Are_we__sure ago

Tell us how you went from his emails to this network.

Also you've never been hacked? Or used a service that's been hacked? You've never gotten a call from your credit card company that someone just used your card at a gas station halfway across the country?

check out this website. You can see if your account has been hacked or if your passwords are on a known list of passwords.

dooob ago

The fact that him, Hillary and James havent been suicided means they are far up in the chain of commands (or maybe too dangerous to get rid off or they trust eachother not to snitch).

I hope FBI has good informants and snitches inside that circle, a good informant could fuck them all up.

BerksResident ago

Yup.that sums it up for me

Cigarette5mokingman ago

How is this allowed to stay up. There's no link, there's no stated relevance to pizzagate. It's just a statement. Not to mention, there's no actual provable ties from alefantis to the rothschilds. If there is someone please link me to something logical that proves it.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Exactly. Ive had links about secret illegal sex clubs being shut down because its "wasn't pg related" but this ish stays

Amino69 ago

This will likely ignite a backlash of resentment but I'm curious to hear if anyone else would agree with the following statement. Pizzagate is an elaborate psy-op, years in the making and has been legitimised through its connection to WikiLeaks which itself is bogus, a controlled opposition front.

This is not to say that Pedogate, SRA, trauma based mind control and global child trafficking isn't conducted by TPTB but the more I consider how and when Pizzagate broke the more incredulous I am to believing it. Do they have us chasing our tails?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

I think there is really something to it. In my opinion sra exists. The emails leaked, and I think tptb used the opportunity to finally nail "fakes news" or alternative media/conspiracy movements on the net. There was some legitimage research happening into pizzagate/pedogate late last year/early this year, but as far as I can see, now there's just a bunch of useful idiots parroting whatever disinformation is being peddled that pertucular week.

AngB23 ago

I just saw another thread where someone pointed out Rothschild funded Wiki but I can't find the actual doc. If this is true, your theory could be spot on. If Wiki is used to dump info, just enough info, to make world wide citizens angry enough at Poltical powers of corruption, child abuse and the like, the people will demand justice and change.

Perfect to use their puppets for the move forward of one world order.

Amino69 ago

I would be very interested to see any docs that imply this. I have long since stopped trusting ANY individual (Assange) or org that garners significant mainstream promotion and this fact plus other compelling reasons gives me reason to distrust WikiLeaks. I would never claim to have all the answers for why & how things happen in the world the way they do but I am fairly confident that THE conspiracy is far more duplicitous and abstruse than the majority of us can conceive of and the possibility remains that Pizzagate may be a design of this.

I do believe that through cultural Marxism and other social engineering initiatives lies the reasons for why and how the vast majority of psy-ops exist. If you look into the likes of Tavistock, CFR, Club of Rome etc you begin to understand the scale and complexity of these operations and how even the shrewdest and most discerning of people can be fooled. I am of the opinion that if they can elicit an emotional response and inculcate an affirmation in us rather than having to actually produce a physical event with moving parts, they will opt for the simple method. Hence why so many false flags/hoaxes are devoid of any real evidence of the actual event occurring i.e CCTV footage (Pentagon, Sandyhook, Orlando, Manchester etc etc…)

IF Pizzagate is a piece of their narrative, I'm inclined to think that it would be for the purposes of demoralisation, desensitisation divide & conquer and to taunt those who were morally outraged enough to investigate it. This would explain the complete lack of official investigation, the mocking MSM and the audacity of Podesta, Alefantis et al ignoring all requests for an explanation and opportunity to vindicate themselves.

IF Pizzagate is genuine in all its established forms, I do not believe it was leaked due to careless behaviour and unsecured email correspondence. This has always struck me as unlikely as the type of people involved (Podesta, Clinton, Alefantis et al) are not your average dimwits who make such monumental errors of judgement and then subsequently fail to implement damage limitation before a story can break (reminder: TPTB own the whole of the MSM and much of the Alt & Indi so generally we only get to hear about stuff if they want us to!!) In this case (and I still stand by my convictions that WL is bogus) it must have been leaked intentionally and for the same reasons I mentioned above.

Before down voting just because I hold a different opinion and viewpoint on the matter, please debate why you think I am wrong or right. Cheers.

AngB23 ago

Personally, I think your are right on the money. There are too many limited hangouts/psyops-Alex Jones, David Ike, Webb, Wikileaks...and all MM of course. Even the Panama Papers didn't give info of the higher players that need to go down.

We get just enough info to question and know something is going on but it points to the low hanging fruit. The main players will continue to hide in the shadows. And I also agree, Pizzagate is a small slice of the pie that's really going on. But honestly, my main focus due to all these poor kids.

TaosDeiopW ago


But what would be their objective to embark on such a process of deception?

Take down of USA?? Mock humanity??

