nameof ago

[–] nameof 0 points (+0|-0) 1 minute ago (edited 1 minute ago) To the arrogant and basically ignorant folks who seek to profess knowledge about the devil star. Upside down is devil right side up is Christian. It makes no difference to the veiwer if tbete are meeting lines inside the star. Iys the OUTSIDE LINE THAT THE EYE FOLLOWS AND RECOGNIZES

nameof ago

I see what you say. Not vague. Purposefully placed.

JesusRules ago


"According to 1 Enoch (a book of the Apocrypha), Azazel was one of the chief Grigori, a group of fallen angels who married with female humans. This same story (without any mention of Azazel) is told in Genesis 6:2-4: "

meowski ago

You're having paranoid delusions. Get some rest. First of all, those are stars, not pentagrams. Every star is not a pentagram. The insides are not connected. Secondly, these are all regular old jokes about food. I see no coded pedo references in the first handful of your links I clicked, and if you haven't impressed me in the first 5 or 10 I'm not clicking the rest.

Either this purposeful disinfo or you're just really paranoid, and lack discernment.

nameof ago

To the arrogant and basically ignorant folks who seek to profess knowledge about the devil star. Upside down is devil right side up is Christian. It makes no difference to the veiwer if tbete are meeting lines inside the star. Iys the OUTSIDE LINE THAT THE EYE FOLLOWS AND RECOGNIZES

nameof ago

I disagree. Stop at the little satan star baby pics, and then you stop and you go get some rest cause you dont get it yet do ya? Come on are you saying it's paranoid to beleive in pedo Satanists making coded references to pizza? Oh yeah right. By the way AZAZEL FALLEN ANGEL

pizza-party-pooper ago

Also, btw Azazel: Fallen angel that is responsible for warfare and cosmetics. Before you start laughing at the cosmetic reference, remember this. Makeup can make a woman look more attractive, AND it can also disguise a man as a woman. Reminds me of Baphomet, the god that's got both MALE AND FEMALE PARTS

carmencita ago

Aside from the pizza shirts, books, etc. the Red Flag for me is the Silicon Valley connection and the list of brands and associates that are linked to this site especially Disney, Marvel, and friends plus BSA and Unicef. We have done research on most of these and have marked them as definite contributors to the normalization of our children. The CEO of Zazzle needs to be researched and the family as well. I doubt we would come up dry, for their associations are suspect.

nameof ago


BasedPepeSupport2k17 ago

Some more information from

"Robert Beaver and his two sons founded, a service which enables users to create their own products."

So he founded the company with his sons. I thought they were brothers at first. It also says that the company was founded in 1999.

Some more information regarding funding:

"Zazzle is funded primarily by Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers and Sherpalo Ventures, who in 2005 provided $16 million in seres A funding."

Here's the "About Us" section from their website :

Seems like Melanie Sherk handles their business contacts with Disney etc.

Jeff Beaver is the Chief Product Officer so I'd assume that he has a say in their product design.

Nizzi Karai Renaud is their Chief Marketing Officer so maybe she's the one who decides, or has a say in what is to be displayed on their website and/or Instagram.

It also says that their website first launched in 2005, just when the Google investors invested 16 million USD into the company.

carmencita ago

Thanks for your work and info. I am going to research Jeff Beaver.