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RweSure ago

There is no NBC news report that says " Hillary Clinton 'Covered Up' Elite Pedophile Ring At State Department"

This is flat out fake and you can see how hard the page you link to tries to keep that information from you. These allegations were about the Diplomatic Security Service and none ever reached the office of the Secretary of State. The Allegations came out in 2013 and the were investigated and dismissed in 2014.

The allegations were investigated by the office of the Inspector General. You can read their report here.

They basically recommend a stronger and formal "firewall" policy in cases like these. They do not say a pedophilia scandal was covered up by anyone let alone Hillary Clinton. Also the accusation was mainly about one guy. Not a ring. The OIG report doesn't even mention anything about minors or being underage because the original accusation about prostitutes in general was false.

There was never much of anything to this "pedophilia scandal." The Diplomatic Service looked into this and determined the allegations to be false two years before the allegation became public. The ambassador used to routinely walk through a local park on his way to his office and the allegations was he was seen in the park talking to drug dealers or prostitutes. He often did this without any security, because the security situation in Belgium at the time was OK and the State Department allowed this. This became an allegation he was routinely ditching his security detail to solicit prostitutes and do drugs. Another version was he would take this security detail to the park solicit prostitutes or he would reward them with underage prostitutes. This was in 2011. The allegation only became public in 2013 because someone who was not involved in the investigation stole a bunch of files and in this case was claiming the raw allegation was true and removed due to interference. It was removed because it was false.

When this hit the news the Belgian papers pointed out there were no arrests in that park for illegal activity for 4 years, the Belgian security services said they actually routinely surveilled him and never saw anything out of the ordinary. The ambassador said he talked to hundreds of people in that park and never knowingly talked with a criminal. The Belgian press rallied to his side because he was very popular in Belgium. In the end the State Department apologized to the ambassador.

Venusvandam ago

I am a long time lurker/digester of information and over the last few months your posts have made me so mad. According to you everything pedo/pizzagate related is utterly fake.

I get that there is a lot of disinformation out there but OMG!! I am not a confrontational or violent person but you have made want to beat the crap out my own laptop.

RweSure ago

Pizzagate is fake. Start with Podesta's emails. How do you get to this crazy elaborate theory from there? You can't. You have to start making stuff up pretty quickly. This pedophiles control the world theory has existed in the some form for a long time and the pizzagate fakers knowing tapped into these long-standing paranoias that also connect with One World Government, New World Order and other conspiracism. That's one part that completely confused me for a while. This is one step above the British Crown controls the world and they are actually Lizard People.

Pedophilia is real, but Pizzagate is fake. Not a single bit of Pizzagate has turned out to be true. The deputy attorney general of CA having child porn on his computer is not Pizzagate. It's a personal and private crime. No one else has to know he sought this stuff out.

There's a ton of pedophilia out there. But the idea it's all connected is false or that it's some form of government currency is crazy. Have you ever known someone who worked for the government? Or the military? Is there some moment they stopped being a regular citizen and became part of some elite conspiracy?

When you look into these claims you see that pizzagate was started by highly political partisans speaking to an audience that already hated Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, indeed they believed the crazy Clinton rountinely murders people silliness from the 1990s. People who already hated Clinton and didn't care about the truth of any accusation about her. So already a super emotional/irrational space and they added pedophilia. Who doesn't want to protect kids. Another super emotional subject. You added these together and people did not look rationally at the claims that were being made and then so many people were buying in they thought the original claims were validated. They were not. There's no evidence whatsoever for any code being used in John Podesta's emails. None. In fact, when you look at the claims for code, you find they do not exist on the internet before the Podesta emails came out. Thus, the evidence shows the claimed code list was invented to support pizzagate, not the other way round.

I would be willing to discuss this further, if you want to point to an example.

Pizza_Hacker ago

Laura Silsby? Please o please debunk that for me? Why was Clinton talking about her in the emails? Also Moloch? I'll be waiting this will be good.

RweSure ago

Laura Silsby? Please o please debunk that for me?

