remedial ago

Excellent work, top to bottom!

edgar895 ago

This was linked on Pinky's Twitter page along with other references to Willy Wonka. Kinda weird

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

Great investigating!!!

TrishaUK ago

Brilliant expose, Never heard of this channel before, glad I came across it! - NEED TO WATCH! Saved on :

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you, I upload to my facebook and I will make a backed up copy.

UglyTruth ago

Excellent video, thanks for posting. For a direct pizza reference, go to 3:42, 4:45, and 18:00 on the video where you can see a the standard pizza shape of a circle cut into 8 parts on a (deer?) skull with horns. This is quite meaningful in terms of the occult symbols that have cropped up with pizzagate.

A strong association for me with this was the equality flag. I've just been arguing with a guy on voat about the common law: he says that it's first and foremost about equality under the law, and I'm saying that essentially it's about the privilege of making oath.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh wow, great video.

pizza-party-pooper ago

Don't know if this was already posted, being that the search function doesn't appear to be working; But this applies to pizzagate in that it is a method of discerning other pedo/satanic ring oriented properties.

This vid really helped me stop feeling "silly" for that uneasy feeling I get when viewing certain ads that seem incongruously evil and cute simultaneously. I realize now that the world is being groomed to accept pedophilia. Protect yourselves and your kids people. Peace