quantokitty ago

Okay, what we have to watch out for is the networking that goes on in getting these pervs in positions of power. Willis was called out in 2010. He embezzled money from the HSUS and tried to float the combining of HSUS and the Michigan Humane Society which would have meant the HSUS actually running and controlling pet shetlers. The pervs must have wanted to get their hands on animals ... God only knows what they were going to do to them, but look what they're doing to kids!

Willis was also grooming a scumbag to take his place. IT'S CALLED NETWORKING! They get in positions of power, change the laws, rules or regulations, install a successor and BINGO! Another place corrupted. They can use it as they will. It's the pattern. Like them tapping that skank whore Kamala Harris.

Here's the 2010 article on perv Willis:


Redpill_Bluepill ago

Might be a coincidence but Corpus Christi is home of one of the world's shipping ports.

SecondAmendment ago

I certainly will. God knows Wayne Pacelle, who heads the Humane Society of the United States, has been accused of some shady stuff in the past. Now that we know one of his generals is a pedophile well, that certainly makes us curious to keep digging....

wtf_is_happening ago

Brownsville has an interesting history. Wasn't George W Bush supposedly a suspect in the infamous satanic Brownsville massacre in 1984? http://www.theonion.com/article/bush-refuses-to-dignify-mass-murder-allegations-397

desertsky ago

An Onion article?

WakeyWake ago

Found this written in 2010 (prior to child rape charges), a lot of info in his connections. I bet the roommate who always vouched for him in jobs is a pedo too. So much embezzlement too. https://www.humanewatch.org/meet_david_wills/

Factfinder2 ago

David Wills was fired from his job at the Humane Society in 1995. This article chronicles a strange littany of shady dealings and sexual harrassment complaints against him before they finally cut him loose: http://www.animals24-7.org/1995/10/01/humane-society-of-the-u-s-settles-affairs-without-a-wills/

WakeyWake ago

Another good link w connections (2010) prior to child rape charges https://www.humanewatch.org/meet_david_wills/

Factfinder2 ago

Wow. This is a much more coherently written account. Good find, and with a photo too. What a scumbag this Wills guy is. I concur with your comment about the roommate. I also think it's likely that his mentor, John Hoyt, was his gay sugar daddy. Hoyt got Wills the job at age 19, making him "the youngest person to ever head a major Humane Society." I also have a hard time believing Wills only abused one child in all this time.

WakeyWake ago

I was thinking Hoyt was his roommate bc that's who I was referring to that could also be a pedo that got him jobs, my bad, I guess I read it too quickly.

I wasn't thinking Hoyt was a sugar daddy but more of a co-pedo. But either theory could be spot on, or a combo of both.

Wills just got caught abusing the one child, no doubt there's many many more, he just didn't get caught with them.

carmencita ago

Good God, this is so sad and disgusting. Where is that poor girl and what happened to her? I hope she is not with CPS.. Frying Pan into the Fire. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

SecondAmendment ago

Holy shit. First I got red-pilled with the Podesta e-mails and Voat. Then -- BAM, BAM, BAM -- I learned about all the names that are allegedly connected to this kind of shit: the Catholic Church, the Bushes, the Royal family, Mccain, Schumer, Lindsey Graham, the Clintons, the former Hot Dog Importer In Chief, Jethro on the Beverly Hillbillies, Tom Jones, Captain Kangaroo, about a third of all elected officials in Washington, DC, almost all of Hollywood and the music industry, on and on and on. Dammit, and now a big shot in the dadgum Humane Society of the US. Holy shit. It's everywhere. WTF? Why can't they just beat off and leave the little ones alone? (It's a rhetorical question. I get how complex and lucrative this all is to these psychos. I just wish our innocence were not lost, and I sincerely wish nobody was forced to suffer....)

abcdefg222 ago

Good find. Definitely will dig some more here. Thanks!

abcdefg222 ago



"CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas - A Rockport executive accused of human trafficking as well as with the continued sexual assault of a child is now under indictment by a federal grand jury. Global Blue Technologies CEO David K. Wills' name has been removed from the company's website. He is charged with the human trafficking of a child for sexual purposes."



This is from 2010... allegations of other crimes.. "David Wills landed the presidency of the Nashua (NH) Humane Society in 1972 with the help of then-HSUS president John Hoyt’s recommendation. When he took over, he was just 19 years old, making him the youngest person ever to head a major humane society. Wills left six years later amid accusations that he stole funds, with estimates ranging from $10,000 to $2 million."



"GBT Chairman David Wills Interview-The State of GBT (global blue technologies) Today"



"Wills was arrested Monday at the Corpus Christi International Airport by the U.S. Marshals Gulf Coast Violent Offenders Task Force. They said he was about to board a plane and head to Washington, DC." D.C. Connections???? This article was from when he was arrested in 2015.