Tell us what they do, so we are warned, and thus they avoid negative Karma??

eyeVoated ago

Imagine you're born with unimaginable wealth and power.

Omnicopy ago

Jesus is going to get their wealth when He comes back-the Bible tells us that

eyeVoated ago

Didn't down voat you. I believe it's an allegory that describes what happens after the apocalypse (already happened) and the enlightenment (beginning to happen). Basically, it's stating a natural law: truth exposes deception and falsely claimed wealth, and when everyone knows truth then false claims of power and wealth become nonexistent.

10087219? ago

I hope they get to go to another dimension because they are falling apart in this one.

conspiracyprincess ago

I love how he admits in a tweet Trump won because his emails were leaked. LOL he flat out exposed himself and the word still remains clueless....

DeathTooMasons ago

You sound like you are trying to remind the Rothschilds to be angry at him and eliminate him as a liability. I like it.

kazza64 ago

ive been working to expose paedophiles for decades. thanks to wikileaks at least most of the world knows something is going on

dooob ago

Why do you use the word Paedophile?

edit: why do you spell it like that, was my question.

Are_we__sure ago

US spelling is pedophile.

British English adds the a.

dooob ago

When did the Britains do that?

remedy4reality ago

traditional King's English spelling

ComedicGoat ago

Thanks for your work. Without people like you we'd still have these disgusting fucks running around without a care in the world.

ChippyTubes ago

I think some of this may be true but I'm still un-decided on this whole thing and willing to call it a 'conspiracy' as of now. I admit I have not read all the emails, vids, wikileaks, posts etc So I am not sure. However I have seen stuff on blogs, forums and youtube. So far I and many other casual observers know there is some kind of conspiracy, elites, globalists, pedophiles, possibly connecting New York, London, Dubai, Haiti, Pakistan, California and all other places many even connected with globalism, the recent refugee human trafficking trade. We know there are high up characters, Dennis Hastert the BBC British DJ Jimmy Savile and others and possible connections to former MP Cyril Smith, Penn state and Jeffery Epstein and other political people, charity NGO people, porno trafficking weirdos. However a lot of work seems to be lots, its all tinfoil headed conspiratard, posts were deleted on reddit, facebook, deleted on voat. Pizzagate is strange, it does gets weirder and there are strange things in those instagram or emails or facebook or whatever...but its way too focused on a stupid conspiracy theory now, Alex Jones has also "disavowed" pizzagate saying that the "pizza place" cannot be the center of it all, it seems to be an endless trap to sell more t-shirts, mugs etc an endless rabbithole conspiracy trap. There are real things discovered, real truth but also pseudo-scientific, fake-investigation, disinformation. I hope whatever chances of finding the truth is not lost.

21yearsofdigging ago

You posted (a while back)about google manipulating search engines and you must know that there is a concerted effort to make this thing called 'pizzagate' a tin hat crazy conspiracy. Many of us moved on 6 months ago, away from a pizza restaurant to the global aspect of child trafficking, child porn and pedophilia. I don't see it being discredited except by MSM. But, according to your post about google searches you know. I take it then you know if the Washington Post or the New York Times try to write off pizzagate pedogate as a 'conspiracy' you know better. I on the other, as someone who has been digging down on child trafficking for almost 20 years(since my children were threatened and then taken by their prostitute D.I.D. mother) and only lately are more people aware of ritual abuse and what that entails and the tentacles that cover this up. Believe me, 2o years ago I didn't want to believe it but it was hard to ignore the severe harassment and death threats I experienced looking into what had happened to my own children. Others here, I am sure, like me, didn't want to believe it but child trafficking makes more money than drug running. Plus I have spoken to now hundreds of victims and their therapists about ritual abuse. Sadly this is a reality but it seems so absurd who would believe it. As Dylan said, Times are a changin' and you can't ignore thousands telling the same story from all over the world. Ask yourself this, if it happened to your children would you just consider it a fairy tale?

Are_we__sure ago

We know there are high up characters, Dennis Hastert the BBC British DJ Jimmy Savile and others and possible connections to former MP Cyril Smith, Penn state and Jeffery Epstein and other political people, charity NGO people, porno trafficking weirdos.

What I think you are basically stumbling with is most of these cases are not connected whatsoever and people are forcing connections to try to support their one giant conspiracy theory. I mean what connection between Jerry Sandusky and Jimmy Saville is there? None. They are just two high profile cases.

Pizzagate has not shown that pedophilia among the elite is any more prevalent than pedophilia amongst the general population. It's basically a sin that affects both rich and poor. Every time there are arrests, people on here are disappointed because they folks arrested aren't those they hoped for.

remedy4reality ago

That's a lot of words just to say: ' I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I'M TALKING ABOUT '

projection ago

Yes, that's what got me here.