EricKaliberhall ago

David Brock is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with shills like you! Media Matters is broke:)

ThePuppetShow ago

Mods are allowing this shit to happen...

Millennial_Falcon ago

Allowing? No. We had a sticky up for like a week to find more mods. We have added a couple. Working on vetting others. We have been chronically short-staffed. I have done most of the modding myself. I have a life, so I'm not going to be on here every second of the day refreshing new posts.

ThePuppetShow ago

They're making new accounts anyway. Now you have a ton of accounts capable of upvoting bullshit posts. Really?

Millennial_Falcon ago

They're making new accounts anyway.

Exactly. They can make infinite accounts, quickly and easily. So banning is a waste of time.

Now you have a ton of accounts capable of upvoting bullshit posts.

Voting is tied to IP. Can't vote on a post twice with same IP.

ThePuppetShow ago

So you don't think a shill can change their IP?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Sure they can, but banning accounts accomplishes nothing, because brand-new accounts can vote. If they're willing to go to the extent to collect multiple IP's so they can vote multiple times, they're going to be willing to take the 15 seconds it takes to create a new account.

ThePuppetShow ago

Then why are there 2 1/2 pages of banned users from this month alone? Why did you ban 2impendingdoom and darkmath? Why do these accounts get a pass?

EricKaliberhall ago

It's the Wild West! WTF is this "reason for CARIS" this fucker mentions?

ThePuppetShow ago

My guess would be mumbo jumbo topic dilution for #CarisJames

EricKaliberhall ago

That's fucking cold!

PindarRothschild ago

This is the reason for CARIS

" Looks like the Nazis were targeting B blood by targeting the "Jews"" Hitler talked about A Rh positive blood being of the superior race, and wanted to wipe out anyone who carried the Rh negative genes, the Jews have a high percentage of Rh negative blood. He felt inferior to Rh negatives, as when he did studies he was amazed at the intelligence they showed above his more easy to control and less bright 'superior race'. He wanted to covert the occult teachings for himself, the teachings about true spirituality that our ancient tribes had passed down for thousands of years.

"Our Culture" James Achilles Alefantis.

PindarRothschild ago

Why you follow me then?