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kestrel9 ago

I'll help as much as I can, checking out ties between people, groups etc.

Clearly there's an over all pattern we see which one could characterize as a 'sustainable' business model for the Globalist Elites and wealthy pedophiles: Global sex trafficking, Pedo sex tourism, Slave labor, as well as human guinea pigs for Vaccine Research, Organ Harvesting and even making money on organizations to "Combat" all of the above, (with exception to the human guinea pig area as that cannot be publicized in the same way.)

One way to conceptualize the structure of such a business model involves these categories...

  • Civil Society groups, NGO charity partnerships, seminars, global awareness programs/campaigns and Voluntourism are one area supporting (knowingly or not) transnational crime networks. They are the pretty frosting to help cover up the appearance and stench of corruption of crimes against humanity, giving cover to powerful people to meet and conduct business and pleasure.

These organizations and high profile events provide avenues of funding, ways to launder money, and of course, excuses for wealthy pedos to be in a particular country that provides sex tourism for the rich. At this level, the network runs it's NGO 'playground' for the elites, involving the arts shows, concerts, resort hotels, and readily available opportunities to have sex with children.

  • Government officials, UN officials, etc., large corporate interests (those that use child labor/slave labor or those involved in medical research), Celebrities, and certain very wealthy persons all profit from the business model, whether political favors, furthering agendas, being paid for their government influence, having connections to keep the cheap labor available, promoting a career, avoiding paying taxes, and so on.

There's more but but I'm sure we're on the same page enough to agree that the tentacles of PG have reached into everyone's lives to one degree or another, spreading the global cancer, leaving no lucrative avenue of exploitation unexamined.

YogSoggoth ago

I was thinking along those lines as well, but by building playgrounds they could choose the site by demographics and make it easier to target the children and young mothers. Playground equipment that drops kids into underground nets when they know they are alone at the park? Cameras in nearby buildings run by the creeps? I read something about how they found a bench in S.F. or Portland that when sat upon by whoever, could be turned backwards by lever and peephole, and deposit them upside down into a tunnel, or Shanghied, as it were known.

Tanngrisnir ago

Very well put! I couldn't have put it better.