I've done it many times. There's no evidence whatsoever that Hillary Clinton or anyone else in Washington DC, had any idea at all about who Laura Silsby and this group of Baptists from Idaho were before they got arrested in Haiti.

They were arrested in Haiti and the Consulate was notified. Consular services for Americans arrested overseas is one of the primary functions of the state Department. From a previous thread

There is no Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal. There is zero evidence anyone in Washington, DC, let alone Secretary Clinton knew who Silsby was prior to Silsby's arrest. There's zero evidence anyone in Washington, DC knew about this group of Baptist would-be-missionaries from Idaho before they go arrested.

This whole "scandal" relies on readers who aren't aware that consular services to Americans abroad is one of the primary functions of the US State Department and consular services include assisting those who are arrested overseas, in fact, it's one of the "highest priorities."

Arrest or Detention of a U.S. Citizen Abroad

One of the highest priorities of the Department of State and U.S. embassies and consulates abroad is to provide assistance to U.S. citizens incarcerated abroad. The Department of State is committed to ensuring fair and humane treatment for U.S. citizens imprisoned overseas. We stand ready to assist incarcerated citizens and their families within the limits of our authority in accordance with international law, domestic and foreign law. See that page for what the State Department can do and what they can't do If you look at the Amanda Knox case where the American woman was falsely arrested for murder in Italy, you can see that The State Department was following that case too. In fact, the State Department was criticized for reacting slowly in that case. If you read the Silsby's emails from the very beginning, you see that information flowed up the chain from the on the ground folks in Haiti to the Secretary's office and the emails clearly show them trying to find out who these folks are and get more information. The first emails refer to them at "10 AMCIT" which is State Department lingo for 10 American citizens.

The Moloch thing is what? One jokey reference from a diplomat at the State Department. The one one where he was joking about a rabbit's foot and superstions? What others are there.

Are_we_sure ago

Please tell me what you think that document is.

I know what it is and it's clear from the evidence in the Clinton emails where it came from.

Pizza_Hacker ago

Looks like a document on setting up a plan to go save the kids. What is it?

Are_we_sure ago

It's a document named nlcrhaitianorphanrescuemission.pdf. It's a document that a State Department employee downloaded from the website of Silsby's church, according to wikipedia, this was the URL of it. But it has since been taken down.

This was the document that Laura Silsby used to recruit people and raise funds for the Haiti "mission." This is why the other folks were not jailed. They basically were volunteering for something their church sponsored, not knowing the woman in charge of it was a crackpot.

From the very beginnings of pizzagate, a false story has been pushed about this document. Literally the 3rd and 4th sentences of the Reddit Post that started this is completely false

Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura's NGO.

It absolutely false that Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Silsby. It is absolutely false this document is an email. It is absolutely false this document dates back to 2001.

Reddit's TheDonald fans couldn't have cared less if this was true, but it's mind boggingly that anyone else believed it. For one thing WIKILEAKS DOES NOT HAVE EMAILS FROM 2001! For another thing, the document is about the Haitian Earthquake. WHICH TOOK PLACE IN 2010!

How did people miss this? Hillary's emails are from her time as secretary of state which began in 2009. And the her account did not even exist in 2001. Look at the document, it clearly is talking about January 2010........The Urgent Need: The number of Haitian orphans is estimated to have increased by 300% as a result of the catastrophic earthquake this past week.

One reason that people missed this, is that Wikileaks has this wrong in their system and they have it wrong to this day. (The Millennial_Falcon summary evidence is also an absolute mess on Silsby.) As the link you posted shows, Wikileaks identifies this as an email "emailid/3776"

Look at the document. How can you have an email with no sender and no recipient. Even if you write a draft, the from is filled out. And we know the date is completely wrong. My guess is Jan 1, 2001 is a default

From: To: Date: 2001-01-01 03:00 AM

It was an attachment to an email and it was downloaded AFTER Silsby's group was arrested. Again what I state is true

There's no evidence whatsoever that Hillary Clinton or anyone else in Washington DC, had any idea at all about who Laura Silsby and this group of Baptists from Idaho were before they got arrested in Haiti.

The email that attachement is from has the subject*&caseNumber=F-2014-20439