FuriousYT ago

Excellent research. The video drawing the link between AHEPA and Alefantis' family is eye opening. This demonstrates that the Greek legacy of pedophilia among the ruling class is still with us today via esoteric societies. It further suggests that pedophilia may be an anchor of Western Civilization. This is deeply disturbing.

My own feeling is that pedophilia is a virus, transmitted across generations. However the first molestation came about, its victim when on to victimize others, and so on, until you had whole cultures infected (e.g., Sparta) who treated this pathology as somehow normal.

In fact, it is of course abuse, but abuse that is rationalized and even lionized by victims and victimizers, seeking acceptance of their obviously corrupted sexuality rather than rejection of the practice and the culture that coddles it. Why would this be?

Sexual trauma researchers know that our bodies are highly susceptible to sexual touch, and that our bodies will respond even if our minds try to reject it. This is why so many victims hate their own bodies and feel betrayed by them.

Victims of repeated abuse may come to identify with the corrupted sexuality of their abusers, especially if their abusers manipulate and characterize the abuse as something positive or necessary, where the victim ends up even defending and promoting it. It is, after all, the only sexuality they have, their normal impulses having been completely rewired through repetitive abuse.

This may be how it is we have a legacy of pedophilia, pedophile networks, and ritualized pedophile cults actively operating within our culture. This is profoundly sick, and our civilization link to past sexual crimes needs to be severed for eternity.

NSFW_LeeLee ago

I agree, as a previous child abuse vic from the age of five, their games start to groom and try to normalize their crime, and that there is a whole subfloor of hate for oneself as you mature and feel guilty shame over biological responses, and it is a LOT to deal with..but disagree that being a victim means you yourself must continue the abuse if done to you. Took me four years of intensive psychotherapy that began with the pregnancy of my first child because if there was any risk i would be that way i could not live with that.

I could see someone with a weaker inner strength and different personality caught up in a justification game, but many of us go opposite. we hate pedophilia and people that do it. We also make very good "bloodhounds" at scenting out abuse in other situations. Hence, me and others like me digging in profiles, facebook, government sites, etc. we KNOW what the kids are suffering and we want it stopped. for every sicko, theres five with pitchforks and fire, ready to kill the monsters

FuriousYT ago

Thank you for your reply. I have deep empathy for you. I truly hope you and your children have a loving relationship and fulfilling lives.

Lobotomy ago

No relation to Milo, by the way.