was popped in now and then on 4th postition on talksjew until it got censored. You will find updates on the early research into the boylover Garry Burns saga etc.
He got censored / self-censored from talksjew but the RSS is online for the next 3 months or so. If you wanna do your background checking on me thoroughly:
This is me talking about my most upvoted pizzagate thread here. I think the links the description for this podcast might be in archive.is too: http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-85857/TS-1134352.mp3
hookednosedjoooo ago
I'll look into it more when I have time. As for now, im on the fence
hojuruku ago
Well I been in exile 10 years. I've been talking about my saga for a long time. The first sydney.indymedia.org.au / forum.dadsontheair.com posts got censored so I took down their whole fucken indymedia website when I was in China :) Downgraded the drupal schema so they couldn't moderate comments and by they time they realized it their circular backup ftp had overridden all they had :) They rather take the site down.
I was saying Catherine Burns was doing dodgy search warrants before the MSM ;) Did you see that bitch going for Mossad training? Read the details on this podcast:
This guys known me since 2008 fighting the same faggots. Go say hi to him for me, vetting done.
The Indymedia faggots were also covering the carrington gate saga back then of a police officer's son raping children. There was some anonymous videos that came about it then too.
Next there was..... (faggots censored my photobucket so sorry for the cat pictures in place of what should have been there)
Don't cast your FUD on me if you are not sure, but in any case I like people to make up their own minds and take their time.
@FionaBarnett runs with the independentmedia.net leftist shills that do hit-pieces all the time on conservative folks. That is very worrying that she's linked to those fuckheads.
I'm surprised they published my comment here 3 months late. TruthNews.com.au hates them as well, but hereward apologized to the OTO so he went on my fuck off shill list - that I met in person.
hookednosedjoooo ago
She also blames the nazis, thats a huge red flag
hojuruku ago
ah.... but Dr Gregory John Tillett (OTO PEDO) is linked to the religion of the SS - Thule Society and put the pink-triangle.org nazi faggot death camp 6 million faggot megadeath logo as the official logo for the http://facebook.com/policeglbti
Don't get me wrong The Waffen Military were fighting for good. Jews Declared war on Germany in 1933 first. The 6 million jews were in the 1917 papers right? The jews were massaring ethnic germans in poland before the war...
But can you concede the SS had a faggot occult problem too like our jew controlled system has now?
hookednosedjoooo ago
There was no faggot problem in the SS. Hitler did night of the long knives and solved the gay problem by getting rid of Rohm. Thule society was just Heinrich Himmler LARPing, Hitler didn't approve of neo-paganism
hojuruku ago
Someone needs to work together researching doing a book to fully debunk that pink swastika filth. I have been learning how to detect disinfo like you. Independentmedia.net is fiona barnett's weakest link btw. I forgot about that until recently then I went holy #$@$@# red flag red flag.