sunajAeon ago

Yeah-Don't mince words Quantokitty-tell us how you REALLY feel:)

quantokitty ago

Ha! Yeah, thanks! Appreciate it.

quiche ago THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT. Contrary to what is portrayed in the press, there are a lot of faithful Catholics in California, even in San Francisco. Kamila did really unacceptable things when David Daleiden exposed the gruesome practices of Planned Parenthood in altering surgeries on women, not for the sake of their health, but for the purpose of getting the most money out of her dead fetus. These people have severely hurt a lot of young women in California. These are real Californians, real San Franciscans at the recent Pro-Life March in San Francisco, 2017. The cops are not necessarily there to support us, though some of this probably do, but to protect us because we are in danger in speaking out for the lives of children. What really makes our enemies mad is that you will not find so diverse a bunch of people in any other situation. I have seen priests given the middle finger and screamed at here. This is 180 degrees apart from the San Francisco I was born in. Please watch this if you want to know what the natives are like. The natives are in this march.

quantokitty ago

Absolutely it's important! What they did is illegal and he had proof. Now it's against the law to even film them!

Commoner ago

WAIT! STOP!!!! sniffle sniffle I have to pause for a moment! breaks down in tears blows nose into a tissue Soooo beautiful …. Think of it … Kamala Harris … the little piece of scum that had to let Willie Brown crawl between her legs to get national attention is now such a good friend to Ann Getty and Peter Getty! It’s like The Little Match Girl meets Basic Instinct! Come on, Kamala! Let’s have that money shot on the interrogation chair!!!

Love your writing!

Excellent post and great research. You did a lot of work. Thanks for all the info.

projection ago

Second that.

quantokitty ago

Hey, thanks for the great feedback. Always nice to know someone's reading these things.

HennyPenny ago

Don't forget Kamala's friend George Soros: She has the deep pocket donors lined up: "Harris also has ties to billionaire Democratic Party donor George Soros, who was one of the two owners of OneWest Bank at the time. Coincidentally, before Harris passed on the opportunity to file action against OneWest Bank, Soros was pouring money into California criminal policy initiatives that Harris was pushing." "

quantokitty ago

Thanks so much for this. It'll go into Part V. With the word restriction, I can't get all the scum-sucking things she does in one post.

Yeah, Soros. Unbelievable.

Criticalthinker615 ago

this is the same Kamala harris that was running the secret "masonic police force" in california right?

just noticed a few comments down that new4now already answered my question already: she is .

quantokitty ago

Oh, yeah .... one in the same.

That's highlighted in Part III.

new4now ago

One of California Attorney General Kamala Harris' (D) staffers was arrested last week and "accused of operating a rogue police force that claimed to exist for more than 3,000 years," The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday

Brandon Kiel, deputy director of community affairs at the California Department of Justice, and two others — David Henry and Tonette Hayes — reportedly face charges for their roles in the Masonic Fraternal Police Department.

sunajAeon ago

Unbelievable, with this and she was elected-grim proof of the total corruption of society

quantokitty ago

Yeah, thanks for this. Blown away by this. Has she ever been forced to explain this? Not that I can see.

TippyHome ago

In 2003 or 04, a friend ( no longer) gushed about Obama to me. We had never agreed on politics, so I thought I better look this character up. So, you can imagine how sick I was, when in 2008, he had been Manchurian-ed into the wh. Now realize that McCain was a puppet and knew there was no way he would be prez. Now, this crap is starting ALL over again. We have to be so vigilant and get the word out about her and, geffen, getty, hrc, obamamamadingdong, etc.

quantokitty ago

Thanks for the excellent response.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. We've all seen it too many times before. At first, we ignored the signals, and these puppets got elected. The stakes are too high to allow it to happen. Don't let any one of their choices gain momentum. Just think about what would be the most embarrassing and most likely to deter a voter at the polls. If we do our job, we'll head off their agenda of getting this bitch into the WH.

brandnewfakeme ago

thanks for your post qk, 2id here, i had to get a new id, banned by MF! sorry I can't up voat yet

quantokitty ago

Thanks and appreciate the good words.

TippyHome ago do excellent work. Every day, I am amazed at how much I learn here on voat.....that I feel kind of sorry for the poor, blind idiots. However, I can't really share, because so many are just in a stupid haze and don't want to know or even care. I'm old, so I am not worried about the next 50 years for me, but I am for loved ones coming up. So much evil, so much depravity and just horrible thoughts of the world "tomorrow," this is why I want to continue to fight and try and change things. Trump might not be perfect but he is certainly better than hrc, dws, abedin, obh, et. Al.

sunajAeon ago

Yeah, I cannot believe I hadn't heard any of this information about Harris on MSN, which further leads me to believe it is time to call up the militia, unorganized militia and replace this foul government and hold free elections, arrest the traitors in office and restore our Constitution

quantokitty ago

Don't be discouraged. I was one of those poor blind idiots so you never know what's going to turn people around. For me, it was seeing the direction my beautiful country was headed in. The last eight years have been torture for me to endure, but the agony of seeing these horrendous policy decisions has galvinized me by red pilling me. While I still hold the ideals I did back when I was a rabid lib, I realized that was not the lib platform. They were just using these ideals to hide their depraved agenda.

This is a community, and in a community each member does what they can to keep it healthy and thriving. What you're doing is uber important so don't compare it to what someone else is doing. Keep the faith because things are happening so rapidly that we're not aware of how much progress has been made. Key arrests have been made and key inquiries are in the works.

Be of good cheer, we've already won.